Southbay Residence

Southbay Penang a mixed development project located on a 35ha freehold site in Batu Maung. Residence @ Southbay phase 1 comprises of 288 units 3-storey link homes with built-up areas of over 3,000 sq.ft.

There are six bedrooms and six bathrooms in each unit and a garden located on the second floor. There will also be clubhouse and a recreational park, high-level security, patrolling guards and intrusion devices installed in the individual properties.

Property Project : Residence@Southbay
Location : Batu Maung, Penang
Property Type : 3-Storey Link Homes
Tenure : Freehold
Built-up Area : 3,300 sq.ft. (Type A), 3,000 sq.ft. (Type B)
Land Area : 24'x75' (Type A), 22'x75' (Type B)
Total Units : 288
Developer : Enrich Property Development Sdn Bhd (Mah Sing Group)

808 comments«Oldest  ‹Older  1 – 200 of 808  Newer›  Newest»

June 12, 2008 at 4:58 PMAnonymous

Anyone knows if the project is opened for sale ?

June 13, 2008 at 10:22 AMAnonymous

You may go to their sale office near Queensbay Mall (just opposite HSBC bank) to book the unit.

June 15, 2008 at 12:48 AMAnonymous

Heard the project is not yet approved. Anyone have any idea about this?

June 16, 2008 at 9:11 AMAnonymous

Went to the sales office weekend. The project is not yet approved. The delay is due to the change of state gov.
I like the overall project environment. It's gated and guarded (nowadays security is a concerns). Anyone stays near batu maung ? Is the land a hilly land or low land (possible flood during raining season) ?

June 17, 2008 at 4:54 PMAnonymous

why do u choose sbay res instead of sp setia? i think sp setia is better choise. pls share ur view. current am considering sp setia bumi lot release unit.

June 21, 2008 at 3:41 PMEric Yeoh

Dear Anonymous,

I heard that the Southbay project was yet to approve because of some complications with the state authority. It seems that there are height restriction not more than 2 storey in the development, plenty of squatters to settle, certain part of the project has exceeded the requirements of more than 250 metres above sea level, which will not obtain approvals from state authorities. Can anyone please carify these claims? I am interested in Southbay and also Setia Pearl Island. Due to the level of uncertainty and also a very transparent state government, i would reckon that Southbay may not get approval.

June 29, 2008 at 1:08 AMAnonymous

Not sure how true it is, but I read from (click on ResidenceSouthbay) saying that place was a toxic dump with recently few cases of deformed babies... Can anyone verify that?

July 3, 2008 at 7:04 PMAnonymous

its strata its not as good. u need to pay maint. fees for everything inside, gym etc, even though u dun need it. thaz what turn me off

July 14, 2008 at 2:40 PMAnonymous

I bought a unit of intermediate corner. I like the development concept, gated & guarded concept has been very popular in KL and believe this concept will be very much sought-after in Penang in near future.

Very excited about their show village which will show not only the show units but the entrance and clubhouse amenities as well.

July 26, 2008 at 2:19 PMAnonymous

Alamak..their show unit works kena stop work order! Just went to the site just now.

July 26, 2008 at 2:20 PMAnonymous

Thank God I didn't buy a unit!

July 26, 2008 at 6:10 PMAnonymous

just went to the sales office. temporary stop work pending some docs. will resume once docs endorsed.

July 26, 2008 at 9:19 PMAnonymous

aiya, everywhere stop work lah. couple of months ago - 5 projects in batu ferringhi, gurney plaza expansion, etc. lately penang times square also kena.

all these are stopping penang to grow further. what are "they" doing?

August 2, 2008 at 12:18 PMAnonymous

well, just to clarify sth... the current site for the development is not dumping ground coz i lived there before... and certainly not true about the handicapped babies.... in fact, i wound consider south bay rather than SP setia coz of the costal road and sp setia u have to go through all the small little roads which are always jam.... that's the main reason that turned me off sp setia...

August 2, 2008 at 1:54 PMAnonymous

i went to DOE butterworth to check. it's confirmed that southbay is NOT a toxic dump site. it's just an sabotage act by "sour grape".

August 2, 2008 at 1:57 PMAnonymous

thanks. anyway, i'm happy with my purchase. they listen to our suggestions and make improvements.

August 2, 2008 at 2:50 PMAnonymous

hopefully not another oasis in the making.. :)

August 4, 2008 at 1:31 PMAnonymous

Does anyone notice that the ground floor bathroom is located at dining hall ? It has no window facing outdoor. Just wondering how's the air ventilation. I kinda felt uneasy on the bathtoom location.

August 4, 2008 at 2:13 PMAnonymous

mechanical ventilation - there's a ceiling exhaust fan point pre-installed.

August 4, 2008 at 2:52 PMAnonymous

I agreed with the comment on the ground floor toilet.
It really looks weird placing a toilet facing the dining hall. Some more this is not so good in term of Fung Shui.
I would prefer SP Setia design, whereby the ground floor bathroom and laundary area are plased at the back of the house.

August 4, 2008 at 3:38 PMAnonymous

"mechanical ventilation - there's a ceiling exhaust fan point pre-installed."

I would like to comment on this mechanical ventilation thing. I feel the architect need to address this concern and in the long term the mechanical ventilation will do no good. Imagine after years of usage, you will have all the residues being trapped. You guys never experience that won't be able to tell...just don't's disgusting. How do you feel about having additional aroma to your dining experience when the device is not working!!!??

Fund shui wise also not good.

August 5, 2008 at 4:53 PMAnonymous

Notice the toilet on the 1st floor is located above the main entrance on theground floor. Not so good for feng shui. Further more, this area is likely to be used for prayer area for the chinese.

August 6, 2008 at 9:52 AMAnonymous

Here are the bad points that I can think of regarding the ground floor toilet :
- air ventilation. If the location has windows facing outdoor, machanical ventilation is not necessary. Save electricity.
- If you have maid, do you want to see you maid passing by your hall each time she goes for shower (and carrying all her personal stuff).
- No natural sun light. Important as bathroom is humid and wet most of the time.
- Potential to produce aroma to dining hall. Hey, this is the place we enjoy our meal.
- Not good Feng Sui.

I can't think of any good points of its location. Faster access to toilet when one has 'emergency' ? Hehehehe...

August 6, 2008 at 10:35 AMAnonymous

human tends to enlarge bad points but shrink/ignore good points. sigh!

August 9, 2008 at 2:24 PMAnonymous

"human tends to enlarge bad points but shrink/ignore good points. sigh!" - Andy

Ya_lah. Especially when you are hunting for a dream home to stay. Imagine the need to spend a fortune to buy one. Obviously we are looking for bad points as we do not want to regret later. Good points are a must...more so need to eliminate bad points. That's why it is not easy to be a developer nowadays. This is what we called the purchasers nowadays are smarter than those days.

August 17, 2008 at 7:26 PMAnonymous

on the stop work, the authority gave them instruction to demolish the show unit! now the plan is frezze, not sure of the reason but could be due to hill land development. rumour out in the market that buyers getting refund. anyone aware? looks like the project would not resume so soon, if so maybe not a 3-storey building...

August 17, 2008 at 7:30 PMAnonymous

surrounding plenty of squatters houses and not well planned. the PLB Prestige Height at 468k for 2-storey terrace has better value and work is also in progress. Prestige Height is only 10 minutes away and has better neighborhood with new upcoming projects within its vicinity

August 18, 2008 at 9:51 AMAnonymous

below are info i gathered.
- no instruction on demolishing the show unit. only stop work order
- squatters have signed agreement and will move out soon.

August 18, 2008 at 9:53 AMAnonymous

helo brother, look at the only access from prestige heights, all the time congested. no way for them to widen the existing road. nightmare!

August 18, 2008 at 2:42 PMAnonymous

I think they may get an approval to move on with the residential project. As for others, they will not get any approvals. My friend is one of the squatters there and it seemed that they are still 95% hanging on there. Mah Sing so far has settled 5% already. Long way to go! Good luck to those who have purchased. Must be a real obstacle to chase the squatters away. Furthermore, the new government is very keen to impressed the rakyat who have voted for them. Meaning they are corruption free government and they will pro rakyat first. Look at the Uda's proposed development in Tanjung Tokong. Uda can't remove the squatters there due to the new government stand.

August 19, 2008 at 7:13 PMAnonymous

i went to the site but noticed most of the squatters have already moved out. thus, 95% hanging on is not true.

seeing is believing!

August 19, 2008 at 7:16 PMAnonymous

regarding the toxic dump site, the developer has received a reply from jabatan alam sekitar. it stated the above issue is NOT TRUE.

wonder who spread the news?

August 21, 2008 at 2:22 PMAnonymous

You must be from the developer. The way you answer our questions to be very pro developer. Obviously everything are good and not true.We asked because we do not want to pay the price for making wrong decisions! BTW the squatters are not 95% gone. I think they have settled 30% and there are still 70% left.

August 21, 2008 at 3:32 PMAnonymous

end of the day... no need to argue here and there. everyone has their rights to comment. be it positive or negative. be it pro-developer or againts-developet. what's the problem?

BTW, i'm not from developer and also not the purchaser of either spsetia or mahsing.

- ph5 -

August 21, 2008 at 3:57 PMAnonymous

Not trying to sabotage the project or being a sour grape. Just an infosharing.

According to a banker, Southernbay land is an issue bcs it own by a big number of fragmented owners, and some refused to sell or passed away. I dare not claim this is reality bcs i didn’t investigate further as i cannot afford a landed property by now. But for prospect buyer, investigate thoroughly with land office or city council before you commit your hard earn money. The developer certainly very reliable, but even the best stumble once a while with land issue and goverment policy.

August 26, 2008 at 3:13 PMAnonymous

Regret to say that they are facing some squatter's problems. I think they are engaging gangsters to settle the squatters issues. Sad but its true.

September 8, 2008 at 4:40 PMUnknown

Meow Meow Meow No wonder cannot launch.

September 11, 2008 at 5:48 PMpenang guy

so dissapointed about the palm concept that begining they show at Queensbay exhibition was cancell.

September 23, 2008 at 11:25 AMkatch

Property in Penang is toooooooooooooooooo expensive!! :(

September 23, 2008 at 11:31 AMkatch

Property prices in Penang is crazy. Most Penangites cannot afford to own landed property in Penang :(

October 4, 2008 at 4:45 PMLayPeng

Went to check for the Southbay project. Can't actually locate the contruction site. Nothing has been done! Knowing it is strata title project, it will need 3 years to build. That means the soonest completion date for Southbay is 2012.
Houses for individual title will appreciate more than the strata title one. Look at 3 stories terrace houses behind the Crystal point complex, the selling price for now is only 360K!

October 6, 2008 at 5:09 PMP

Luckily i did not buy this project...if not,will regret now...

October 6, 2008 at 11:44 PMsokohaw

Squatters problems, toxic dump site, bad toilet location, project shelved, crazy price, strata title....what else can you guys think of??? If we answer you guys we can wai.......t for 5 to 10 years and we have plenty of money to invest here & there, what's the problem??? Don't see things at your level and simply comment, please see beyond. If you don't like the project, or don't have enough money to invest 2 projects at the same time. Keep your mouth shut and don't make discouraging comments. Bottom line, WE ARE RICH ENOUGH TO WAIT AND RICH ENOUGH TO WASTE OUR MONEY!

October 7, 2008 at 12:27 AMUnknown

Aiya, take it easy lah, how to stop people from commenting.., everybody has freedom of speech, just try not to be rude that's all :)

October 7, 2008 at 9:47 PMLayPeng


Rich people would said they are rich! Show me the money! Very pity of you to have this kind of behaviour...People here offenced you or what?

Agreed with support, everyone has has feedom to speech and share their point of views. Whether one decide to buy or not is very much depended on thier own discretion.

October 7, 2008 at 11:41 PMsokohaw

Ya U R right......don't act like a "property god", you must be a SP Setia owner who is trying to invite new buyers to purchase SP Setia house so that you can share the 1% rebate with them. You are trying to get more people to support your choice, isn't it? If not, why are you so KIND to amplify the bad points of Southbay to strangers??? Info sharing is good, but I see sabotage more than sharing over here. Sorry to repeat the statement : IF YOU DISLIKE A PROJECT, NO NEED TO ADVISE/SHARE/AMPLIFY THE BAD POINTS IN WEBSITE, JUST KEEP QUITE AS BUYERS WILL CONFIRM/DECIDE BY THEMSELVES. NON OF YOUR BUSINESS ANYWAY.....

October 8, 2008 at 10:23 AMLayPeng

People can't earn the 1% becuase we will refund it to our frinds. This waht we call friend.

Here is the free country, people have the right to share opinions and make his own decision.

Glad to know you agreed those are bad points. If those are points why not we let other peoples know about it?

October 8, 2008 at 5:06 PMsokohaw

Gotcha! Finally proven that SP Setia owners are always against Southbay, I don't know why. Don get excited-lah, I also own Carica in SP Setia project. By comparison, SP is in fact better than SB "at this moment", can't deny. Just can't stand so many people shooting SB.....that's all. Cheers!

October 8, 2008 at 6:08 PMLayPeng

I also wish the SB can be successful, because it will facelift Batu Mau area.
I'm not againts the SB project. If it is good we definately help to promote it.

November 30, 2008 at 12:08 AMP

Can anyone update me the latest status for SB???
It is worth to buy for investment comparing with SP Setia?

November 30, 2008 at 11:18 AMUnknown

Lay Peng,

Sorry, I disagree with you for this point only: truely rich people won't call themselves rich, indeed they are quite the opposite. Except those yet to be civilized taikun in China, who can't wait to show off to the world. In Malaysia, people may be well paid to secure high bank loan for two houses (indeed we love to have more of these category during bad economy time). Somehow, the term of high income are mixed up with cash rich.

From investment point of view,just hold back. If those two projects still have plentiful unit to offer, not likely they will have drastic increased in price within the coming few months. Just wait, situation will only be either bad or very bad, if the later happen, lots of bargains are awaiting, just like 1997, if not worst. the true worry is if we don't have enough credits to grap as many as we should.

Back to basic, buy low sell high, glad to have those people financial rich and mentaly kosong. Money suppose to snowball and making us richer, especially during this volatile market, opportunity everywhere, silly to sit there and just wait and accuse others.

December 17, 2008 at 10:37 PMAnonymous

I stayed in Batu Maung near the site. I saw they have resumed the site work. All the squatters are almost clear.

Based on limited marketing knowledge i have and neutral points to compare SB and SP:
. Place: the location is easy to access and near future 2nd bridge as well as FTZ (potential buyers in future). It will be like Tmn Sri Nibong in the past. Secondly, there is a huge modern commercial oposite of the Tmn by Mah Sing which will help the property price in future. SP is really far and depth into Sg Ara which have to pass-by a chinese cemete...r.... Not to mention it will be higher cost to maintain the high hill property and risk of landslide
. Price: I checked the B/U and land area. Looks like SB is cheaper in terms of /sq ft if we compare the 22" wide type.
. Product: I do believe both of them are equally good in term of quality and design. SB positioned and target mid/high class buyers that care about security especially and lifestyle (gated and guarded). SP also target same group of people and that is why they installed the guarded too but no community for gated. Lately, i heard from my architect friend that this individual Strata freehold type for gated is very common in KL and not an issue anymore. Positive side is you are paying to maintain your beautiful community for gated concept -- of course you have to pay for it.
. Promotion: Of course i liked SP a lot as i can enjoy free concert especially Sally and Michael. Hope they will invite Jacky Cheung next time. Anyway, who is paying the cost of promotion? Must be from the project’s profit. If you have SP property, it will definitely help you to sell it next time if the buyer does not where is your property located (just quote the free concert, everyone in Pg will know). Not sure SB is going to do the same promotion. Let us watch out for it.
Finally, you make the call also based on your past experience the place you familiar with and always access to. Remember check with your friends/relative who stay in the area to get the “true” experience staying there who can tell you something the developer will not tell you e.g., pasar malam jam at what time, what is the short cut, flood during raining day, funny smell at certain time, motor racing at night, etc

December 18, 2008 at 4:53 PMAnonymous

To True_Void_Die_Soon,
Mentally kosong should refer to you as you r definitely not from the rich category. You are just a Smart Alex who always surf around to share your "wise thoughts" without any actions. Why only 1997? How about 1986? Have you forgotten or too young to mention about that??? The cycle is ~10 years once, what will be the problem if we can sustain until the price goes up. Why need to "buy low sell high', "snow ball" etc. while we can simply buy and keep for 10years? Please keep this strategy for yourself, we don't need it.
BTW, if you really did as you said, you must be a multimillionaire by now. Where r you staying anyway? Mayfair or Regency?
Bottom line, rich or poor is not the issue here. The issue is : WHEN or HOW you share your opinion. Reminder: ONLY SHARE WHEN YOU ARE ASKED & DON'T JEOPARDIZE PEOPLE'S DREAMS WITHOUT ANY EVIDENCE. Just don't pretend to be a savior, tak boleh tahan indeed.

December 19, 2008 at 11:54 AMsokohaw

Where r you? TVDH? I'm still waiting for you to shoot me backlah(Yesterday I used wrong account). Let's make this site a little bit exciting. Your prompt respond will be much appreciated.......

January 17, 2009 at 8:44 AMjin

In the end, Buyer will compare with REAL property not website or comment.

But, y so serious? sokohaw, r u owner from SB?

Sharing doesn't mean need to accept it.

I am owner of SP (carica) but i also said it got pro n cons.

So, chill out u guys

January 23, 2009 at 6:32 PMToronto Condo

Real estate investment trusts cutting back on property acquisitions, which had been a significant factor in the rising property market for the past two years, was partly blamed for the slowing property demand, he told a press conference yesterday.Wong forecast property launches to soften this year and said he expected a prolonged economic slowdown.

January 28, 2009 at 6:06 PMUnknown

they are pushing it to 800K after CNY. Good luck Mahsing! :)

January 29, 2009 at 12:35 PMP

WOW!!!MahSing increase the price of Southbay while SP Setia lower the price and give attractive package in this economic situation.Do you think Southbay can sell better sales than SP Setia?

January 29, 2009 at 11:20 PMjin

This is the way to let ppl think how stable they are and how confiende they are.

Good move.

Is a nice place ( but prefer SP ) so hope it can be happen and bring up our PENANG economic.


January 31, 2009 at 11:54 PMUnknown

i drove to mahsing site that day, it was easily accesible if you work in factory. problem is the strata title thingie that i dun really prefer. if you are ok with that, can consider. but pushing the price to 800K is a bit too much for me. i will wait and see. they say they will do some sales packaging as well..mebe the delta will cover the banking loan stuffs wat not..we'll see.

February 23, 2009 at 3:07 PMUnknown

I just checked out the SB sales office last wk and found that only about 20% of the phase 2 are sold. Still plenty of the units available. Phase 3 and 4 are not yet opened probably due to poor demand in phase 2.

800k is definitely not worth to buy especially under this economy situation. Besides, the outlook suck, never seen a such ugly design worth 800k except Sunway Bukit Gambier.

Personally I will suggest everyone to hold your money for a little while, the property price should drop in the coming months as the worst is yet to come.

March 6, 2009 at 12:14 PMsinofi

Hi, someone mentioned abt a 1% discount? I had booked a property at Setia Pearl in February but was not given a discount.
Anyone can enlighten me?


March 6, 2009 at 10:57 PMUnknown

Visited the site today, the construction for show house is pretty fast. Note that they are using red brick...

March 16, 2009 at 12:41 AMUnknown

still buying now? 800K not worth it la..heard they wan to increase again..siao

March 21, 2009 at 7:39 PMUnknown

Can someone educate me, what is the differences between a normal freehold title and the individual Strata freehold title ?


March 22, 2009 at 10:01 AMUnknown

I am intended to buy SB, need an introducer so that I can get a discount. Pls send me your email and tel contact. My email address is


March 22, 2009 at 10:13 AMUnknown

I was told that there are a shipyard company near to the coaster area, also, there are a large pig barn too. Can anyone share with me, is there any environment polution from the shipyard and the smell from the pig barn ?

March 22, 2009 at 11:17 AMTACman!

Chai the shipyard is only for docking and also hull up repair work.

March 22, 2009 at 12:47 PMUnknown

Thanks Aik Chin for the very helpful thought.

Siding a good example, one of my friend who bought 2 units of Bayswater at 310K during soft launch, and sold off last year at 480K to 500K witohut renovations. One of the greatest attraction of this place is, the vicinity surounded with hypermarket and E-gates commercial center. I am taking my bet, SB will be quite resembling to the Bayswater after completion. A breathe taking beautiful site which you don't find this in many places in Penang.

Whether u like it or not, gated and guarded is getting very important nowaday due to the criminal rate is getting out of control now. I would rather pay a little more to safeguard my family.


March 23, 2009 at 10:10 PMUnknown

I was told there is a steel factory nearby. Will this caused any polution to Southbay ? Can someone help ? Thanks

March 23, 2009 at 10:50 PMKK88

Chai, you can bet on Bayswater because price is low at 300k. But SB is 700k. Very risky lor.

March 24, 2009 at 11:18 PMUnknown

KK88, highrise is going to be bubbled soon. landed is always a good bet for island. believe it or not, just checked the fact for the past 5 or even 10 years.

March 24, 2009 at 11:22 PMUnknown

chai, i don't think there's a steel factory near to this project. not within the 5km radius.

March 29, 2009 at 10:18 PMUnknown

hi guys, just get to know about this project frm property fair today, selling at RM800 k now, any bro can share how much they sell last year during the soft launch?


March 29, 2009 at 11:03 PMKK88

They sell RM768k during soft launch.

March 29, 2009 at 11:28 PMKK

755k during preview

March 30, 2009 at 8:36 PMUnknown

thanks for the info. i went to setia show village today, only limited units left for their 3 storey terrace house. penang ppl really rich!!! what available (that can slowly choose)now is the newly launched 2 storey house at relau. dont like the location tho.

really in dilemma now to go for southbay or setia. i like southbay location more as the traffic is much more better with the coastal highway, and there's ~300 units in the project not that crowded. the only things that bugging me is the toilet location and also toilet right above the main entrance.

do u guys think 800k is worth it?

wondering why most house nowadays built with toilet right above the main entrance, even SP setia also like that. any bro know? :)

April 2, 2009 at 10:49 AMUnknown

Do anybody notice that there is a project opposite SB? only 50 units of dst and dssd. dst priced frm rm580, dssd rm820.

April 2, 2009 at 9:29 PMUnknown

I went to the site, and visited the surrounding area. It is not as nice as what I thought. Some part of the land is a swampy area. It doesn't as posh as we thought from the way people described. I am looking out for some other options. Too bad, a little dissapointed. One of the greatest drawback of this area is, the developer is unable to vacant the entire piece of land, if you look at the blueprint, the landed that Mah Sing bought was bit a pieces all over the area. It is not exclusive as SP Pearl.

April 3, 2009 at 12:38 AMKK

i own neither southbay nor setia pearl island. but i noticed during last week property exhibition, spsetia was promoting their clubhouse membership to public. meaning, setia pearl island is not as exclusive as we thought, the only access road will be seriously jammed and packed. moreover, the membership is merely rm50 per person for a family member of 4. moreover, there are short term membership as well.

say 1000 (700 landed houses + 300 condo units) with min 4 family members = 4000 pax to use the same access road. commercial has not been included yet. can u imagine the worst?

April 3, 2009 at 11:50 AMUnknown

KK, you got the point too. I agreed with you, that is why I am still holding my fort now. Looking at SP again, they offer super link house at 898.88K (or simply 900K). Very close to 1M house for a 3 storey link house at Sungai Ara ????? Frankly speaking, If I have a million dollar cash, this is not the place I would consider. In fact, I have better choice to choose than looking at this place for investment.

Whatever it is, we will wait and see who die first (developer or buyer). If US economy is not recovering in the next 2 years, lots of people will need to sell off their properties, I am sure lots of lelong offer will happen. We need to be patient !


April 3, 2009 at 9:07 PMUnknown

yes KK you are right, that's why i'm actually leaning towards southbay, the so called "club house" is only shared among ~350 household. the RM200 maintenance fee already include the maintenance of garden, facilities + security. it may seem "additional payment" but setia u need to pay for security fee + the clubhouse fee. tho i may be cheaper but it's not that exclusive considered the # of future occupants there.

also if compare the traffic, southbay definitely on the upper hand. with 2nd link nearby for sure more road widening etc. with 2 bridge in future, traffic in coastal highway should flow okay.

really in a dilemma, not sure RM800 k is worth to spend now???? :(

April 4, 2009 at 12:17 AMAnonymous

cristiano, Joey Yap said if the toilet is not leaking, no reason to worry.

April 4, 2009 at 12:49 AMKK

hi cristiano, i read your comment in setia vista as well. my point of view for your info.

i understand both mahsing and spsetia are also offering 5/95 scheme. so, we can ignore this point on their sales packaging.

company wise, both are also well-known and trustworthy kl-based developer. no issue on this.

location wise, it's undeniably that southbay is far better than setia pearl island and setia vista, at least from investment point of view. but sometimes, location is somehow depending on individual. but must factor in the accessibility as well as traffic - especially multiple access points and the level of traffic congestion.

product wise, we can take a flat rate for land area at rm100psf regardless of southbay, setia pearl island and setia vista for easy calculation. rough calculation as below: -

southbay - rm795,000
land - 22 x 75 (1650sf)
built-up - 3130sf
land cost - rm165,000
built-up - rm795,000-rm165,000=rm630,000
built-up cost - rm630,000/3130=rm201psf

setia pearl island - rm688,880 (the cheapest)
land - 20x70 (1400sf)
built-up - 2,192
land cost - rm140,000
built-up - rm688,880-rm140,000=rm548,880
built-up cost - rm548,880/2192=rm250psf

setia pearl island - rm898,880 (the most expensive)
land - 22x80 (1760sf)
built-up - 3,364
land cost - rm176,000
built-up - rm898,880-rm176,000=rm722,880
built-up cost - rm722,880/3364=rm215psf

setia vista - rm598,880
land - 20 x 70 (1400sf)
built-up - 1697sf
land cost - rm140,000
built-up - rm598,880-rm140,000=rm458,880
built-up cost - rm458,880/1697=rm270psf

most importantly, make a comparison on the building specs given. try to factor in the cost of changing tiles, doors, sanitary wares, hacking, etc. this is definitely a huge amount of hidden cost. can't compare the specs as i haven't study on their specs.

i noticed nowadays, the trend is towards lifestyle living, community living, security, etc. this again you have to make comparison as well.

my two cents for your thoughts :)

April 4, 2009 at 12:57 AMUnknown

cristiano, only 284 units not 350 units.

April 4, 2009 at 10:23 AMAnonymous

I agree with KK. anyway i do think 3000 sqft for 3 storeys and double storeys are not the same. I will prefer 3000sqft double storeys compare to 3 storeys.

April 4, 2009 at 8:18 PMUnknown

hey john64,

just an idea, what if developer build double storey terrace with land size of 22x75 then built-up at 2860sf, selling at 795k as well.

4 rooms + 3 baths

ground floor 22x55=1210sf
first floor 22x55=1210sf
balcony on top of carporch 22x20=440sf
total 1210+1210+440=2860sf

refer to KK calculation

land = 165k
built-up = 795k-165k = 630k/2860sf = 220psf

will you buy?

April 4, 2009 at 10:53 PMUnknown

Regarding toilet above main entrance,
heard ppl are concern abt Feng shui more than leakage.

April 5, 2009 at 11:23 AMUnknown

If we look at either SP or SB, the 1st floor toilet is right above the entrance. Is this an in-think nowaday ? Why both developers are not considering this ? I think IJM has a better design in this aspect as compare to SB and SP.

April 5, 2009 at 8:27 PMUnknown

chai, if you refer to nautilus bay then i can tell u it is a flaw design. ijm thought of bath but ignore other areas.

April 5, 2009 at 9:36 PMKK88

aiya, just shift the door la. So easy only mah. Why so headache?

April 6, 2009 at 8:04 AMUnknown

Steven, Nautilus design is built for Ang-Mo,as u can see not many local buyers, still lots of vacant.

As for KK88 suggestions,u might be able to do it for SP but no SB as SB is strata title.

April 6, 2009 at 9:14 AMKK88


In apartment, eventhough its strata title, people still renovate their door. I believe the same can be done with Southbay. :) You know Malaysia la. A bit lawless one. Unless of course Southbay maintenance company decided to be strict.

April 6, 2009 at 10:48 PMUnknown

Hi KK/JS/john64, thanks alot for your inputs. appreciate that.

looks like in terms of built up cost, SB on the upper hand. so now eagerly wait for the show house to check on the built material.

one more so called "cons" of this project is whether penang ppl can accept this kind of "strata tile concept" whereby u cant simply do modification, need to pay extra maintenance fee and also convenience of ppl visiting u.

April 6, 2009 at 10:51 PMUnknown

thx john64, glad to hear not that bad if toilet above main door. but it still baffle me why majority of houses these days is like that.

April 7, 2009 at 12:03 AMUnknown

This is design constraints whereby the ceiling height is only abt 10ft and if the toilet is moved to the other side, there will be a drop visible from the ceiling. Some provide 11 to 12ft ceiling height will be able to move their toilet to the other side and cover up the drop with plaster ceiling. All this come with cost in devloper's mind of course.

April 7, 2009 at 12:14 AMUnknown

SB should hv 11 ft high ceiling and able to move the toilet to the other side. dun know why they didnt move it to the other side.

April 7, 2009 at 11:19 PMUnknown

thanks for the toilet location info :)

btw, found a friend selling his sunway bukit gambier 2 1/2 terrace house (20' x 70') at RM780k.

which one more worth it?

April 7, 2009 at 11:30 PMUnknown

Personally I prefer sunway gambier due to location which is more centalised. Batu Maung is a bit far for me cause am used to Greenlane area but this is very personal. Besides, SG need not pay RM200 maintenance every month.

April 8, 2009 at 12:01 AMUnknown

tan, i visited the office yesterday and they told me that it is 11.5 ft for ground/first floor, and 10.5 ft for second floor. Show house will be ready by end of April. The Jalan Permatang Laut beside the SB will be widen to 100ft when SB is ready. i also visited around the neighbourhood area in SB, very near to FTZ, there is a landed housing area just beside it and with some shop lots. There are still some squatters around, but can see majority of them have moved out. Overall the environment still Ok. Hopefully MahSing can transform the whole area into next level soon.

3 points that SB attracts me:
1) Comparable Cheaper with the same Build Up area to other similar project (nearby Sunway Mutiara 1800 sq ft 22X65 is also selling for 580K), and 22" wide with 10"X22" backyard garden, and with gated/guarded community and club house, first in PG and that is what i look for.
2) Comprises of Commercial Plan, is a whole Concept Project, not only Residential area, improve the Investment Return
3) 5/95 Scheme (same as other few developer), reduce the financial burden now (pay 5% now, save around RM30+K for all other taxes/duty etc), and then only pay the 95% when the home is ready (means at that time can choose either stay there or sell off). Some more there is a buyer to buyer bonus scheme.

Anyway, 800K is not a small amount. This price tag even higher than some prominent housing projects in KL area. For the potential investment return, recent downturn/Penang MNC layoff and force leave scheme are the key factors that swinging the buying decision.
Heard that SP price has just increased 50K from the launching price (is it true?), so for the property of 800K, 50K increment is not significant. Since i m not local to batu maung, hopefully can get some insight from someone here that has this knowledge :)

1) Is this area usually get flooded when coming to monsoon season?
2) Since there are 2 schools nearby, during start/end of the school hour, will there get bad traffic jam?
3) Is there any Pasar Malam? If yes, when and where?
4) Is there normally any motor cycle racing at night?
5) Any funny smell or air/water polution from the factory?
6) What is the limitation of the Strata Title? Just the house outlook cannot be renovated?

April 8, 2009 at 12:03 AMKK88

SG is small la. SB is very very big built up. Cannot compare. SG need to hear gun sound. But of course, SG is more in central Penang Island. SB is at south. I feel SB a bit isolated from Town.

April 8, 2009 at 11:39 PMUnknown



April 8, 2009 at 11:41 PMUnknown


April 9, 2009 at 12:28 AMKK88


did your parents let you lose on the internet and thus you type using CAP LOCK? Please study internet etiquette before posting ok.

April 15, 2009 at 10:16 PMUnknown

noticed 2 huge walls are being constructed near to the main road. what is the developer going to do with these 2 walls?

April 15, 2009 at 11:03 PMUnknown

hey their 3 storey looks huge. noticed they have started the work on their clubhouse. thought will only build at later stage.

April 15, 2009 at 11:13 PMUnknown

ron, i remember i received their progress letter showing the main drainage work. if i'm not mistaken, the depth of the drainage is more than double of a 5.5ft human height, which is at least 14ft.

April 17, 2009 at 3:19 PMUnknown

Yes. The photo shows a worker is working in the drain which depth is double the worker's height.

The huge walls are the main entrace gate.

April 18, 2009 at 7:56 AMUnknown

Thanks JS and Julie. I asked around the ppl that stay nearby, and observe from past few days heavy rain season, it looks ok for condition there, no issue in term of flooding. sure whether the show house can be ready by end of the month which is told by the officer. The house is still under painting, and there is no proper road inside the housing compound yet.

April 18, 2009 at 9:38 AMUnknown

ron, what i understand their show houses will be ready by end april but viewing will be by early may 2009.

April 19, 2009 at 12:06 AMUnknown this case, wont be able to look at the show house before the 5/95 scheme due by end of apr.

April 20, 2009 at 12:59 PMUnknown

Hopefully the 5/95 will continue at lease a month after the show house is ready. Really need to view the show house before making such huge commitment.

April 21, 2009 at 8:51 PMUnknown

I was told there is a mosque nearby (about 1km away).Can someone tell me can u hear very loud especially during the night ?

April 21, 2009 at 9:17 PMUnknown

One more thing, I found that Penangites is not fully accepting strata title house. Can someone educate me, as I was told, if u want to sell your strata title property, you need to pay lots of money to transfer your name to the prospect buyer. Is this true ?

In fact, I am much prefer gated and guarded as I feel the current social security problem in Malaysia is getting worst now, inevitably this new concept becomes very essential nowaday. You have to understand, nothing is free in this world, every service you enjoying, there is a price to pay.

On the same token, if someone stays at medium to high end condominium and paying a monthly 200 to 300 ringgit of maintenance fee, I see no reason why you cannot afford to pay RM200 per month ?

Let's put it this way, there is not much of land available on the east coastal area, and you can hardly find a developer who can build 284 houses within the same community, the more houses u build, the lesser of monthly maintenance fee. So, SB is probably the last project in the island that build such a large scale with gated and guarded property.

April 22, 2009 at 3:21 PMUnknown

Agree with Chai, nothing comes free, better security, higher cost. Although it is not 100% sure, but at least there is another level of safeguard. About the Mosque, I think the prayer can only be heard during the 5 praying hours. We can easily adjust to it and soon or later it will not be heard anymore. So I am still OK with it. I am just afraid if the strata title status will de-value the property since so many people concern about it. On the other hand, this is the in thing in KL, maybe future housing development in Penang will be towards this G&G concept too, so the worry will not exist anymore.
By the way, I think soon or later Penang linked houses will go up to 1 Million. Scary but so true.

April 22, 2009 at 3:40 PMAnonymous

I thought only condo/apartment/flat have strata title. Can anyone explain to me?

April 22, 2009 at 6:30 PMUnknown

SB is having a promotion of "Buyer get buyer" promotion. Each existing buyer will get 10K if he or she successfully recommended a buyer. For the benefits of prospect buyers, do keep in touch if you intend to buy one so that we can share out the cost so that we can strike a win win deal.

April 22, 2009 at 6:32 PMUnknown

Strata title was originated from apartment/Condo, however, the same concept was proliferated to terrace houses (Gated community). I tend to agree with Southbay comments, it is a matter of time Penangites will get use to it. However, we need some audience here to educate us, how much we need to fork out if we would sell our strata title property ?

April 22, 2009 at 9:11 PMUnknown

selling strata title property is the same as selling you individual title property. difference is:
individual title - one needs to folk out the transfer stamp duty immediately upon completion
strata title - transfer stamp duty will be after 1 or 2 years upon completion

i understand both condo & strata landed are under schedule H where condo is under building intended for subdivision while strata landed is land parcel intended for subdivision.

i sold both my landed & condo before, both are of same process. no issue at all.

April 22, 2009 at 9:16 PMUnknown

schedule H

April 22, 2009 at 9:27 PMUnknown

Steven, quite a busy snapshot, is it true that you need to pay more on the transfer stamp fee as compare to the normal landed individual freehold title ?

April 22, 2009 at 9:44 PMUnknown

calculation for transfer stamp duty for both individual & strata landed is the same.

1st 100k - 1%
next 400k - 2%
thereafter - 3%

April 22, 2009 at 11:22 PMUnknown

i'm quite interested, whoever looking for purchase can contact me, we can share the 10k:)

April 22, 2009 at 11:33 PMUnknown



April 22, 2009 at 11:43 PMUnknown

wow is that true? still kena 15k...hmm...

April 23, 2009 at 9:30 AMUnknown

tan, pls have the internet etiquette.
do not simply give comment if you did not study what the developer is offering for their easy home ownership package.

April 23, 2009 at 9:52 AMUnknown

Totally agree with Steven. Using CAPS = shouting at people. That's very rude.

Please get clarification from developer to confirm what costs will be bear by them. And how the title transfer works. They can give good explaination.

April 23, 2009 at 7:03 PMUnknown

I agreed with Steven, please check this out with Mah Sing, lots of goodies are offering now by Mah Sing. It is quite contradict of what TAN commented. Though I have not made up my mind yet, but things may work out well eventually.

Steven, if you got one or you intended to get one, pls let us know so that we can split the goodies offered by Mah Sing.

April 23, 2009 at 7:12 PMUnknown

Any prospect buyer of SB here, please leave your email address so that we can work things out offline to strike a win win deal.

April 24, 2009 at 11:47 AMUnknown

I just confirmed with MahSing that they will absorb the legal transfer fee when the sub-division strata title is out around 2 years after the house is ready. The est absorbed fee is around RM16K.

I am interested in this property. For those who has interest to share the benefit of buyer-get-buyer scheme, please contact me at :)

April 24, 2009 at 1:47 PMUnknown

I am a potential buyer too. Please contact me at

April 24, 2009 at 8:40 PMUnknown

Eric : (myself)

I believe Eric has bought the unit, we can link up 4 of us to strike a win win deal. So, please we need to set a timeline to discuss offline.

April 25, 2009 at 12:55 PMDynamic Resource Training & Consultancy

I have the Southbay unit last Mar.
If you are interested in the sharing of the buyer-get-buyer scheme, pls contact me at

Mr. Khor

April 27, 2009 at 12:21 AMUnknown

Hello all,

I am an buyer of SB project. IF you are interested in buying a unit, we could share the benefits of buyer get buyer scheme. Win-win situation!

Contact me:


April 27, 2009 at 4:59 PMUnknown

Eric, Ronposting,Southbay, pls check your Gmail, we need to discuss offline on how to excute the buyer gets buyer deal.

April 27, 2009 at 10:59 PMUnknown

hi chai, in reply to your posting dated april 23, 7.03pm. i don't own southbay residence as i'm waiting for their southbay legenda. but i have been enquired a lot on southbay since early 2008. one thing i really impressed is the services rendered by the marketing team. good job and keep it up.

April 28, 2009 at 7:22 AMUnknown

Thanks Steven, Legenda is a good stuff, but too expensive for me. Only rich people will own one. On the other side of coin, those properties beyond 1M will have dificulties to sell off unless u intend to stay in.

April 29, 2009 at 9:41 PMUnknown

hi guys, is the show house available for viewing already? was told earliar that it will be completed by end of april. thx

April 30, 2009 at 7:29 AMUnknown

Cristiano, show time is on 8th May. I have couple of photos of the latest progress updates, if u are interested, can drop me an email at

April 30, 2009 at 4:17 PMUnknown

Don't left me out on the buyer get buyer scheme! Contact me at 012-4737621 or

We share 50-50


May 1, 2009 at 11:48 PMID & Furniture Designer Tips

Hi, i fount a nice kitchen cabinet design maker from Penang to share with u guy, check out

May 2, 2009 at 12:44 PMMS

I don't think it is logical to gather more people to share out the BGB scheme. Individual discussion can achieve a better negotiation and faster in reaching the decision as well.

Happens to drove by SB, the road has widen up. Looks more strategic plan than SP Pearl. Looks like SB is more attractive and tempting !???

May 2, 2009 at 10:15 PMUnknown

there's a project right opposite mahsing also, noticed its something like dien biu or something, with semi-D/terrace. good or not that one?
also about southbay, u guys not concern about the strata title?? need to pay 400RM ++ maint. fees every month ..thats like ~5k per year?? ok meh?

May 2, 2009 at 10:58 PMUnknown

also, are u sure about the RM200 only maint fees? I heard its 400 wor.. now i live in an apartment also need to pay 150RM, how come mahsing need to pay only RM200??sure or not?

May 2, 2009 at 11:44 PMDynamic Resource Training & Consultancy

Betul-ke RM400 ?? Siapa yang istihar ni ? First 2 year "FREE" is confirmed, then it is up to resident association to determine the fee. RM200 is the costing done by developer and will be proposed to the R.A. when they take over 2 years later... Itu cakap RM400 punya orang can still pay RM400 if he/she wishes.... :)

May 3, 2009 at 12:19 AMeng

I am buyer of southbay, anyone interested on buyer get buyer scheme can contact me via


we split 50-50, eng

May 3, 2009 at 7:16 AMUnknown

haha..then ok la..if its 200RM, its reasonable..but if 400RM, really can die wan! so u all confirmed its 200 ke? got black and white or not? or just verbal nia?

May 3, 2009 at 8:11 AMUnknown

"House", you can do a simple maths to work out how much you need to pay, don't listen to others, make logical sense by yourself :

6 guards monthly salary =1500*6=9K
4 gardeners monthly salary = 1500*4=6K
4 cleaners monthly salary = 1500*4=6k
Security firm monthly charges=3K
1 Electrician monthly salary = 2K
2 Administrators monthly salary=5K

Monthly Maintenance and repair = RM30K
Electricity charges (lightings etc) = RM1K
Total = 62K/month

Total units = 284

Monthly charges = 62K/284=RM$218/month

I could miss out some others, but won't be that too far.

May 3, 2009 at 8:43 AMUnknown

If u look at Penang island now, only 2 projects that has decently guarded with the economy of scale, that is - Southbay and SP Pearl. The theory is, the more houses within the campus, the lesser you will pay for your maintenance.

Side some examples :
D'Residence monthly maintenance is over 400.
Asia Hill, monthly maintenance is over 400.
The Sanctuary,monthly maintenance is over 400.

The above 3 examples have very low units within the campus, thus their monthly charges, inevitably, will be much higher.

I think, apart from SB,SP, Sunway project(opoosite of Pearl island) will the next project with such economy of scale. Other than these 3, I believe there won't be anymore lands available at the east coast area.

In other words, SB,SP,Sunway are the very limited few who provide decent security service with decent maintenance fee.

Guarded+Gated(G&G) is getting much popular in KL and Johor, I believe due to the social security problems, G&G will be the future in-think. You pay what you get. There is no free lunch in this world.

May 3, 2009 at 7:02 PMUnknown

i won't call SPsetia as having 'security feature'. its only guarded, the jaga is there to scare people only, but by law, they cannot stop you from entering because they don't own the land/roads! so SPsetia system is flawed??

May 3, 2009 at 7:40 PMDrag

There is a workaround to be G&G for those without strata title -- the community committee can apply from city council yearly to make the road private. It's up to the city council's approval so more troublesome + you need to do it yearly. Under normal circumstances it will be approved provided the blocked road does not affect others. It should not be a problem for SPI's road as it's not shared. There are a lot of such application being done in PJ community. Just google it and you'll find related news, cheers. :)

May 3, 2009 at 9:07 PMMS

Southbay is truly the strata title whereas SPI is not. SPI clubhouse is open for public, thus less privacy as compare to SB.

However, the SPI guard can helps to certain extend in case there is an alert, the guard can shut the gate and do the due deligent. So, to certain extend, SPI is not a completely opened concept, which means, some level is security is available.

SB is paying RM200++ monthly on their maintenance whereas SPI only pay RM50 to 70. Which means, SPI clubhouse is not open for residence (unless you pay), also, no one will take care of the gardening somehow.

In other words, you cannot equate SPI and SB to be the same. Majority of the SPI link houses are hovering around 600K to 700K (except their super link and semi-D), whereas SB is 750K to 1.2M.

If u are looking for a truly private area, then SB is the choice.

May 4, 2009 at 12:17 AMUnknown

how many times can a person recommend friend? unlimited???

May 4, 2009 at 7:49 AMMS

SB showroom is finally ready for viewing on 9th and 10th May. Good grief !!

May 4, 2009 at 8:33 AMUnknown

"Drag", and how much would that 'applying to the council for private road closure' thing going to cost every year? and also, who on earth in the SPI community will do it aftre 2-3 years after SPI leaves them since they don't have JMB (since not strata)?

May 4, 2009 at 8:36 AMUnknown

"SY", your calculation on the maint. fees for 284 units on a MUCH BIGGER PIECE of land doesn't make sense, if you compare that to an apartmnent with probabaly 5% land size of Mahsing + much higher density? (take summer place for example, so small land + so many blocks + floors, but already charging RM300 on average)!

so how can that be 200?? just think about it and compare it against apartment? some experts please comment?

May 4, 2009 at 9:29 AMAnonymous

Hi SY,
Can you elaborate on the Sunway project(opoosite of Pearl island)? Thank you. I thought the land opposite of Pearl Island is belong to Koperasi Tunas Muda?

May 4, 2009 at 9:55 AMUnknown

house, please bear in mind that there are no lifts for landed. thus, tremendous savings on the maintenance costs.

May 4, 2009 at 10:52 AMUnknown

Business, u could be right...sorry for the confusion.

May 4, 2009 at 6:08 PMDrag

House, sorry I do no know the amount to pay for. I'll assume it will not be a big sum, the fee may be just processing fees of probably in hundred range. That's my assumption...

Instead of answering your question on "who" (which pretty much I cannot answer that), I'll answer "why" that I can think of:
1. To keep up their property value
2. To protect their family

Residents in PJ already did that, so their motivation should be the testimonial on why one want sacrifices their personal time doing that.

I suggest further questions related to SPI to ask in SPI blog instead of SB blog so that the fan boy of SPI can answer your questions directly :)

May 4, 2009 at 6:23 PMUnknown

House, since u staying in apartment, the management will send you the detail of their accounting details. Nothing less than what I described above. Irregardless of the landed or non-landed, you still need cleaners, security guards, electricians, admins. KK is correct, lift is a very costly items in the building maintenance expense. As for landed, it will be those trees and flowers. The rest of te expenses in the clubhouse will be much the same as in apartment.

May 4, 2009 at 9:15 PMJoe

I drove by the southbay site today and view the show units at a distance. I do not see any fence segregating the 3 show house and did not see any roof above the car porch. So the home owner need to get wet in the room from their cars to the house? I suppose owner are not able to extend the kitchen to take advantage of the extra land at the back and build roof at the carporch since this is strata title.

May 4, 2009 at 9:20 PMUnknown

Taken from Setia Pearl Island blog, any comments especially from the mahsing buyers? =)

House, I think you forgetting to mention things like if your house is a strata like MahSing you cannot change any exterior of your house, typical resale house value will be lower in future, problem of resident not paying maintenance fee and poor maintenance of the area like most (> 5yrs) condos we see today in PNG. I believe Southbay is expecting RM200 per month today but in future it can be RM300-400 like what is happening on some condos. Developer getting smarter, they know maintenance fee is one of the major drawback so they will mention a low maintenance fee since they are the one maintaining the first 2 yrs. another words subsidize. After that u r on your own. Typical maintenance company will charge more after 1-2yrs. that is where the system fails. Some will pay, some won't especially those just buy to invest which i think makes half of MahSing's buyer.

Well the whole SP Setia area is elevated and gated. the only entrance is from the front. I believe u can't legally stop anyone from entering but u will know who is entering. The case here is that to avoid crime. I seldom see anyone would go to all the trouble of registering and such to walk in the park since all the facilities are in the club house. I see a lot of Juru project using similar concept and it is well guarded. No one really tries to use the law to stroll around in ours housing area yet.

Well we paid for income tax, so let council do their jobs :) Honestly I don't trust council that much but I feel that we paid so much de for income tax. they should do their job. anyway only time will tell. PKR don't let me down. :P

well don't get me wrong. Strata is a great solution and the uniformity of the place will make it really nice to stay. The are only a few catches; will everyone do their part, r u ok with the current design now and 10yrs from now and r u ok with the additional burden (which for sure to increase in future). if u believe the ans is yes by all means go for strata

May 4, 2009 at 9:21 PMJoe

sorry, i meant get wet in the rain from the car to their home since no roof on top of the car porch.

May 5, 2009 at 1:12 AMUnknown

that is the bad thing about strata, you can't extend your roof too :) sorry!

May 5, 2009 at 11:43 AMUnknown

Anyone question about the credibility of Mah Sing, will it deliver what it promised 2 and half years later?
Any comment on this?
What about the financial status of Mah Sing?

May 5, 2009 at 11:55 AMUnknown

One of my friend who is a property developer in KL, Mah Sing is financially sound. They have recently received 2 awards - Asia Pacific Property Award 2009.

May 5, 2009 at 12:00 PMMS

house, since u don't like strata title, then go for SPI. You have all the basic right to make your wise decision.

Of how it blow up from 200 to 400 on the monthly maintenance fee for SB, no basis and not fact base statement.

May 5, 2009 at 12:02 PMMS

Guys, no guessing on the car porch issue, just go visit their showroom on this weekend to see yourself. Also, compare with SPI car porch as well.

May 5, 2009 at 1:38 PMUnknown

no, nothing about guessing, i asked the salesman, he said yes, it is only HALF COVERED
i have also visited the showhouse on may 1st (no guards then ,,hehehe) and walked into EVERY FLOOR! ok?

May 5, 2009 at 1:47 PMMS

house, you are damn daring. Luckily nothing happen to you. So, since you are the "1st visitor" to the showroom, what have u found out apart from the car porch ? what is your comments ? Have u also compare the car porch at SPI ? Can u share some light here?

May 5, 2009 at 2:10 PMUnknown

SPI porch and MS porch about the same, roughly la. but SPI you can stil extend ma, but MS can't. Haha, yes, I was the first few and managed to see all 3 floors, VERY NICE inside indeed, they spent 400k for CUSTOM-MADE furnitures, superb!

My general comment is - beautiful house. Plus points : big hall + kitchen = open concept, once you masuk, u can see the entire BIG BIG Hall + Kictchen, no stupid wall blocking, unlike Setia. Above floor, they make a family hall and then another floor, they make it as study area, lots of space lo. I only find that garden on top floor a bit useless. haha, but its overall good squarish design hehe. oh, too many toilets lah!

May 5, 2009 at 2:13 PMUnknown

that day i tried to go in again, but they have placed 2 guards there :( so cannot already.. but opening soon on Friday ma since you are buyer..

May 5, 2009 at 2:16 PMUnknown

actually, you all can just stop by the roadside, and walk over outside and MARVEL at the house from outside, your saliva will probably come out from your mouth :):) - while the guards will be angrily staring at your and SHOO you away, but you can just stand there and watch, hehe, can see inside a bit through the veils too!

if u buy a place, its good to visit the place on different hours/days/seasons to ensure everything is ok about the traffic/people/environment, so forth, so please drive around and drop by la!

May 5, 2009 at 2:24 PMMS

Aiya House !! U should have take some shooting and post it here ma so that everyone can see it. I was told after they officially launched, price go up again. Is this true ???

May 5, 2009 at 2:36 PMUnknown

get the sales staff to snap lah... but i think they are very busy now. i walked in their office over the weekend. packed with customers.

May 5, 2009 at 2:37 PMUnknown

We cannot extend the roof? I am staying in a condo with strata title and i extended my roof. Some of my neighbours extended their kitchen! Are we against the strata title? Please comment!

May 5, 2009 at 3:00 PMUnknown

house, showroom only open on this Saturday and not Friday....

May 5, 2009 at 3:03 PMUnknown

Southbay, i think it is up to the discretion of the property management (corect me if I am wrong)whether they want to kacau u or not. Of course, under the condition that it will not totally facelift the building structure and appearance.

One of my friend who stay at Bayswater, even the iron grill door pattern/fashion must be standardized. Very fussy !

May 5, 2009 at 3:08 PMUnknown

SY, showroom opens FRIDAY SNEAK PEEK for buyers only :) Saturday is for public viewing. if you pay 30K already, u can view on Friday, remember oh..

May 5, 2009 at 3:09 PMUnknown

actually, they say must standardize only, thats what they told me when i make my apartment grill, but then when people use other pattern grill, they also cannot do anything ! haahahahaha,

May 5, 2009 at 4:06 PMUnknown

house, I was told MBB charge RM25 and Affin charge RM10 for withdrawal from Flexi-Home loan ?

May 5, 2009 at 4:11 PMUnknown

Bayswater guard damn garang, they check every iron grill entering to the entrance. Terrible ! One of the owner was told, they even tear down the iron grill. This is really unreasonable and unfair. In my opinion, i only agreed such alteration such as outside wall painted at different colors, road path obstruction, not iron grill ?? Anyway, I was told the guard was fired and change entirely to new management now. Good grief !

May 5, 2009 at 4:29 PMUnknown

Thanks SY, so i guess with a bit of extention on the roof top is just fine right.
so no worry on the roof issue or getting wet or inconvenience during rainny season like now. :P

May 5, 2009 at 5:19 PMUnknown

sorry SY, typo, corrected:
Buyers, lets talk about the banks: AFFIN, MBB, PBE, CIMB - Pros/cons?

AFFIN = BLR - 2.15 (BLR = 5.5) - flexi, pay ~RM10 to take out money from flexi loan
MBB = BLR - 2.2 (BLR = 5.55) - flexi, pay RM25 to take out money from flexi loan
CIMB = BLR - 2.2 (BLR = 5.5) - termed loan then-flexi, pay RMxx (not sure, siapa tau?) and pay RM300 one time fee to convert to become flexi
PBE = BLR - 2 (BLR = 5.5) <<-- this one is out

May 5, 2009 at 5:23 PMUnknown

Southbay, agreed, as long as the roof tile color is the same and looks homogenous, it should be fine.

I was told my Maybank officer, they have received overwhelming response from Southbay buyers, the officer even need to work until 10pm daily. I believe Maybank offer quite a good deal.

May 5, 2009 at 5:29 PMMS

House, it will be good if you can also compare :

1. Earlier settlement, any penalty ?
2. MRTA ? Transferable to other bank if re-finacing needed ?
3. Tight up period among banks ?

May 5, 2009 at 5:38 PMUnknown

1. Earlier settlement, any penalty ? duno yet, AFFIN - can't pay >50% in first 5 years . haha
2. MRTA ? Transferable to other bank if - re-finacing needed ? AFFIN - MRTA trasnfer for freee after 5 years
3. Tight up period among banks ? AFFIN - 5 years, maybank - 4 years

May 5, 2009 at 7:22 PMMS

we can only list down all the facts, however individual person will have different needs. Some may not require MRTA, some will not make earlier settlement based on financial constrains, some are opportunies (hit and run)which will sell away their properties after the construction is completed.

Whatever it is, immediately after the official launch sometime next month, the new phases (between 221 to 288)will position at around 900K and above. This is close to what SPI is offering for their super link house.

May 5, 2009 at 7:36 PMUnknown

did u notice Mah Sing is launching their property phase by phase ? Every phase after, the price it or not, this will happen, I believe what MS is predicting.

May 5, 2009 at 7:43 PMMS

I believe it should be the same size as current except corner lot. Based on historical trend, Mah Sing is breaking their sales strategy by phases. Every phase they move, price is increased. I also believe once they started the construction, no more free S&P stamping etc.

May 5, 2009 at 9:17 PMUnknown

their Type A all sold. i missed it! darn!!

May 5, 2009 at 10:15 PMxzqtiv

yes, very smart of them by breaking into phases. good cash inflow as per construction progress. frankly, i was not convinced when they previewed last year. however, their preseverance & patience have finally paid off. good concept they have.

May 5, 2009 at 10:17 PMxzqtiv

agreed with house. air liuh meleleh when i peek into the show units from outside. :)))

May 5, 2009 at 10:22 PMUnknown

i don't know any of you have noticed they lit up their show units today. cool leh.. when you view it from outside. and the logo of southbay residence has been installed at the entrance wall. they gave me a very welcoming feel when i walked in.

May 6, 2009 at 1:01 PMUnknown

MS is over exaggerated about the price. Mah Sing will be wise enough to make the price raise without raising any concerns from the market response.

May 7, 2009 at 11:13 AMUnknown


May 7, 2009 at 11:28 AMUnknown

based on the latest economy status, this year Q3/Q4 will be a pickup period in electronic industry. Which means, we would expect a stronger confident level in property sales by end of this year. For those who have not invested any properties (whether SB or SPI or etc) or hesitated about the situation, pls do not miss the last train. Will regret for life !

May 7, 2009 at 1:46 PMUnknown

I think to miss the stock market now is the biggest regret of your life :)

May 7, 2009 at 2:36 PMUnknown

house, undoubtedly, me too :)

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