Setia Vista

Setia Vista, the latest edition of SP Setia's list of project in Penang located on a 8.4ha site in Relau. Setia Vista comprises 206 double storey terrace homes and 12 semi-detached houses, built-up area starting from 1,697 sq.ft.

Setia Vista - Vista Carinata, Vista Grandis, Vista Acacia, Vista Calophy, Vista Tecoma

Property Project : Setia Vista
Location : Relau, Penang
Property Type : Terrace, Semi-Detached
Built-up Area : 1,697 - 1,748 sq.ft
Land Area : 20' x 70'
Total Units : 218
Developer : Setia Promenade Sdn Bhd

799 comments«Oldest  ‹Older  601 – 799 of 799  Newer›  Newest»

June 17, 2010 at 6:08 PMUnknown

Anyone knows what will be the plan for land near phase 3 Acacia which stated "future development" ?

June 17, 2010 at 10:10 PMbryan

they will build shop lot according to insider news

June 18, 2010 at 12:23 AMUnknown

Hi Can help add me in the group? My email is:-

June 23, 2010 at 1:57 PMScott

Hi Chew,

If i'm not mistaken the future development near to phase 3 is the semi-D and few terrace house.

June 24, 2010 at 5:10 PMSetiaVista Purchaser

Anyone knows there is a condo in SV?

Look at the bursa announcement:

June 25, 2010 at 11:05 AMUnknown

No idea. Is it the low cost flat next to Calophy?

June 25, 2010 at 11:11 AMCharice

Checked with Setia, it is actually Reflections condo in Setia Pearl Island.

June 25, 2010 at 4:50 PMVista

Not sure how accurate this government website. Phase 1 only 68% sold out. PROMENADE SDN. BHD.&Negeri=07&PMJU_KOD=10244&PROJ_NAMA=SETIA VISTA

June 28, 2010 at 6:59 PMdavid

Hi all,
Is had been long time i am not showing up. I am at oversea now, busying on my work. I know that no more single entry (fencing) happen on SV. Can someone help me to call up SP Setia to confirm on this? Here is the up to date list dated 28/06/10.

Objective : Ensure SP Setia Penang deliver as per said, Guarded community with guard post, 24 hours guard service & CCTV.

List:- (will remove if u wish)
ling88 (what is your email address)
Tan (want to join?)
Kt (want to be in the contact list?)
Chong (want to be in the contact list?) (questionable, who are you, never see you in the blog b4) (questionable, are you sp setia employee?)

Group email :

June 29, 2010 at 5:08 PMUnknown

Hi KS, Setia Vista not yet OC. Are you sure can sell at this time?

June 30, 2010 at 12:03 AMdavid

this KS really funny...bumi lot are not yet release and are cheaper than 688k...and he want to start selling his unit...tolong sikit, Mr KiaSu (KS). use your brain.

July 3, 2010 at 9:11 AMbryan

setia vista phase 1 DST for sale, 710k neg...

any interested do let me know

July 6, 2010 at 12:59 PMUnknown

This is only my thoughts
DST in Relau can fetch 688K to 710K, SPI with 2.5 storey is ~700k. Rather get SPI.

July 18, 2010 at 8:08 PMUnknown

Bad area with surrounding a lot of low cost flat even upcoming project also will build low cost flat at the same row of setia vista. Really felt regret to bought one unit at here. Traffic congestion really serious. Pls government try to solve this problem else v have a lot of problem when want to crossing to the main road. :(

July 18, 2010 at 8:26 PMUnknown

Compare the location with One Residence , Setia Vista really cannot contrast...

July 18, 2010 at 8:43 PMengineer lee

Be optimistic, there is road reserve linking SV to Balik Pulau (north west) and to Sg Ara (south east). Be patient. Have faith that someone will build it.

July 18, 2010 at 8:47 PMUnknown

I read through the blog have one person said that he waiting for 20years but still didnt see any action is taken by...

July 18, 2010 at 8:57 PMengineer lee

One Residence, free hold but strata title, meaning paying maintenance fee forever like staying in condominium. In future any road sinkhole or pothole repair is solely under the owners' resposibility (not the developer's after the defects & liability period). Do not expect JKR come to resurface the taman internal premix road during general election, coz it is not surrendered to them anyway. Do u have any idea how expensive is the premix road nowadays? Is about RM20-40+ per meter square depend on the thickness laid. Good luck to those OR buyers.

July 18, 2010 at 9:05 PMengineer lee

This morning went to SV. Saw a permanent structure constructed just opposite of Plot 194 (Phase 4 Calophy). Thought this is the guard house. Anyone can confirm on that?

July 18, 2010 at 9:22 PMUnknown

Hey amanda,
you are the 1st person that i ever see, saying what you bought is bad and somemore say good to competitor project. Just curious are you SV buyer or One Residence buyer. I think everyone know that answer.

SV is not typical project. SP did some home work before bought this land. They invited Feng Shui master to look into this area. The place is very good as it is laying on hill on back and surrounded by river/stream on the right and front. This is not everyone know and this also explain the question mark on everyone head why SP invest in such a place. Time will tell in long run.

as for your traffic consent, it is not a problem. as the other developer that bought the land beside SV already submitted plan to open the road connecting SV to summerhill/sg. ara 2 months ago. Now pending MPPP approval. soon will see the road.

July 18, 2010 at 11:26 PMUnknown

Hi Wilson Tan:

Who is the developer? Is it GIM? The developer of Oasis?

July 19, 2010 at 9:14 AMUnknown

Hi all,

I also heard that GIM may bought the land opposite the SV phase 1 to build the bungalows and also will have a one big project nearby SV as well (is call Riverside residence).

July 19, 2010 at 4:51 PMCharice

Dear Amanda,
I have to agree with must be one of the staff working in Ideal Homes and the 2nd wave of attacks are coming for the competitor's project within the surrounding areas of Ideal projects (since the Star Property Fair is coming). Have you guys solve the legal tussle between the Koperasi and Your company? Looks like your start stop One Residence just started back but with very thin column. Is ok so long as it comply with the minimum requirement.

Engineer Lee,
Its a small pump house for overall project. Best to check with the developer rather than seeking clarification in the blog and create unnecessary confusions.

July 19, 2010 at 9:39 PMUnknown

Dear Charice:

Aiyo, asking question also cannot meh?

Why not check with the developer? Coz I went to the site on Sunday ma, and I post the comment on that evening lor. It is not polite to kacau ppl during their off day ma (even though I have their h/p no)

If I too quick x2 ask here and offend u, then sorry lor.


"Looks like your start stop One Residence just started back...". May be my English is too poor, u make me confused lah.

July 19, 2010 at 10:07 PMVoice


I really find it funny to see this blog especially the 2 cases below...

1) Wilson Tan can refer other project as "competitor's project", and this is seconded by Charice. Setia and Ideal are competitors, but purchasers from Setia and Ideal are NOT competitors. Why so childish here? Both Setia and Ideal running business and making profits from their respective purchasers, why are you drawing the line so clear between Setia vs Ideal purchasers ??

2) Wilson Tan even quoted "feng shui master" in this blog whom (it seems) Setia has engaged. Any engagement proof on this?? Tan Sri Liew will laugh till he drops his jaw if he were to see this blog, before he managed to say "Thank you for free marketing".

May I suggest that we act more mature and scientifically sound ??

July 19, 2010 at 10:27 PMUnknown

one resident area really better than setia vista. At least the traffic there much more better than setia vista. If not mistaken, One Residence phase III/IV open for reserve in this coming August/September.

July 19, 2010 at 10:30 PMUnknown

Although I have bought one unit in setia vista for investment purpose but for now I really feel One Residence is a better choice to invest. I will going to reserve one unit in One Residence. Yeah..

July 20, 2010 at 6:07 AMSC

The really funniest things i see is what is 1R fan doing in SV blog here. Why not u share some story of 1R legal issues with us ?
Then we can laugh together.
U r even funny and childish, b4 u invest u should already saw the flat or road condition at relau right, why now u only comment on this ?

July 20, 2010 at 10:26 AMAnonymous

If you've not bought Ideal property before, you might not be prepared to fork out large budget on reno. Imagine spending xxk just to tear down, undo and redo bcoz their finishing is so poorly. Worse still, they are not responsive to defect complaints. Of course if you're buying for the sake of investment, you won't have to worry at all. If you're buying for own stay, better think twice. Or buy one where the first owner already renovated and fixed all defects.

1R location is great, but not the developer.
Hope they have improved or at least learned from past mistakes. It takes time to rebuild one's reputation after so many flops.

July 20, 2010 at 2:11 PMVoice

Hmmm... I think I appreciate dinoann's comments as these sounded more like thru experience hence more objective. I've to agree on the reputation of the Ideal as a developer, though they've been changing their names from Rich Focus and Krystal.

Comment like "Feng Shui master" sounded too subjective, whereas "competitor's project" sounded too defensive without any concrete reasons, more so when lines are drawn so clearly about my blog and your blog. It is embarrasing the Penangites on the maturaity in the

This forum is not for "fighting cocks", I don't think anyone appreciates the fighting cock culture to be cultivated in this forum. Hence I like to request that we stop this here.

July 21, 2010 at 1:40 PMUnknown

Hi Vista,

Any latest update on the SV progress with photo.

July 21, 2010 at 5:46 PMVista

Posted to admin last night. Stay tune for latest photo.

July 21, 2010 at 9:50 PMUnknown

Hi Vista,

Thanks for your latest update of the progress with photo.

July 21, 2010 at 10:46 PMSetiaVista Purchaser


If you really regretted buying, I advise you to sell off, this is the best choice. If you have not signed your S&P, better still return back to the developer. They will be most willing to accept it because there are plenty of buyers on the waiting list back then when they launched Phase I and II. I am pretty sure your unit will be snapped up very quickly if you let go now.

Although I have complaints about the professionalism of the developer a few months ago, I am happy now with the progress that I am seeing. At least I do not have to worry about the project being abandoned or delayed etc.

Furthermore, the Relau T-junction is definitely going to be widened soon, it is already put into the plan and many shop lots there have already been relocated. There are plenty of big projects launching, with great demand.

Besides, there is an alternative road to exit from Setia Vista. In fact, that road makes the access to town nearer. I really have no complaints about that.

By the way, I am not sure how many of you are staying or have stayed in Sg Ara before. The traffic is getting more and more congested everyday. Try go there in the morning and you will know.

July 22, 2010 at 6:50 AMVoice

My advice is that never regret when you buy a property in Penang Island, especially if it's landed. This is not just proven in the last 5 years, but the last 30 years if not more.

If you can affort, keep it.

Even for Setia Pearl Island, it may be seen now as not very good in the secondary market. This is because the entire project has ~600 houses, and if 20% are investors, you will see more than 100 houses out in the secondary market. 100 landed houses is A LOT in Penang Island, and even Sunway hardly have projects more than 100 houses in Penang, except Bukit Gambiar. Give it another 2-3 years, you will see a different side of the SPI.

Having said that, I've a lot of reservation on the Condo/high rise properties, and I have doubt on the take-up rate on the recent launches.

July 22, 2010 at 11:11 AMAnonymous

anyone know where is the guard post located ?
also what is plan for the land beside the phase 1?

July 22, 2010 at 9:07 PMengineer lee

There is rumour GIM bought the land beside phase 1. They will build bungalows there.

On the other hand, also heard that the previous land owner have submitted a development plan for MPPP's approval and still in process.

As there is some restrictions to the development of this site, it is best for the potential buyer to purchase this land together with the council's approval to avoid hassle in getting a new & more viable layout approved.

Any amendment of the newly revised plan (to make the project more financially feasible) can be done easily after you have secured the first approval from MPPP.

Having above said, my guess is that it will take at least 1 year to see this project getting start off. It's not going to take place soon.

July 22, 2010 at 10:49 PMengineer lee

On another lighter note.

Last 2-3 years, the construction industry has witnessed a trend that a few Penang developers are cutting corners to save cost at the expense of jeopardising the safety of the owners.

From MTT's Botanica.CT, to Sunway Merica, to Ideal's One Residence, we can observe that the unit party wall is not double brick (9") but single only (4.5").

Questions: 1) Can 4.5" brick wall approved by Penang's Bomba (understand that it is approved in KL)? and how can they approve it? Unless it is a reinforced concrete shear or earthquake wall, right? 2) Can 4.5" wall save a lot of money meh? 3) Can it prevent noise fr your neighbor travelling thru? Experiment : U can try knocking ur 4.5" thk bedroom wall from inside, see whether u can hear the sound or not from outside?

Luckily, Setia SV, the compartment or party wall is 9" thk. I confirm and verify this by seeing it at site. Kudos to Setia for maintaining the good building standard and for not following this uncalled for trend blindly!

July 22, 2010 at 10:49 PMinitialdylan

Heard that there's going to be a mid to high end condo as well.
Relau is going to see a lot of development.

July 24, 2010 at 10:07 AMSC

engineer lee,
tks for info sharing.they allow u went into the construction site ?
if the wall only 4.5", then its realy too bad forthe price pay. btw, r u sure the sunway merica and 1 residence r using only 4.5" wall?

July 27, 2010 at 7:03 PMCharice

This engineer lee talk cock all the time. Sunway where got 4.5" party wall. You can fool somebody sometimes but no everybody every time.

July 27, 2010 at 10:15 PMengineer lee

Dear Charice:

No need to argue here, argue until the cows come home also no result. There is no childplay here, it is only for kid.

The point is : the fact and truth will always prevail. Why not u go to the construction site (I mentioned above) and measure and find out yourself?

U r most welcome to prove me wrong.

Remember, do not conveniently blame & confuse ppl if u don't have concrete evidence to show otherwise.

July 29, 2010 at 12:09 AMSC

Agreed with engineer lee. Pls proof he is wrong, else you are baseless also. For 1Residence, may be you can take a closer look on the house that currently under construction near the main road (airport side). i believe it is quite easy to differentiate the single and double brick thickness.
Frankly i am confident with engineer lee statement.

July 29, 2010 at 1:00 PMCharice

I have never disputed One Residence - everyone knows they are not a good developer but I know Sunway is not in this group. I used to own a unit of Sunway Bukit Gambier and I know their GM.

July 29, 2010 at 10:15 PMengineer lee

Knowing sunway GM Mr Yong and judging whether sunway live up to expectations are two totally different matters.

Maybe under the new MD Mr Nian, thing has changed & decisions have been made in a different way. Who knows?

I also know Ivory chairman Dato Low since 1996, it doesn't mean that I will buy & support all of his projects.

If I know sunway GM well, I definitely will highlight and ask him to look into the single brick party wall matter.

July 30, 2010 at 8:55 AMVista

Hi Charice, engineer lee,
Let save the energy and focus on Setia Vista. Hope both of you know Setia GM well so that you could help provide positive feedback to improve Setia Vista if require :)

July 30, 2010 at 1:24 PMUnknown

Hi Jndrel,
what is your budget range and which type of unit are u looking? Kindly share with us.

July 30, 2010 at 3:25 PMJndrel

Hi Mr. Business,

My budget around 600k+ looking for the cheapest new DST in Setia Vista...particularly the Vista Calophy phase...facing east is most preferable...


July 30, 2010 at 3:57 PMVista

Hi Jndrel,
Not sure whether able to get with that price. If not mistaken, Calophy launch price is around 647.8K

July 30, 2010 at 4:47 PMJndrel

Hi Vista,

Yes, I'm fully aware of that. Actually any other phase would b long as the unit is facing north...within budget of course

July 31, 2010 at 3:36 AMUnknown

price from SP setia is not realistic. 647.8k is not worth for 2 storey at here. Prestige height is just selling ~RM580k for 2 storey and even larger built up size, somemore OC obtained and ready to move in.

July 31, 2010 at 8:35 AMVista

Hi Mr Business,
That's the fact SP property is overprice. I don't think anyone will sell below their purchase price. Secondly, Prestige height is located in Teluk Kumbar. You can't compare two different area where prices in Relau, Sg. Ara and Bt Maung would higher than Teluk Kumbar.

Fair comparison will be Taman Relau Mutiara. I believed this property price will also higher that Prestige Height.

Just my 2cent opinion.

July 31, 2010 at 2:14 PMJndrel

Hi Vista/Business,

I'm considering 2 places actually, setia vista or relau mutiara...not sure which 1 is better option..if i take 500k loan, which type of loan i should take?flexi, semi-flexi, fixed?how bout the mortgage policy...MRTA, MLTA or other policies?


August 1, 2010 at 12:35 AMSC

Hello Mr.Business,
I think you are little bit out of mind. Comparing the Teluk Kumbar DST and Relau DST price. Why not you compare it with the DST at Balik Pulau ?

August 1, 2010 at 11:12 PMengineer lee

Dear SC:

I concur with u. Nowadays it is difficult to find a DST with land area 20'x70'with a price tag in the region of below 650k, except in Teluk Kumbar, Sg Ara & Balik Pulau.

Let's have a look of the sub sale price of DST.

Batu Maung Taman Iping
Near sewerage treatment plant (620k), face T junction (590k) - pls note that price is still not inclusive of legal fee, stamp duty, agent fee, etc.

Changkat Sg Ara
20'x70' split type where the entrance is the 3rd flr of the building - 628k, 16'x70'-590k

Sunway Tunas
20'x65'- asking for 660k-680k (original w/o renovation)

Taman Kelicap (opposite of SPI)
20'x70'- 585k

Taman Lipsin
20'x70'- 680k (near school & kindergarten)

Pantai Jerjak & Batu Uban area & Tmn Sri Nibong
20'x70'- 720k above, near mosque 620k

Mr Business:

SV's price is reasonable or not? Can u tell us now?

August 1, 2010 at 11:14 PMengineer lee


Dear SC:

I concur with u. Nowadays it is difficult to find a DST with land area 20'x70'with a price tag in the region of below 650k, except in Teluk Kumbar, Sg Batu & Balik Pulau.

August 2, 2010 at 11:03 AMVista

Hi Jndrel,
My selection would bias to SV as i purchased it for own stay. No much comment which is better and which loan type. For MRTA/MLTA/etc, maybe following link will provide some information

Good luck with your decision.

August 2, 2010 at 9:01 PMdavid

Hi guys,
i am back. how is the progress for SV? has been long time never come into this page.

i saw you guys discussing the price now? RM650k for SV? i think is possible for phase IV units but left over are not nice, either is facing the lost cost apartment or the corner units, of course corner will cost higher probably 7xxk.

i would like to do a survey here, after the 1 year free guarded service by SP setia, anyone would like to continue? and for those that don't think so, any reason?

August 2, 2010 at 9:36 PMScott

Hi David,

Welcomes back!

I would prefer to continue the guarded service because of safety purpose.

August 2, 2010 at 9:47 PMsinofi

I fully agree to continue the guard service. Count me in.

August 2, 2010 at 11:58 PMengineer lee

continue pls, fully support.

Only 1 question: what if some owners refuse to pay, how to collect the service charge from them?

August 3, 2010 at 7:55 AMVista

Count me in. Anyone here with experienced on guarded service? My understand is that we could not stop any car from going into SV housing area. The guarded service will be useful for me when my house alarm trigger, i could request them to check any sign of break-in.

For those owners which not interest in the guarded service, we could not force them. The only thing is that guarded service will not check their house in case alarm trigger. I believed they not require this service as reason do not wish to sign-up.

August 3, 2010 at 11:26 AMdavid


1)Patroling service.
2)Checking for alarm triggered.
3)Limiting in-revelant cars/people to go in SV ( if cannot block all, at least reduce)

1) monthly service charge.

* I think there is pro more than cons, the only consent from ppl that dont want to join if high monthly charges. Wondering how much is the charges. Anyone ?

August 4, 2010 at 12:02 AMUnknown

For what purpose people want to do go in sv,any interesting inside?

August 8, 2010 at 9:57 PMengineer lee

Like to share with u that SP Setia seems installing timber upper handrail on the staircase railing.

Think it is a nice idea coz it make the staircase area look softer.

Follow these links to the photos uploaded.

1.Photo (handrail) for show unit in the show village

2.Photo (handrail) for the actual construction unit.

(pls take note that the timber upper rail will be installed on to of the ms flat bar)

August 9, 2010 at 11:46 AMVista

Engineer Lee,
Thanks for the photo. Anymore photo to share on the internal?

August 9, 2010 at 10:45 PMengineer lee

As compared to 1 Residence, SP Setia provide much more decent finishes to the store room area, where we have :

1) floor tiles and skirting (1R only cement render & no skirting)

2) very highly likely we will have pebble wash at the door frame area (served as a breaker so that the different lining of floor tile gap is not easily noticed). Note that the cost of pebble wash is about RM 80-90/m2, more expensive than floor tile.

3) The soffit of the staircase is skim coat & paint.

Pls refer to the photo:

August 10, 2010 at 5:31 AMAnonymous

Engineer lee,
Surprise man, you go into the construction to snap the pic or you got it from the contractor or Setia guy ?

August 11, 2010 at 4:27 PMCharice

I think you are a Setia guy.

August 11, 2010 at 4:29 PMCharice

I tried to enter a few times but the guard stop me and how come you have managed to enter? Pay the guard some $$?

August 11, 2010 at 9:39 PMUnknown

Hi Charice:

Nice to hear from you again.

So u r eager to enter the site but failed many times..

Guess it's time for me to show you a trick or two.
Remember: not everythz in this world can use $$ "Khao tim" one.

Here goes the tricks:

1) Do u look like, or sound like or talk like a contractor/engineer/supplier?
I presume u must have enter the site with your brand new 7 series or 5 series or somethz equivalent. Tips : try using 4 wheel drive (hope u know how to drive 4wd), best with some dirt and red earth on the tyres or on the car body. (Hummer or CRV or Porsche is a no-no, but Rexton, Pajero, Storm, is ok)

2) Have you tried your best to reduce the risk - where enter the site safely with your PPEs on?
(Tips : safety helmet, safety shoe, and of course safer vehicle : 4WD so that ur car wont get stuck in the muddy & rough & uneven terrain, nobody can save u man if ur car get stuck in a hole, ok?)

There u go the tips, good luck & all the best.

Sorry guys for going off on a tangent.

August 11, 2010 at 9:47 PMUnknown

Know who is more important than know how.

Here goes the 3rd tips.

Anyway, u guys want c more photos?

August 11, 2010 at 10:14 PMScott

Hi Engineer,

U really great!!!

Please share more picture.

August 17, 2010 at 11:07 PMUnknown

Appended photos show the ceiling hatch and the small door linked to the rooftop water tank.

We must make sure that a proper grille installed below the plastered ceiling hatch and the door is locked (if possible before the contractor seal off the hatch) to prevent theft incident.

Pls refer to the photos:

August 18, 2010 at 11:46 AMCharice

Wah Engineer Lee, you are really great. I will adopt the same method but I don't have 4WD. You must be working in the construction site.

August 18, 2010 at 10:53 PMUnknown

hello u all, have you thinking about the problem of landslide? It is so scaring...

August 19, 2010 at 12:19 AMUnknown


U r right. I am a civil engineer, also a builder.


U r wrong. Landslide is non-issue here coz:
1) Q: Do the buildings rest on the edge of slope (Like Sierra Vista by IJM)?
A : No.

2) Q : Are the buildings located very near to the hill slope?
A : Yes, some, but they are protected by the retaining wall and somemore the slope is solid rock where it can be vertically cut (the slope won't fail as blasting is the only method to perform the rock excavation, we only need to take care & clear the loose rock/boulder).

FYI, landslide & slope collapse only occurs if the slope is not safely cut at a safe battered angle and if the unstable slope is left exposed without carrying out any slope protection method (soil nail, turfing, shotcrete, etc depends on the conditions)and there is an additional unexpected surcharge imposed ontop of the slope.

August 19, 2010 at 12:33 AMUnknown

The fact is SV is already located about 120 to 150 ft above mean sea level.

Good news is no development is allowed on land which is higher than 250 ft above mean sea level : meaning that there will not be likely any development taking place on the very top of the hill (which may impose load onto the slope).

I rest my case.

August 19, 2010 at 7:04 AMSC

Do u mean there will be retaining wall on the inner side (near the hill side) ?
But from the pic above date 20thJuly, there is no retaining wall on the inner side (near hill).Can i know where is the retaining wall you mean ?

August 19, 2010 at 1:59 PMCharice

Sound like you know the site inside out! I was stop from entering the site yesterday at about 5.45pm. I rode with my contractor friend and the security guard stop us because we don't have some stickers to enter the site. Wonder can I join you next time? Can help?

August 19, 2010 at 2:04 PMVista

Please continue to post us more insider picture :)

August 19, 2010 at 7:02 PMCharice

Engineer Lee,

You are now top form!

August 19, 2010 at 11:15 PMUnknown

Hi Everyone,

No one can guarantee the house in Setia Vista no landslide happening in future 1 year or 10 years. Like KL landslide kill 4 people occurred in Bukit Antarabangsa at 4am Saturday. As of today, I afraid of the house near the landscape...

August 20, 2010 at 12:45 AMdavid

No sure what is the intention of Cheah. bad guy with bad mouth...dun expect any good word from his mouth.

Basically can ignore him.

I can rather listen to more concrete statement with data. simply say will not can people to believe..

August 22, 2010 at 1:27 PMCharice

Engineer Lee,

No news from you? What happen to you? Any more sharing? I am waiting for your answer whether ok to fetch me in.

August 22, 2010 at 4:27 PMUnknown


I think someone fr Setia is watching us, can't discuss how to help u in openly here.

August 24, 2010 at 1:00 PMCharice

Oh. you can email me direct.

August 26, 2010 at 11:36 PMengineer lee

Photos showing the toilets

Take note of the concealed floor trap, S trap wc and shower rose area has a quite big window, what a bold idea!

Why they install the wc bowl so early? This may invite human faeces...

August 27, 2010 at 8:28 AMVista

Thanks lee. We don't mind to have more photos. For the big window, should it be sand blast like in showroom? For previous photo on staircase hand rail, look like similar to 3-storey Semi-D showroom in Setia Village. Quite nice :)

August 28, 2010 at 7:38 PMUnknown

This window has 2 big panels, fixed with frosted glass (I thz peeping Tom still can see our silhouette when the light is on & install blind in the wet shower area is very funny & not going to work. Any idea how to solve this?). Another 2 smaller panels should be top hung windows, which can be opened outside.

I think if we intend to install the grille for security purpose, it should be installed outside, but in this case, the 2 nos of top hung can't be opened anymore. Quite tricky. Any interior designer can help?

Attached are the photos:

September 2, 2010 at 1:00 PMdavid

Hi guys,
may i know anyone signed S&P on Oct, Nov or Dec?

September 3, 2010 at 9:47 AMCharice

Dear David,


September 23, 2010 at 9:08 AMScott

Hi Vista,

Any new photo for the latest progress?

September 25, 2010 at 7:52 PMVista

Hi All,

Just posted latest progress snapshot. Please wait for admin to update on this blog.

October 28, 2010 at 2:37 PMdavid

Hi guys,
anyone know when is the OC for setia grandis? i wish to move in before CNY 2011. Btw, i noticed there is a water tank tower build on the garden and the TNB house shifted near to setia grandis, this make the garden become much smaller. any one have the new site plan for that?

October 29, 2010 at 11:16 PMAnonymous

Can help to snap a latest overviw photo and upload it for sharing ?
Engineer Lee,
Any spy photo to share on construction unit ?

October 31, 2010 at 12:20 AMUnknown

I heard from my friend that Setia's b4 CNY KPI is to complete the road & drainage work.

Recently quite busy, have no time to take photos.

October 31, 2010 at 4:48 PMCharice

Engineer Lee,

Been missing your post lately. Ada lagi gambar-gambar yang menarik hati pembeli Setia Vista?
You are the best!

November 12, 2010 at 1:38 PMScott

Hi Vista,

Any latest overview photo? Thanks.

November 12, 2010 at 3:56 PMVista

Hi All,

Busy recently. Will try to take one sometime this month.

November 16, 2010 at 2:34 AMUnknown

Hi All,
I am searching for house ~ RM650k around bayan lepas. May I know any unit avaible at setia vista? Have bumi lots released?

November 24, 2010 at 3:57 PMCharice

Hi Properties Fan,

Looks like you are not a fan of properties. I check price for bumi units quota release will be RM750k. Where got some more sub RM700k??!!!

Mr Business, looks like you have missed the boat. Where got RM650k anymore?...

November 24, 2010 at 5:07 PMAnonymous

wah Charice, you still wan to teach seller what price to sell meh? ofcoz seller oledi consider what price can sell best is market forces mah.

many potential buyer will appreciate Properties Fan offered price.

Charise u need to help both buyer seller mah, why u only help seller to jet up the price only? let make penang property price reasonable mah

November 29, 2010 at 8:05 PMUnknown

Hi Guys,
are you sure bumi release already? i saw the website mentioned as "limited" units with the price tag ~$690k ..

going to call sp setia to verify this.

November 29, 2010 at 10:48 PMSC

according to their sales ppl,only left the corner unit.All intermediate bumi units already sold out.

November 30, 2010 at 10:04 AMUnknown

i doubt what their sales said..i checked on goverment website, reported 32 units not sold. I guess they are trying to let go those "tak laku" units 1st before release the intermediate units.

I will wait for couple months more before come back. thanks for everybody info PROMENADE SDN. BHD.&Negeri=07&PMJU_KOD=10244&PROJ_NAMA=SETIA VISTA

December 6, 2010 at 12:18 AMUnknown

Guys, latest photos from me.

I didn't realize SP Setia install shower screen (master bedroom bath room) for us. What a surprise.

The toilet is really spacious. Drop area is finished with pebble wash. The only thing am not happy about is the upvc door. Anyway, the cylindrical lockset provided is acceptable.

You may want to find out the following:

December 13, 2010 at 12:33 PMUnknown

I am searching for a house at penang recently, beside those well known projects like E&O and Mahsing southbay, the rest pretty much not attract me at all. But after searching a while, in fact, i found SP Setia projects that consider cheaper relatively and also come with guarded + 24hrs cctv services. I guess these are their different and advantage comparing to the rest of unknown developer, or even sunway in penang. Good job sp setia, keep it up. But 1 item that sp really need to improve is their quality, i heard a lot of complains on the quality, hope they improve in future.
Hope to hear good news from Setia vista or setia green regarding the improvement. As i plan to buy a house from sp setia soon if their quality getting better.

February 4, 2011 at 5:21 PMUnknown

Hi Jeff,
May I know what is Vista Grandis Bumi lot release price from SP SETIA?
I am deciding whether should buy from developer or from 2nd hand market.
Btw, is 730k above include title transfer fee as well? as i know developer will provide F.O.C if buy from them.

February 8, 2011 at 7:05 PMkaihsien

How come recently setia vista page so quiet?

February 13, 2011 at 9:53 PMUnknown

I managed to sneak in to have a look at my unit today. I am very impressed. The workmanship is good and they've even given the staircase beautiful wooden handrail. Landscaping work has begun and the scenery with the limestone hills in the background is lovely. I've a feeling once people get to see it they'll fall in love with the place. We're all in for a very pleasant surprise.

February 13, 2011 at 10:57 PMAnonymous

Hi Lydia, how you sneak in? I try before but too bad block by the guard :(

February 14, 2011 at 7:18 AMUnknown

I just drove in. Nobody stopped me.

February 14, 2011 at 10:35 AMScott

Hi Lydia,

Do you snap any photo? If yes, can you please share here? Thanks.

February 14, 2011 at 11:24 AMUnknown

Sorry, I didn't snap any photos. I hadn't planned to go there, it was just a spur of the moment decision as I was passing by.
But what engineer noted is true - there's pebble wash at all doors, shower screen, wooden handrail (classy, polished and rounded at all edges). The first phase is built on higher ground; so it has a very exclusive, self-contained feel about the place.

February 24, 2011 at 8:58 AMdavid

Hey guys,
Setia Vista is going to OC soon. Congrat for every buyer, your house will be ready after so many months waiting. But, do rememeber, we need to make sure SP deliver as promise. Keep in touch.

Objective : Ensure SP Setia Penang deliver as per said, Guarded community with guard post, 24 hours guard service & CCTV.

List:- (will remove if u wish)
ling88 (what is your email address)
Tan (want to join?)
Kt (want to be in the contact list?)
Chong (want to be in the contact list?) (questionable, who are you, never see you in the blog b4) (questionable, are you sp setia employee?)

Group email :

February 26, 2011 at 6:29 PMkaihsien

Im the SV buyer as well. Please include me in the email list too. Thanks.


February 26, 2011 at 6:31 PMkaihsien

Henry: By the way, is SP Setia agreed with the objective you propose?

February 26, 2011 at 11:26 PMAnonymous

I have the assurance words from Setia manager on the Guarded post with CCTV. Strongly believe the reputable developer will keep their words.

February 27, 2011 at 3:27 PMdavid

Me too, i think SP Setia is a reputable developer and will keep their word so. In fact, the are 2 reasons i posted above:-

1) Gather every SV buyers, for future Community committee formation.
2) Gather the power of SV buyers, in case any out of expectation happen after OC, we can use these contacts.

February 27, 2011 at 11:30 PMUnknown

Hi David.. I am the SV buyer too..
My email as below :
Pls include me in the email

March 1, 2011 at 4:43 PMVista

Please check your inbox for invitation email.

March 1, 2011 at 8:18 PMUnknown

me too, can u invite me?

March 1, 2011 at 9:00 PMkaihsien

The earliest date to obtain OC is on June 2011, as i confirmed with developer. I feel so excited now....GREAT!!!

March 1, 2011 at 11:23 PMkaihsien

I have created a page at Facebook.

Below is the link:

Let's join and share your feedback/photo/issue/ regarding Setia Vista. Thanks!

March 3, 2011 at 5:23 PMScott

Phase 1, 2 and 3 project had completed that the updated in SP Setia Vista webside.

March 4, 2011 at 12:12 AMAnonymous

if completed and pending only VP/OC, i think need not to wait till June,around Apr and May should able to get the key.
anyone know is the house plot# same as our house # or its different ?

March 4, 2011 at 9:18 AMScott

Hi Tze,

I hear is different number.

March 4, 2011 at 10:53 AMkaihsien

Plot no# is totally different with the house no. You can call to check your house number now.

April too soon to obtain OC. I guess everyone is so excited to see hows the landscape looks like...

March 5, 2011 at 4:31 AMUnknown

Hi Winson,
what is the different between each type? why their min price are vary?

March 5, 2011 at 2:03 PMAnonymous

Basically, all type are having 20'x 40' built up except Grandis (20'x39'). The price different might due to below:-

Carinata Type: -
come with family room in 2nd floor.

Grandis Type: -
bedroom size are bigger but smaller built up (20' x39').

Acacia Type: -
bedroom size are bigger & with homogeuos floor tile.

Calophy: -
family room & with homogeous floor tile.

March 6, 2011 at 12:01 AMlcseang

I am SV buyer too, please add "". Thanks

March 6, 2011 at 12:42 AMUnknown

Anyone know the house number ?

March 6, 2011 at 12:44 AMUnknown


You have a nice collection of showroom photo in Flickr. Is it possible for you to post here ?

March 13, 2011 at 1:14 AMlcseang

Hi Ooikb,
Yes, sure....all the photo is taken from pearl island show house unit, you guy can visit the photo at

Enjoy ya~!

March 17, 2011 at 4:03 AMJayne Chuah

Property type: Setia Vista Acacia
Lot No: 120

The owner of Lot 120 doesn't really want to sell his property and just wish to gain profit by increasing the house price intentionally. When the buyer agrees to buy the house from him at a certain price, he will tend to postpone the date of giving you the documents required by telling you that he is having his holiday overseas(what a lame excuse). After that, he will say that he wants to hold on the deal.
What the owner trying to do next is to advertise the property here and somewhere else at a higher price. (the original price agreed was RM710k, but now it has been increased to RM730k)

Do you guys think this is a correct and trustful way of selling a house? To me, if you don't want to sell off the property at that particular price, why would you promise the buyer at the first place and keep them waiting? Is this some kind of 'goreng' tactic that people tend to do nowadays?

Note that there are 2 agents (or more) selling the same property. To be exact, they are Jeff Toh (012-5131561) and Miss Ice (012-4833277). They are dishonest agents, watch out if you want to get a fair deal from these people.
And don't buy this property, as you will never know what tricks are they playing to mark up the property price.

March 17, 2011 at 9:04 AMThor

these kind of people are unethical and evil in heart... they are selfish enough and being inconsiderate to cause others unnecessary inconvenience and hassle. What they want just to test the water and keep marking up their price to ensure hitting peak profit... Many thanks to Jayne to highlight this in the forum like this.

March 17, 2011 at 7:04 PMJeff TYT

Hi Jayne,

I believe your mother is really a sincere buyer for this case. Having talked to her numerous times, I really did feel her sincerity and thankful that I have met such a buyer. But if you wrote the comment above with the concept that I am teaming up with the owner to "test the market" or "goreng" the property price, you might got it wrong. There is nothing to be gained from negotiating so hard until an agreed price, and then call the deal off. For all the time, effort and costs spent, what I get from this case is just disappointment. The clear winner in this issue is obviously the owner, who now know that there is a taker for such price. It is my mistake for being not able to realize the insincerity of the owner, and in the end, the blame goes to me.

FYI, the other unit which I have offered at a higher price is Vista Grandis, not the same Acacia unit that was put on hold. No way I will help the same owner to sell his unit again after what we have been put through. If you would like to re-confirm and check the lot number on the Grandis unit, just give me a ring at 012-5131561.

I understand that after being through all the hassle with the dealings and end up in such an issue, it is perfectly normal for a serious buyer to feel frustrated. My sincere apologies to you, and hope that this sheds some light on what had actually happened.

March 17, 2011 at 8:16 PMUnknown

Hi Jeff, I heard this from my aunt too. Guess its the same case from her friend and I believe your reputation will be greatly affected in this field. There is no way for me to trust agents like you anymore unless I dont mind to lose money to buy marked up property price. Everyone knows that buyers have no chance to meet the owners if you buy through agents. It is pointless for you to clarify yourself here. Obviously you are blaming the owner to defend yourself. Good job jayne for revealing some facts about housing agency.

March 19, 2011 at 10:33 AMdavid

Thanks Jayne for the information. This is good to let everybody know about this. Appreciate that. We as Setia Vista future Residents Commitee will watch out for this kind of owner. If you are interest, you can join to our mailing list which you can talk to owner directly. So far our mailing list content >30ppl.

Group email :

March 20, 2011 at 10:12 AMUnknown

An owner that 'goreng' his property price will only make the market price of the house unstable. In fact, people that really interested to buy and stay at that residential property will lose confidence and it greatly affects the value of that property. Wonder why there is not much people that stayed in Setia Pearl Island, is it because of the same reason? If so, hope the same thing will not happen to Setia Vista.

March 20, 2011 at 11:47 PMkaihsien

I believe SV has more genuine buyer and lower density compare to SPI. SV will be a great place to stay. If we observe carefully, you will notice a small waterfall at the side hill. In hokkien, sit on mountain and see sea. LOL~~~

March 21, 2011 at 9:05 AMUnknown

Another case of agent being accused out of no reason..
Hi Jayne and Jeremy, there are 2 agents involved in Jayne msg, and both are from different agency. That have clearly shown that it is the owner that are exploiting agents for his own benefits.
In this case, I am wondering whether both agents can reserved their rights to file civil defamation suit against Jayne, as she have labelled them as "dishonest agent". As this label will affect their reputation.
This is only a small comment from an outsider.

March 21, 2011 at 10:31 AMAnonymous

SV is a better place to stay compared to SPI. If you're staying around Relau area, you will see the development there. The road will be widen to 3 lanes (6 lanes both sides). Golden Triangle is there and Oasis also coming. It will become a busy place very soon. One good thing about that area is, you can actually go to Georgetown using old Relau road, Paya Terubong (Air Itam) and also Bukit Jambul. Forget about low cost apartment and foreigners issue as you can't avoid that.

March 21, 2011 at 12:50 PMkaihsien


Jeff stand up and had his statement to clear the misunderstanding. Thumb up!!
I personally feel that he is doing the right way rather than go to court for this kind of matter.

If what the agent explain is true, blame goes to owner.

I have created a page at Facebook.

Below is the link:

Let's join and share your feedback/photo/issue/ regarding Setia Vista. Thanks!

March 23, 2011 at 6:41 AMJayne Chuah

Thanks David for inviting. I feel I have the responsibility to share the info and everyone involved in my comment is welcome to sue me and claim for their rights.
To CJ, how do you know they both come from different agencies? You dare not even show us your profile so I doubt you are either one of them. If you want any credibility, you have to show everyone some proof, certainly more useful than giving unconstructive idea by declaring yourself as an OUTSIDER. *giggles
By the way, the victim I mentioned in my previous comment is apparently not my MOTHER.
Alright CJ, I expect you will reply real soon. Just prove it with action, otherwise they are just words from an anonymous who is angry and ignorant. Oh ya, also thanks Max and Jeremy for supporting! *cheers

March 24, 2011 at 9:45 AMJayne Chuah

Do you guys really think that I'm so free to get some so-called 'INDIRECT INFORMATION' and bullshit about my grandmother stories if it doesn't happened before? And Jeff, you can't prove your innocence for not colluding with the owners to make some money, can you? Well, if you think that I'm giving wrong information, you are always welcome to take legal action to prove your 'honesty'. Being a responsible agent, you can't blame the owner if it was your fault for not identifying the insincerity of the owner since you are the only one who talked to him.
After all the disputes and arguments, in your opinion what should you label yourself?
Option 1: Unreliable agent (for not being able to solve the problems after wasting so much time and 'effort')
Option 2: Dishonest agent (for cheating clients to gain maximum profit)
Option 3: Ignorant agent (for taking legal action against someone who ACCUSED him) LMAO
Alright Jeff and CJ, try to think before you speak. Have you ever heard of freedom of speech?

March 24, 2011 at 4:42 PMJeff TYT

Jayne, Jayne..
The more post you make, the more you left me questioning about your age. At first, I thought you might be from my company's competitor, but now I have certainly changed my mind. Yes, you can continue to throw insults and challenges to me, but none of these will have any substance. Your level of maturity, impulsiveness and narcissistic behavior is evident in your arguments. You might need to revise your coming posts to hide the afore-mentioned elements to prevent further-backfiring to yourself. As for me, I have already made my stand. Whether you can accept it or not is another issue and beyond my control. I finally come to understand the statement; "some people are still in denial mode". It is time to hit the "Next" button. I rest my case.

March 24, 2011 at 5:49 PMUnknown

hi Jeff, let her be. Some ppl "jiak ba bo su zho" just come into forum complaining without investigate properly the issue first. For your issue, im a bit surprised that the ppl that complain about you is not even ur customer.

March 24, 2011 at 10:26 PMUnknown

after reading some of the above posts, i feel sad that in malaysia, particularly in penang, we have people such selfish & childish like you...
Jayne is doing her best to remind others to be careful of this unscrupulous property agents out there..

You don’t need to be a victim in order to be granted the right of alert others from not being robbed. - Jayne is playing a good samaritan role to alert others for not falling into same situations like this.

Also, if the agents are experience and professional enough, I don’t think the situation can turn out to be sour like this…
If the agent are not experience enough to handle and protect all of your customers interest, just stay off from any customer oriented field… remember the saying “customer is always right”.. you have to learn how to deal with nasty and insincere customer.. Please move on…

March 24, 2011 at 11:18 PMAnonymous

Hi Vista,
Any latest photo on the site to share, especially the landscape and is there a guard house built at the entrance ?

March 25, 2011 at 3:00 PMVista

Hi Tze,
Not able to go into the area due to security. The best photo was posted by someone in FB.

March 25, 2011 at 6:55 PMSunnyTCY

to Jayne,

to be honest, I hate owner keep increasing the price too. Same with Setia Pearl Island. not even in Setia, few other house in Sungai Ara having same issue.

Problem come from that PARTICULAR OWNER. not agent...

Even purchaser, given offer & manage to negotiate and purchaser pull off.

to all the buyer
dont blame agent, if you can do it.
find it your self, and dont call agent for free service.


March 28, 2011 at 2:37 AMUnknown

STCY, there is no free service from agent. Or else it will be called as volunteer work, not agent.
Why show us your stupidity here? Jayne is referring to PARTICULAR AGENT, not all estate agents tho. This is a specific case, if jeff tyt made mistake he has to admit it. No point arguing and stereotyping to get all agents involved.
Every buyer knows agents gain profit, and they willingly pay them for their service, but not for their mistakes and lies.
Jayne is brave enough to throw lies in his face. I'm looking forward for new posts as I have missed out so many days.

March 29, 2011 at 9:33 PMAnonymous

Hi David,

I am also the owner of Vista Grandis.
Please help to add me on the mailing list.

I will also join the facebook that have been created. Thanks!

Hi Wilson,

FYI - Grandis build up area is the second bigger. I have the floor plan. Thanks!


March 30, 2011 at 12:35 AMbryan


I heard Acacia & Calophy type are using better material (Like window frame, floor tile & etc). Is that true? Appreciate if anyone can let me know the market price for these 2 type. Thanks

April 2, 2011 at 2:38 PMkaihsien

Recently, there is a property fair at Pisa. Noted that double storey terrace already hit at RM 800K.

April 15, 2011 at 4:12 PMScott

Hi all,

Just received the letter from Setia that Setia inform to collect the key after bank loan fully release to them.

April 26, 2011 at 4:23 PMak

My sympathy to Jeff Toh. All Agents can easily understand his position. Market is pretty strong right now and as expected, owners tend to play heavily on the selling prices. As understood, time spent on the efforts to close the deal and yet, he couldn't, thus, no income for this poor guy. It is wise of him to move on as would all Professional do. Cheers!

April 27, 2011 at 12:38 PMUnknown

Yahoo! Getting my house keys Friday morning. SP Setia has received all payments from my bank. It helps to have an attentive bank officer who provides excellent after service.

April 27, 2011 at 1:42 PMScott

Hi Lydia,

Congratulation! May i know which bank that you get?

April 27, 2011 at 1:45 PMkucing

In fact I found amused by this issue between Jeff Toh & Jayne !
Looks like Jayne is blasting Jeff, a property agent, because she can't buy the house she wants ? ? ?

Come on, this is a free bargaining market, if you can't buy that house with the price you want, JUST BE IT and look for some other house ! You didn't even lost a single cent !

Looking at this incidents, I can't help but think penang property has shot up to a crazy level where those lost up in buying house would feel like they were robbed and cheated !!
.... reminded me of a crazy hong kong movie titled "Victoria No.1" starred by Ho Chiew Yee where she is so desperate to buy a sea-view condo at the price she wanted, she even went to kill all the sorrounding neighbours in order to cause the price to drop !!
(hope penang won't come to that crazy state !)


April 27, 2011 at 8:13 PMUnknown

Hi Scott,
I took the 5/95 Maybank loan. I requested the lawyer's office to fax me a copy of their letter to SP verifying payment received. This way, I could fix my appointment earlier rather than wait for things to arrive via snail mail. I'm sure everyone will be getting their keys by next week.

April 27, 2011 at 8:57 PMScott

Hi Lydia,

Thanks for info, i hope all of us will be getting the key by next week. Are you brough for own stay or going to sale after OC obtain? By the way, i brough for own stay.

April 27, 2011 at 10:55 PMUnknown

No, we are not selling it, we plan to move in after we've made it more habitable.

April 27, 2011 at 11:51 PMsinofi

Hi all, i m a grandis owner hoping to move in before 7th mth but i don't dare to move until more people have done so. Any owners moving in by jul?

April 28, 2011 at 11:34 AMUnknown

we will get our house key next week. we hope we can move in as early as we can...

May 3, 2011 at 12:35 AMUnknown

Sinofi & CK, I think you'll be able to move in very quickly. I was very surprised to learn that setia vista has got both vp and cf; in other words once you get your keys you can begin planning your renovation. How soon you can move in depends on how soon you get your house done up.
Maybe its too soon for us to notice anything, but this morning when we took delivery of the house, we couldn't find any faults! When we brought our contractor to take measurements etc for renovation, they were very taken aback by the high standard they saw; the walls were obviously skim-coated too.
Setia care said many will be getting their keys in the coming weeks.
All the best folks! I hope your house delights you as much as it delighted us.

May 4, 2011 at 10:24 AMcap

I am looking for tenant for a intermediate and a corner unit. what is the market value for the rental there?

May 4, 2011 at 3:05 PMbryan

RM1700 monthly.

May 6, 2011 at 8:31 PMAnonymous

RM1700 monthly for intermediate or corner unit ? Are you an agent bryan ?

May 20, 2011 at 9:05 PMlcseang

Setia Vista Grandis Site Photo at

June 21, 2011 at 8:51 AMSetiaVista Purchaser

Hi SV owners,

I plan to organize a meeting with the SP management regarding the delay in water and electricity.

In the S&P agreement, clause 23 stated clearly that VP can only be given after water and electricity are ready for connection. But this is clearly violated now that most of us have already gotten our keys for more than 2 months.

I plan for the meeting on either this Wednesday (22 June 2011) or Thursday (23 June 2011) at 12 pm, so we need not to take leave for this purpose.

If you have any other day/time, pls let me know.

I hope we can all join forces to talk to the SPI management to show them we are united as residents of SV. And show them we know our rights as consumers.

Pls drop me an email at if you would like to attend.

July 21, 2011 at 1:17 AMsinofi

Anyone moving in soon?

August 1, 2011 at 8:12 PMAnonymous

nobody nobody but you

August 1, 2011 at 10:16 PMAnonymous

my tenant has moved in since last month.

August 28, 2011 at 6:34 PMkaihsien

To all owners of Setia Vista,
kindly join our page at Facebook. Thanks.


November 8, 2011 at 10:17 PMJMC

I saw contractor banner, is this area control by gangster contractor?

December 16, 2011 at 8:36 PMsan

Latest price - drop to 700K.

December 16, 2011 at 11:32 PMcalvin

yes...700k for Calophy units.

December 17, 2011 at 5:44 PMRoman

and acacia units as well...rm700k in mudah

December 18, 2011 at 10:09 PMcalvin

i dont see any acacia units for 700k in mudah

December 18, 2011 at 11:27 PMRoman

acacia rm700k

December 19, 2011 at 12:02 AMcalvin

same as this? price changed to 775k, posted on same day, by same person. Good buy if really at 700k. Cheers.

December 19, 2011 at 2:46 PMRoman

yeah, rm700k for acacia would be a more reasonable price....

hope to save enough fund in next year to get one unit, if the price not > than Rm700k.

December 19, 2011 at 5:03 PMcalvin

good luck :)

January 1, 2012 at 10:37 PMNTN

Heard Setia has bought some land behing Phase 1 Carinata houses to construct a condo there

Don't know how true?

February 29, 2012 at 1:23 PMSeeKai

Yes, confirmed Setia has bought that piece of land. According to Setia, the housing plan has been submitted to MPPP and pending approval. It will be a low rise condo with some landed. Hope it's not high density...

June 29, 2012 at 7:58 PMNTN

Saw a row of trees being neatly planted on your right just after passing the Alor Vista flats. Wonder to what development it leads to?

July 3, 2012 at 9:54 AMUnknown


<RM800k will be tough. Maybe you can look for the Persiaran Kelicap houses at around or <RM800k.

Pretty nice place as it is just next to the hill. It is just next to SP Setia. Build up is 1800sqft. Land size is 1400sqft - 3000sqft.

Grab it before other people do it. With price difference of ~200k compared to SP Setia, you can use the extra $$ to reno it nicely and it would be as good new!

October 15, 2012 at 6:31 PMUnknown

Vista Calophy does not have children play ground. Can they use the facilities?

September 2, 2013 at 11:49 AMSC

what's the price for double-storey Setia Vista now?

May 24, 2016 at 5:37 PMAnthony

I have some units for sale and rent. Pls call or watsapp Anthony from Popular Realty. 0124333370 or 0124338798. U can also email to TQ
Will try my best to negotiate for u. TQ and have a nice day.

May 26, 2016 at 11:24 AMAnthony

I have some units for sale and rent. Pls call or watsapp Anthony from Popular Realty. 0124333370 or 0124338798. U can also email to TQ
Will try my best to negotiate for u. TQ and have a nice day.

February 27, 2017 at 2:17 PMAlexCheah

Setia Vista 2 storey terrace For Sale Location at Relau
★★★ Best Price ★★★
Contact 011-16551368 AlexCheah Thanks.
Welcome Listing if you have any Property Sell Rent or buy kindly contact 011-16551368 AlexCheah Thanks

February 27, 2017 at 3:02 PMAlexCheah

Setia Vista 2 storey terrace For Sale Location at Relau
★★★ Best Price ★★★

Contact 011-16551368 AlexCheah Thanks.
Welcome Listing if you have any Property Sell Rent or buy kindly contact 011-16551368 AlexCheah Thanks.

March 24, 2017 at 8:43 PMAlexCheah



March 27, 2017 at 11:25 AMAlexCheah



November 20, 2019 at 5:56 PMUnknown

Setia Vista 2 Storey Terrace @ Relau for sale
- Land area 1400 sqft
- Build up 1800 sqft
- Basic fittings in house
- Middle unit
- 24 Hours security

SAW 0176421871

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