
Ideal Regency - I-Regency Condominium, the modern living lifestyle resort condominiums located in Bukit Gambier, Penang at the vicinity of University Science Malaysia (USM) and is only minutes away to the Penang Bridge and Bayan Lepas Free Trade Zone.

I-Regency condominium offering resort lifestyle with all the necessary features such as lush landscape gardens, pools and recreational facilities. The residential scheme consists of total 5 condominium blocks, 8-storey and 21-storey building. I-Regency comes with three types (Condo-villa Type 1 & 2, Sky-Villa) and has a spacious built-up area from 1,200 - 1,500 sq.ft.

Property Project : I-Regency
Location : Bukit Gambier, Penang
Property Type : Condominium
No. of Blocks : 5
No. of Storeys : 8 & 21
Total Units : 258
Developer : Cygal Properties Sdn Bhd

Condo-Villa Type 1
No. of Blocks : 2
No. of Storeys : 8
Total Units : 32 units
Units per Floor : 2
Built-up Area : approx 1,325 sq.ft.

Condo-Villa Type 2
No. of Blocks : 2
No. of Storeys : 8
Total Units : 32 units
Units per Floor : 2
Built-up Area : approx 1,500 sq.ft.

No. of Blocks : 1
No. of Storeys : 21
Total Units : 194 units
Units per Floor : 10
Built-up Area - approx 1,200 sq.ft.

649 comments«Oldest  ‹Older  401 – 600 of 649  Newer›  Newest»

March 21, 2009 at 11:21 PMBoneBreak

Sao is funny. Previous post mentioned that bank rejected his loan and yet still telling me he got the loan approval.

I'm not interested on how many landed or condo u have in hand but your motive.

Anyway if you are real, then you won't be asking if this unit is worth and also how much the ROI would be.

Pleas wake up ur idea!

March 21, 2009 at 11:21 PMAnonymous

Aiyoh, really worry after reading the comment at "1-world" project. Sound like Ideal developer really got problem nia...My only wish now is IR can obtain the OC ASAP, no more delay PLEASEeeeee...FYI, I been signing S&P since Dec2005 (w/ lucky draw + RM20K discount bla bla bla), n only managed to get the stamping on 2007...So am really worry :-(

March 22, 2009 at 12:08 AMAnonymous

i am also interested to know the details, as i also heard from my frenz that OCBC not approve loan for this project.

March 22, 2009 at 12:17 AMAnonymous

snp only 950 sqft, but extension to 1200sqft, i am curious how this project able to obtain OC as it is not matching, how DAP government goin to approve it, unless there is some under table procedure goin on, this project is launch in 2005, that time is BN government, after 2008, it is taken over by DAP, they always talk about CAT system, i am really interested how the develper able to get thru the government n obtain OC.

normally for other project such as sri kristal at farlim, the developer only do the extension after abtain OC.

the oasis project is stall after government change in penang. PGCC also being rejected by DAP, now wonder how ideal goin to obtain OC for this project.

March 22, 2009 at 1:46 AMUnknown


I think your motive is more obvious than Sao. You are a purchaser and trying to brush off some comments which you think may affect you since you post to sell your investment at 550k earlier. I think Sao is replying your question that his/her credibility is fine looking at the number of properties own.

Btw, 636sqft for 550k, well looking at the assessibility of the commercial units, more of a dream for quick bucks. I think you should wake up instead. Look at Ivory, the commercial unit demand still fairly weak. Moreover its assessibility is much better.

Well final advice, continue DREAMING!

March 22, 2009 at 3:22 PMBoneBreak

What comments did I try to brush off? Not even ONE!

I think you are fresh to property market and hence have no idea the value of a shop lot. LOL!

Anyway I am moving out from Penang and try to sell off all my properties at good price or I can just leave it for 20 years.

I am wondering if you are an owner or interested buyer to post comment!!!

March 22, 2009 at 10:02 PMUnknown

Never assume one's experience if you don't know them.....well i can't stop u from responding like a child.

Another note, i m not interested in this property as i have seen the quality from their past project. no point pouring money into your pocket.

well no regrets for u i hope. nothing personal. and sweet dreams!

March 22, 2009 at 11:30 PMBoneBreak


I judge a person based on his output. If someone put words in other's mouth, then I can confirmed that this fella is nothing but nuisanse.

All I know they developed great properties such as the I Revenue and Krystal Point.

For sure that, there will be ppls who feel sour if they can't own 1 of the unit and I am not blaming them for giving out bad comments.

I believe this comment section is for discussion of good and bad.

March 23, 2009 at 12:17 AMUnknown

this forum not for personal war...again sweet dreams. cheers.....kid!

March 23, 2009 at 11:10 PMJoe

So, beside flamming war.
What can we do now? If you suspect they might we might have problem obtaining O.C

March 24, 2009 at 10:38 AMUnknown

I dont know exactly what is the problem here with IR getting the OC because some of the comment was deleted. Anyway, if this problem is due to the SnP stating 900 sf but actual is 1200sf then I think this information that I have might a relief to some. I have checked with Kementerian Perumahan & Kerajaan Tempatan, there is an application by developer to have the building plan changed. But I have no idea exactly on what was the 'change'. At least there is an official black & white application for a plan change and it was passed by the government body. I print screen the summary page of the application but I cannot upload picture here.


March 24, 2009 at 10:38 AMBryan

Original plan is to extend after OC. This will required additional ~3 months after OC, before you can move in. IDEAL change the plan by doing the extension after Penang changed to DAP gov. I have been told that they tried to save the 3 months time and the additional extension cost. If OC not allowed after the extension (what they claimed is not likely), they will make the unit to the original plan for the OC, and extend later.
I'm not sure whether this explanation is acceptable or not, but just wait la. We already come to here today, and we will know very soon.
Anyway, if the units will not get the OC, why IDEAL still continue to build it? Just for fun? Or they want to make a headline to affect their "The One" project? So, I still choose to believe them.

March 24, 2009 at 12:43 PMAnonymous

if that is the case, why they dun put the exact sqft in the snp, do buyer require to pay a sum of money base on exact sqft upon obtain OC or srata title, can anyone check out on it as well?

if anyobe know the details, can you help to clear the doubts on y oversea bank not approve loan for this project? is anything that we dun know, hope it is clear before we can make the decision on buying or not.

March 24, 2009 at 1:02 PMUnknown

This is what I know. The original project before Ideal took over for the developer, Cygal Properties, it was supposed to be a medium cost apartment. But after Ideal took over the project, they change it to a high end condo. This is the reason why there is some difference in sf. If you ever did go to Ideal office then you will see on the wall, some before and after Ideal take over the project.

Just in case anyone did not know about this. Ideal is the not the developer. Ideal is merely a company that over look the entire project including financial, construction, management, marketing and etc. Ideal is BPO company; the specialized in property outsourcing. The developer is still Cygal properties.


March 24, 2009 at 11:59 PMUnknown

cygal is not the developer but the land owner. moreover, cygal is a PN4 company as what i understand.

correct me if i'm wrong. 900sf or 1200sf is something to do with the density allowed. by stating 900sf in the S&P, the developer can build more units. the additional 300sf is in the DEED of which it's under common property. i don't know whether by extending the 900sf to 1200sf will affect the issuance of strata title or not. do check with legal advisor.

in fact, the price is based on 1200sf not 900sf. although the 300sf is under common property.

March 25, 2009 at 12:05 AMUnknown

S&P signed in 2005 and got stamped only in 2007?

ok, when was the date of your first receipt? or is there any record shown that you have paid the booking fee to the developer? if yes, you may claim for LAD as it's more than 36 months as per schedule H.

March 25, 2009 at 8:41 AMKK88

JS, you're right about the legal matter pertaining density allowed in a project. That's why the Central Park now having problem to give out 2 car park per unit.

March 26, 2009 at 9:59 AMBryan

Thanks for the input from JS, nic, KK88 and so on. Seems like this project is full of problems..... So, me as 1 of the owners, should regret liao.... should I?
The concerns have been brought up long time ago in this blog, if I'm not mistaken. Anyway, this condo almost fully sold. Only left 3~4 units which is bigger square feet and required more than RM400K (including some with private garden)
We (the owners) are going to move in soon, maybe end of this year. So, should I assume that I will not able to move in due to the issues? Then I have to pay for it as I through in all my money in this condo and currently renting a place to stay.
However, what if we (owners) still able to move in by then? Is it means most of your statements is not correct? If this is the case, will anyone of you come out and apologize due to making the huh hah? I would like to believe in you and will ask for more advise from you if you dare to take up the responsibility.
950sf is the size in S&P and the 250sf or more is under accessory parcel (not common property). Car park also under the accessory parcel. Let's see if I able to park my 2 cars into the 2 car parks by the end of the year. As for the strata title, I have also post this question before. Some people have doubt but IDEAL said no problem. There is additional document signed on the additional 250sf or more. So, whether this is working, we (the owners) will know and no point guessing here.
Oversea bank loan not approved..... I still manage to get a few loan offer from local banks. As a buyer, this is good enough, I think.
Maybe 1 year from now, I will re-visit the comments here and will share with you what is the actual things happen. I am also very curios why such problematic project can be built until today, almost 90% completed.
Again, appreciate those giving true inputs.

March 26, 2009 at 8:20 PMUnknown

Hey Brian,

How's everything?
I am so excited, and cannt wait to get my KEYs.
Eventhought i am not staying in PG...:)

I just love IDEAL. Keep up posted.


March 26, 2009 at 11:08 PMBoneBreak

Commercial lot are ready to hand over.

We shall see exciting shops opening soon.

April 2, 2009 at 4:05 PMBryan

Palazzia lights up last night.... nice

April 29, 2009 at 2:37 PMUnknown

can i know how carpark arrangement from dev for residence unit?

May 6, 2009 at 1:37 PMAnonymous

Hey, we went to collect the interest subsidy in ideal office yesterday. As per the sale person, we will get the VP somewhen July, but OC few month later. Most likely we only able to start renovate year end of 2009. Sigh...a bit dissapointed. -(Different version from what other buyer heard a week ago..)
But base on the latest photo captured by xnetcc.net, look like still got a lot of work to do before they can even declare VP

May 15, 2009 at 1:09 PMBryan

Info by the sales, they targeted to hand over the projecy in July, or August if any delay. The hand over = VP & OC. So, the worst case, we can move in by Sep/ Oct. Different version.....

The side road is not required to be completed before the VP/OC. It is just built for the relocation of the guard house after VP/OC. So, owner who move in early like me will need to use the small entrence behind Palazzia for some period. And OC already obtained for Palazzia, just not much people start any business there due to current situation.

Car park will be through bellot, but don't know when. However, different car park area will be allocated for different block. So, you won't get the car park too far from your life.

May 16, 2009 at 11:30 PMAnonymous

I hope what Bryan said is correct, as I'm in hurry to move in too...Can wait till year end only start renovate, hope to move in instead.

May 31, 2009 at 8:50 PMthe thinker

Bryan's comment sounds optimistic while others were bursting at the wrong direction? No, not true. Everybody was right at his/her own views. This proj buyers were just lucky compared to oasis. Just being lucky in every sense.

Common property will not bring about any problem on strata title issuance but nobody knows what next move enforced by new govt will cause? pay extra RM200/sqft for the common property in 10yrs to come? who knows. May be you have already sold yr unit. Just pity the sub sale new buyers.

I like the design of this building but have not seen the workmanship yet. One thing that most of the owners here should worry is the noise pollution. It is less than 0.5km distance away from the busiest traffic along Yap chor yee road. A slight noise from a bike at 12AM will knock your slumber. Dont even mention about fresh air. Anyway no infestation of bugs because you wont be opening your balconies at any point of time.

June 2, 2009 at 1:38 PMBryan

Hi, Thinker,

I did compare IR and Oasis and I selected IR. You can say I am lucky, but I can say I did my homework. I purchase after IR was already at 20% progress.

I am not sure what will happen to the common area. Please tell me more. Is car park considered common area? I bought it for about 300~400/sf. How about accessory parcel? Also a common area? Bother car park and additional sf are under accessory parcel in S&P, if I am not mistaken.

I am not sure about the noise pollution as well, but every time I visited there and walk around the Ivory Plazza, I didn’t find any noise bordering me. In fact, I feel the peacefulness. Also, if there is a condo more than 0.5km away from main road, I may not choose the condo. Furthermore, I don’t find Yap Chor Yee road traffic any busier than other Penang main roads. Midnight biker may be the once concerning a bit. But again, as long as a condo near to main road, this may happen and I am really ok with this.

Fresh air and bugs….. I don’t remember I experienced any problem last time when I stay in USM Desa Damai. I used to jog in USM stadium also. Please remind me if any.

June 7, 2009 at 8:55 PMBoneBreak

OC is not yet obtained for Palazzia.

June 17, 2009 at 3:02 PMUnknown

y no latest pic for this project? How the construction?

June 18, 2009 at 2:31 PMMau Horng, 茅鸿

Last week, I met one of Ideal sales person. She told me OC only will be obtained after December. What a bad news!!! I'd planned to move in before on Oct. As my current rental contract end on October. Why keep delaying???

Bryan, why you can go in to take photo? How u get the permission?

June 24, 2009 at 5:54 PMBryan

Where got permit one....... :)

OC Dec? Too bad.

Latest picture pls visit our resident site.

June 25, 2009 at 8:45 AMMau Horng, 茅鸿

Bryan, then why u can go in to take photo leh?
Can I go in also? :P

June 25, 2009 at 6:08 PMBryan

MH, this kind of thing, you no need my permission...... but everything is on your own risk.

If you ask me, I will not encourage people to go into the site. It is still dangerous.

June 30, 2009 at 9:24 AMJoe

Detail discussion of I-Regency can be found at

all latest photos at:

All residents can come visit the forum, we might be able to conduct bulk purchase of furniture/electrical items or even interior design/renovation ! to get cheaper rate.!..

June 30, 2009 at 9:30 AMMau Horng, 茅鸿

Joe, how to join the forum?
When I click the link, it prompt me:

You have been banned from this forum.
Please contact the webmaster or board administrator for more information.

Kindly advise. Thanks.

July 2, 2009 at 11:51 AMJoe

Sry Mau Horng,
Previously there were lot of spammers with nasty ads.. I banned some of the IP addresses.

Pls try again

July 2, 2009 at 3:16 PMMau Horng, 茅鸿

Joe, I just registered successfully. Thank you very much. ^^

July 4, 2009 at 3:01 PMele

hi..anyone know what the owner of the land behind i-regency is going to do.? the land is being cleared...all the lovely trees...build landed property?...i believe the owner is developer of i-regency

July 4, 2009 at 5:54 PMYeoh

anyone know what is the future plan for that piece of land and please share with us because I also curious to know.

July 13, 2009 at 4:55 PMthe thinker

an empty land behind the I-regency is clearing up for a few blocks of Condo...it is to be launched soon.Just called up the developer and it is firmed that the project will kick off soon.

Just a precaution.

July 14, 2009 at 10:39 AMJoe



Received a letter today asking me to head over their office for drawing the car park.

Datate 17/7 - 18/7 3pm -6pm

July 14, 2009 at 12:21 PMele

thinker... by the way who is the developer? i have been told that the land belongs to Magnum and they intend to build bungalows and semids..are u sure u got ur facts right or just want to scare people for the fun of it...thats not very nice

July 14, 2009 at 10:52 PMthe thinker

ele, just treat it an information will do. It could be landed if you wish. Yes, it is Magnum.
Prelim info was that the proj is for condo.
I wish the proj is for semiD and bangalows as I plan to get one.

July 20, 2009 at 9:57 PMwlsoon

wat website??

July 27, 2009 at 12:15 AMBK

D'piazza 1100 sqft with 2 car parks only asking for RM300k. So much difference in asking price for soon to be completed projects.

August 3, 2009 at 7:59 AMUnknown

So the sales and purchase began.......

Look like the minimum price offered is at 400K. I bit higher compared to PP, but I think it is value for money by looking at the comprehensiveness and quality of the condo.

Not sure if BK can agree to this?

August 5, 2009 at 8:49 PMUnknown

However, in term of privacy and quietness, i think PP value than IR.

August 11, 2009 at 1:39 PMUnknown

Privacy and quietness = inconvenient. Must balance between the 2.


August 27, 2009 at 12:25 PMAnonymous

VP obtained. Anyone knew when OC??

September 3, 2009 at 1:11 AMdaniellee

Beware of this project. The S&P only state for 900+ Square Feet although they claims that their property is 1.1k Square Feet. The original plan of this property that submit to MPPP is only 900+ square feet, they actually ask buyer to sign a contract to sub the extention contract to their contractor which under buyer own risk. Which means, it is up to user responsiblity on the extension from 900 square feet to 1.1k square feet whcih actually occupy the compund outside the house. Resale value may not be good.

September 4, 2009 at 3:47 AMpeter

i just buy a sub sale unit on price 400k for 1200 sf unit...

September 6, 2009 at 11:57 AMBK

Really? Why not consider 400k for 1400 sf at Palm Palladium? Less dense, less noise, within walking distance.

September 6, 2009 at 10:25 PMpeter

i don think IR is noise,i go there before! For PP i go in have a view before too, i don like it design,many ^kak^ at the room..

September 16, 2009 at 11:20 PMIn Style

ori price only 250k plus...

September 19, 2009 at 12:00 PMUnknown

Any idea when will the OC can be obtained?

October 4, 2009 at 4:08 PMUnknown

high floor 1200 sft wanted sale at 430k with 3 carpark.

October 7, 2009 at 11:20 AMUnknown

Dear IR owners/ buyers, I have concern about the loan application actually will based on size 950sf or 1200sf? Anybody have an idea?
Thanks for your sharing.

October 7, 2009 at 3:52 PManand

Hi, I bought a unit recently and got loan for 390K. Try for Maybank and Ambank. The problem is, other banks haven't evaluate the property yet.

October 7, 2009 at 11:55 PMJoe

OC Obtained today. Will officially announce next week!

October 9, 2009 at 9:27 PMjun hao

Wah, so many want to sell. Why?

October 10, 2009 at 7:23 AMUnknown

OC obtained liao. If not selling now, when?
I believe most of the sellers are among the first batch buyer in 2005/ 2006. Due to project delay, they may already established another nedw home and not going to stay here. Somemore, they are making very good profit with the low purchase price in 2005/ 2006. Why not?

October 10, 2009 at 10:35 PMthe thinker

Is this a selling comotion ?
Why is the selling price so expensive?
Those low rise facing each other will have an unprecendented echo of noises as it is facing the main road while those units facing the sea will be viewless in 3year time when a new condo is built up in front of it. Better sell fast...!

October 11, 2009 at 12:59 AMUnknown

Aiyo "the thinker",

Saw your many many messages saying this no good and that no good. What is your intention behind? If you are so concern on the noise, maybe you can help to survey on the Gambier height and U Place residents. Then your voice will carry some weight. No need to repeat some many times here without any basic.
Also, the land behind is clearing by a developer. Don't know who but for sure it is a double/ 3 terrace/ semi-D, as published on the construction sign, unless I read the sign wrongly.
I just try to highlight that, almost every project, non-owner always think the subsale is so pricy, and the owner continue to sell at higher and higher price. So, I believe this is just a game that buyer want to get it cheaper and seller want to sell higher. The good/ bad points posed to support their side, is just secondary, and may be not valid.

October 12, 2009 at 8:20 PMBK

I think IR will become like The Spring. Mostly wanted to sell or rent out once obtained their OC.

October 15, 2009 at 9:56 AMLeprechaungal

honest evaluation pls..how much will a unit price starts now for the apt?

October 15, 2009 at 11:21 AMjun hao

Better sell now before it's too late. It won't appreciate anymore.I think RM365K is consider ok for 1200sq ft while for 1500sq ft, 480K is reasonable. This is just my prediction.

October 15, 2009 at 1:43 PMUnknown

RM365K, equal to ~RM300 psf, consider ok. But if you really wait for this price, I guess the day will never come.
It is a sad thing to say, but this is the situation in Penang that, yesterday price is always cheaper.
And if currently this condo can sell at RM380K~RM400K for 1200sf (assume), and it drop to RM365K, you better don't buy anymore because there must be somethings wrong. If the price continue to appreciate, this show the project is a good property to stay.
Just my 2 cents.
As for current market price, should be determined by the market. You may call any agent to check for any transaction made. Don't just read the messages from this blog, which I felt most of the time is misleading.

October 18, 2009 at 11:46 PMGreg

Heard this project not spare the control from gangster contractor. In fact, most Ideal's project have this problem.

October 19, 2009 at 10:39 PMGreg

The following are the comments on I-Regency base on MHO:

- Good ceiling height
- Good location
- Low density
- decent environment
- Compare with Vista Gambier, this is certainly
a better choice (IMHO)

- Gangster contractor
- Dark corridor at Sky Villa
- Didn't see any CCTV or the developer yet to
install? Security could be an issue.
- Hacking require base on original
internal structure design to enable the unit
look more spacious.
- more or less like The Spring, at least 30%
are investors

Palazzia - shoplot in front of I-Regency could end up a white elephant, heard only 60% sold, even those sold, doubt any genuine shop owner or merely pure investor. Base on business sense, unless there is any some brilliant business idea, can't see any business will grab profit base on the location and population. Look at Ivory Place shop lots, still plenty of vacants even after many years. Not sure this is a good or bad news for I-Regency's owners.

October 20, 2009 at 12:08 PMUnknown

For Pros, I consider it as middle density. Near to 300 units not considered as low den.

Good ceiling height is true. most units are about >11f high and units with garden ~12f.

Good location, still ok if you are referring near to USM. But cannot say strategic location.....

Environment, yes, I like that area, at least for now.

For cons, for far, no problem with the GC. everybody still getting theri owne contractor.

Dark corridor is true. Also a bit narrow at 5.5f.

CCTV, should be not yet install. The existing guard house also temporary only.

Hacking stuff, I think most condo is the same. Rules applied.

30% investors, can be true as the original owner might already setup their home due to 5 years long wait. So, they treat this as investment. But not speculator I think, because speculator cannot wait for 5 years. However, the 30% number, I think you guess only and the actual number no one know. If guess, so far I saw about ~10% units for sales and another ~10% residents planing for renovation. The rest is still silent.....

October 20, 2009 at 2:20 PMUnknown

Also.... about the Palazzia. The outlook is attractive. For me, if it is attractive, it could attracted customer to drop by the area, since it is very easy to access if you are driving down the hill. If it is attractive, some business man could invest there. If it is attractive, USM student don't mind to go further to enjoy the environment there. If...... it is actually too early to judge on it as shoplots normally take quite a while to operate. Their past record on Krystal Point and i-Avenue are working very well, and I believe Palazzia has its strength. For me, it is an attractive project.

October 24, 2009 at 2:22 PMBK

Better sell now, start next year need to pay 5% tax for property sales. Easily RM20k less profit.

October 26, 2009 at 11:48 AMUnknown

Can i know for residence already get OC? that i know comercial area already get OC.. My fren want to buy from sub sale but want to check b4 buy..

October 27, 2009 at 11:14 AMUnknown

For residence already get OC?

October 27, 2009 at 12:32 PMUnknown

OC already obtained.

October 27, 2009 at 1:44 PMUnknown

BK, can I say better buy now, next year start the condo price will be 5% more expensive due to the property gain tax. :)

October 27, 2009 at 3:33 PMpeter

i think kwhere got so big frog sell IR with rm372k only? so i fon and ask, look like it is the unit near community hall, reading room, no wonder so cheap la it sell.... haiiiiiiiiiiii

November 5, 2009 at 10:21 AMUnknown

Can i check wif u all, renovation and extended from dev already start? How about strata title? coz from gov only 700sqft but after OC the dev must do all extended as per S&P agreement rite.. Its diff if in future want to sell it?

November 12, 2009 at 5:25 AMLeprechaungal

is the gangster contractor true for I regency renovations?we can only go by one contractor for reno???owners pls input on this
a great help

November 12, 2009 at 2:57 PManand

Gangster contractor is there, just like other projects in Penang. Nothing new. No, we can go for other contractors as what we're doing now.

November 13, 2009 at 10:50 AMUnknown

Hi all,

Can i know izzit true got gangster contractor there and u MUST take them for reno and cement cost u $22per bag.. garbage disposal $800.. Leaking car park from swimming pool side u can get car wash free...hehehe.. Got crack at car park and every where..U cannot wear like contractor and bring measuring tape bcoz the gangster will stop u and treaten u.. Izzit true??

November 13, 2009 at 2:51 PMUnknown

Can i know if i buy sub sale unit how much the consent charges? Maintenance how much per month, sinking fund?

November 17, 2009 at 9:07 PMJoe

IR resident, we have community meeting for all I-Regency resident
Date: 28 Nov 09 (Saturday)
Time: 11am-12.30pm
Place: Khaleel Restaurant, Jalan Bukit Gambir.

Head on to http://ir.xnetcc.net for more info

November 18, 2009 at 8:36 PMJoe

Nice price...470k.. ppl selling $500k already... faster grab

November 22, 2009 at 11:41 PMLeprechaungal

anyone..from low density units can chip in if they r selling their unit..i personally liked the units from block 8,so any of the owners in block 8 is selling their unit..drop me an email..we shall neg the best deal..this is to stay and not for investment purpose.

November 26, 2009 at 11:51 AMUnknown

Hav show unit for this project? Already start extension area from dev? Can go in to hav a look?

November 26, 2009 at 10:04 PMK-ER6F

yup yup

and the 2nd thing is the strata title build up area will be totally different with the real house bcoz the developer doing the illegal thing which is extend the house after the OC obtain or anything la .. just totally different ..

I hope the admin wont censored this bcoz this is also a fact ...

Best Regards

November 26, 2009 at 10:33 PMpeter

To Loo,

Opposite ideal regency Ivory project U-Place also strata title buide up area different with real house...Future project like Oasis also the same.... One word, many penang property project is like this...Worth or not is depend on how u think...Actually penang property is too expensive ,all no worth... Kulim better...

November 26, 2009 at 11:04 PMK-ER6F

Toooooooo Fire

haiya.. where got so many developer do like that , then do u really check on the U-Place or not .. the strata title only show 700sqft not 900 or 950, KKKKK
and those user that only have budget for such U-place or oasis, they also will mind bout this kind of matter d ..
So how do u think those buyer that have 500K ??
remember wor , the rich ppl is far more cerewet and stingy from middle class ppl . hahahahahaha
if u really able to sell out at 500k that mean u very lucky d .
Like what i said before , the developer do such matter bcoz they wan to make it affordable to stay and not ideal for INVESTOR.
The developer apply such system bcoz wan to give more space and cheaper price for those wish to stay long and not for investment.

Last time when u ppl buy is around 1500sqft for 330k which is consider very cheap and after 2 year wan to sell it for 500k ??
dont crazy la.....

Best Regard

November 26, 2009 at 11:13 PMK-ER6F

Hi all

forget to let all know also ..
U-Place is selling 1800sqft is 480k ....
so compare urself
u wan i-regency 1500sqft 500k
or U-place(penthouse) 1800sqft 480k ??

Both developer also using the same method , extend the house after OC obtained

Best Regards

November 26, 2009 at 11:31 PMpeter

To loo,

Both developer also using the same method, extend the house after OC obtained

So now u also know and agree me that U-Place developer also do like that liao lo ho....hahaha...Oasis also the same

second, u use U-place compare to Ideal regency..One is new buide property, one is old buide property...Buide up sf also not the same..Most unit at U-Place there is 900sf only,only penthouse got 1800sf nia..U keep say IR not worth, now i ask u back u use 480K to live in the low-medium cost condo, is it worth ?if now ideal sell same as u-Place price, then who will will buy U-Place ko?

November 26, 2009 at 11:45 PMpeter


Haiii....before u say about sf maintanence fee about IR, u pls check first.. U let ppl laugh u nia, just know keep say negatif comment...IR maintanenve fee is 180 per month, u is 1200, 1388 or 1500sf also the same...But i think after u know this liao, u will say oh my god, then no worth buy 1200sf liao cos same maintanence fee with 1500sf...So no wonder how ppl say to u, u also will say -ve comment only...So i better stop here, u keep post -ve comment see IR price really will drop boh? I no want kacau u post -ve comment dee..tata..Finally i forget to tell u, i am sub sale IR owner, not buy when soft lauch..So now u will say i be the water fish again cos spend so much money buy a XXXX property...haiiiii...88

November 26, 2009 at 11:55 PMK-ER6F

Hi Fire

5 years property consider OLD ??
tat 5 year is to prove that ur building build quality is good or not lay ... not OLD la
People house only 5 year and u consider as old. U always move new house every 10 years r ??

And who r u to grade it U-place as Low -Medium Cost .. Ur condo got basketball court or not ??
even if compare facilities, U-place also more facilities compare to Ideal regency la

Best Regard

November 27, 2009 at 1:26 AMpeter

To loo,

I use OLD this word becos if compare to ir, it is OLD liao am i rite? And my english also not so good, so i baru use OLD this word...Is u use U-Place to compare IR, so i baru say about U-Place..Sorry to all U-Place owner...

For me,i no like u and GI Joe so aunty always like KAP SIAO so many -ve comment about other eh condo...if i really no like that condo, i just no buy it then is ok dee...Why i need so KEPO like pasar aunty talk this talk that...

Potential buyer want buy or not, no effect u kua i think... U KAP SIAO so much,is let ppl think that u is want the price drop,then u may buy it and stay nia mahh...So now u may keep post -ve comment to let the price drop,they u may buy one...But i know u sure will tell me u wont buy eh..Then if u no want buy it, so why u keep post updates at this IR forum? U makan terlalu kenyang no thing do? If u really is so kind want help other buy a worth property, u may sell out u current stay eh house as cheap as possible, or do many donation to the poor...and not KAP SIAO so much at here...

November 27, 2009 at 8:40 AMK-ER6F

Hi Fire

U say 1 thing is very right which i eat kenyang nthing to do ...
until dont know wat to do

anyway , i doessnt mean to harm u or keep posting bout the -ve for I-Regency but this is the facts. wat to do r ...

and for those before keeping say the haunting spirit is the really nonsense , bcoz all the asia place also is a murder place when world war II. So no matter where place nowaday murder also is the same. Nthing to afraid.

THE THING WAT ALL PPL SCARED IS TROUBLESOME NEIGHBOUR.. if i got a troublesome neighbour, cheap cheap sale out and buy another d. hahahahahahahahahaha

Best Regards

November 27, 2009 at 10:14 AMUnknown

I eat kenyang and nothing to do too... So share my 2 cents opinion here. I believe the property price in penang island is always up trend. Now we see IR priced at 400k, after 5 years, we may see it priced at 500k.

Do you think all new buyers or potential buyers are carrot head or water fish? Based on the condo outlook, location and its unit layout, compare to a few nearby condos, I think it will definitely fetch 500k within 5 years in future. :)

P/S: I am not an IR owner.

November 27, 2009 at 11:19 AMUnknown

I heard the recent murdering case happen in apartment is I-regency and causing the 1200 sqf pricing drop till 3560K..is that true?

November 27, 2009 at 12:19 PMpeter

To ant,

This is the unit near the community hall eh unit which is at floor 11 and 12.. Floor 11 and 12 floor eh unit the price more low eh, cos u eh unit will more noisy when ppl do party at there.I got go there have a look with agent before...

November 27, 2009 at 5:25 PMUnknown

Aiyo, Bang, Loo, GI Joe,

This is the point. Nobody stopping you posting the fact here. I told my friends the truth, eventhough they thought the affected Condo is Dase Airmas or U-Place.

What we tried to defend here is, somebody (forget who, post deleted) keep on speculating the news for hidden or bad motive. This action will make the owners and some neutral people think you guys is terrible.

Somemore those admitted kenyang nothing to do, it is very obvious that you are kap siao here (Thanks fire cause I think kap siao is very suitable word).

For the strata title issue, to add that D'Piazza also applying the same method on the actual area. However, IDEAL told me that the strata title will capture the actual area of the unit. Let's see how. To me, so far they still doing a good job on the promises given to me.

Another thing, is U-Place obtained strata title? If yes, what the worry to IR?

If a rich man is so cerewet, no need to worry for them la. They will able to find out all the fact without going through this blog. And for sure they have more experience in buying property, that know what is the right question to ask, and which is important and which is not.

Wah, got basketball court is better liao.... I personally prefer no basketball court/ tennis court because it is very noisy and without proper maintenance, it will look urgly. But if you really want to compare the facilities, please pay a visit to IR first. Otherwise, the comment is not carrying much weight.

For those would like to continue singing a song there on the -ve points, actually I have no problem with that. But again, with the altitude of singing a song, this showed your bad motive and don't expect people will reply you with respect.

In fact, I like debat. Please tell me all the -ve points.

November 30, 2009 at 11:21 AMUnknown

It is normal , if you are the investor or owner of IR , you will have bad feeling when read a -ve comment and tend to classify it as 'speculating' .We are not 'speculating' , but telling the true that some may not like to hear.
I am owner of project near by , I hope the potential buyer know all the fact before decide , what is wrong ? I can tell clearly here that I hope the IR price will drop , potential buyer prefer th project I invested , what is wrong ?
I 'kap siau' again here , 2 major -ve comments are
1) strata tittle , different in size between S&P and actual size will cause problem when apply tittle. The developer can be treat as cheating the government when apply for apporval.
2) The case of murder or suicide normally cause the price of a property to drop , especially in the case , it happen near to the main entrance.

Anyway , if you are potential buyer , don't believe me or BG or anybody in an internet blog , including the admin. , find out the true yourself.

Good luck everybody , offcourse I hope I am the one with the best luck . What is wrong ?

November 30, 2009 at 4:55 PMUnknown

The incident is a fact. But with the incident, the price dropped to 250K, 150K and a lot of investors calling buyer to sell at this price, this is speculating, and event a lie. Also, with the incident, it is haunted and bring bad feng shui, don't tell me this is a fact. This may only a believe with for me is not true. And what is the main entrance you are referring to? If you are referring to the guard house or main lobby, this is a wrong fact and misleading. So I call it speculation as well.
So, your motive is clear now you are doing all this to protect your own interest. For me, if you growing your own strength for your own interest, this is a good thing to do. If you try to harm others for your own interest, with a fact, the most I can say is you are not men enough. However, if the info is incorrect and misleading. I don't think this is the right thing to do.
If you still think you are doing a right thing, please tell us which property you have nearby. The potential buyer who believe you will look into your property and cause the price gain. This fit your motive well. But if most people think you are doing a wrong thing here, it may affected your current property reputation. So, you may want to hide it for your own interest..... again.
So, please tell us which property you from.
Besides, no need to persuade other not to believe me, if your fact is strong enough. The fact will speak for itself.
Strata title issue, the different in S&P and actual size is a fact. But the additional area is captured as accessory parcel is also a fact. And whether the final strata title will be 950sf, or actual size, Let talk about it when it happen and become fact. Unless you have the knowledge on the doing is against the law. But I can't believe you because I don't know who you are, at the same time, I know your motive. Compare between the developer and you, I still believe more to the developer.

November 30, 2009 at 4:59 PMUnknown

Forgot to tell you that I personally don't like the developer.

November 30, 2009 at 8:10 PMUnknown

relax , BG , i do not expect you or anybody to believe me , go ask MPPP officer regarding strata title or ask any ahli DUN service center ,.... Go ask the guard at IR or police or...about the 'murder or suicide' case
My motive is clear , nothing to hide. Just like you ,trying so hard to protect your investment . Is a positive thing , nothng wrong , everybody must know to protect themself or their money , including potential buyers

anyway , i have said what i want to say , thanks to the admin. for not delete away my comments .The fact remain the fact.
good luck , good bye

November 30, 2009 at 10:22 PMK-ER6F

Reply BG

just mention that if got basketball then without proper maintenance then it will be look ugly ...
so if ur condo got basketball and swimming pool,
if basketball is not taking care , u think they will take care of the swimming pool r ?? also look ugly wat ....
noisy ?? swimming pool not noisy meh ??
children play ground not noisy meh ??
if maintenance not good, then wat for u paying maintenance fees ??

Best Regards

December 1, 2009 at 6:55 AMUnknown

So, Bang, not dare to reveal your property? Well, that's tell a lot of things and the most important is, you worry what you did here will have bad impact to your property, as well as maybe your own neigbours may not support you. So you like hiding and shoot from dark side.....

Also, Bang and GI Joe, no doubt on the strata title, but if there are ways to overcome this, what the worry? There are a lot of methods in doing things related to property, other than the 1+1=2. For bank, forget about it. There are already transections in the market and still people don't believe bank will provide loan.

Finally your turn, Loo,
This time need to use 1+1=2 teaching method. The more facilities you have, the more maintenance you need. I hope this is already clear enough to you.
Swimming pool is a must and everybody can use it. Event residents didn't use it will take it as decorative item. I think most people like to have a swimming pool. Basketball court is only for a small group of residents interest. I am not willing to pay maintenance fee for this item. Somemore, the noise generated is different with the ball bouncing on the floor, can be heard from distance. Also, guys playing the game are yelling. So, the noise is definitely much much greater than a swimming pool. Also, basketball took too much space. I prefer the place to be a laisure area than basketball court. I say so because I saw condos with urgly courts, but still ok swimming pool after years.

December 1, 2009 at 3:44 PMDuaVillas

Both main and accessory parcel areas will be stated in strata title. No need to wori. I have such experience with another condo project.

December 2, 2009 at 10:02 AMUnknown

Anybody know which project got girl dead jump from high level? Scary laa... My frenz said that case from I-regency...

December 2, 2009 at 10:49 AMUnknown

北馬 2009-11-27 10:51








December 2, 2009 at 10:59 AMUnknown

Feel like want to 'kap siau' some more .

Few months already since OC obtained , how come no one open yet , I mean the shop lot .

BG , you know why ?

I accidently saw your comment under PP , what I can say is you are too 'kan cheong' about IR , first time invest ? or put all the eggs in 1 basket ?

Since you ask , I thinks no good ah if I didn't answer you . I V choose VG + PP , luckily not IR .

December 2, 2009 at 1:31 PManand

Great to know that you choosed VG/PP not IR. So, since you had made your mind. Can you stop posting false comments on other projects. Well, I don't know why you're so annoyed with IR until posting multiple repeated comments on this project. Why? I don't think you're so kind to provide info/news to new purchasers. If yes, thanks. But, pls stop posting repeated info/news.
I'm a new purchaser and looking for good condo in Penang. Though this website might contribute to my choice, but, I won't depend on it. I do other reasearch and resources too. Anyway, my point is, pls give fair review on projects in Penang. Of course death do happen in any projects and coincidently it happen in IR. Well, how is it impacting to IR or IR residents. I recalled one of the post mentioning about death happen everywhere and anytime, and if we too focus on the death/murder, well we can't carry-on with our life. I agree wo this comment and lets just leave it in that way. Whoever, want to know about this death/murder, they can do so by reviewing previous posts or other resources. I bet they won't miss this news. So, lets rest this case and give some respect on this victim.

December 2, 2009 at 2:01 PMUnknown

Hello Bang,

So, you don't "kan cheong" about VG and PP? Long time never visit VG and PP blog. Will revisit the blog soon.

Again, I kan cheong on my property, this is a fact. But the "first time invest" and "put all eggs in 1 basket" are speculation. You always quote a fact, then speculate it. Hope you see where your problem is.

No shop open at Palazzia yet. Tell me why if you know about it. What I know is the shop lots besides Vistana Hotel almost fully opened in just a few months time, after left empty for years. Is the same reason apply?

December 4, 2009 at 9:48 PMJoe

Oh wow... a buyer from other condo come in here thrash IR... scared his lorong sepit condo cannot sell?

* lorong sepit -- driver gotta dodge multiple car parking along the road in other to get to their condo... guess which condo?

December 6, 2009 at 10:49 PMUnknown

fire ,i post the fact , to investor it is -ve comment , to potential buyer it is usefull information .

to me not a matter of good or bad , but worth or not worth to buy ,
if price < 300k , i sure grab
250k ? nobody will believe at this moment , but nothing impossible in future

December 7, 2009 at 10:42 AMUnknown


Luckily you sold VG prior OC. But you won't be so lucky to get an unit of IR at 300K, at least at this moment. And I hope you will not so lucky too in near future because I do not wish to have a neighbour, or an investor/ speculator like you in IR.

Also, you keep on saying you only post the fact. So, where is the 300K come from? I also want to get 1 or 2 units if there are owner selling at this price.

Wake up la...

December 9, 2009 at 10:40 AMUnknown

good morning BG , since you ask about the fact , I will post again here :

1) the 'murder or suicide' case , happen near to the main entrance
2) the strata title issue , actual size bigger than size stated in S&P

As for the 300K unit , I said 'I heard .....<300K' , true or not ?'

It is a question , not a fact . Not understand English meh ?

Not too worry also , I am not planning to move to IR , if I am so lucky to get an unit < 300K , I will rent to worker from Bangladesh or Indon.

Wanna become my neighbour ? waitlah until you afford to buy a landed property.

December 9, 2009 at 10:47 PMpeter

Hi admin,

Kindly delete all the comment of bang and so on which keep argueing in this forum including ME.... Then the fact which bang always say out, just keep it cos bang so worry ppl donno, so just highlight it like murder case, strata title.... Then stop the argueing again...see so much liao also sienz...

after highlight the suicide case, strata tile issue, if u still think not enough in this forum, u may go advertise at newpaper or TV to let whole world know includes bangladesh, indo guys then see got who rent or want buy or not future...

December 11, 2009 at 12:53 PMUnknown

GI Joe , don't 'lower' your standard answering a comments from 'bo standard' people.

What is wrong if I post -ve comments here to let peoples think twice before decide , and hopefully the price will drop , then I can grab 1.

You 'goreng' the price , I 'goreng' the bad news , what is wrong ?

You are investor , then post +ve comments, let peoples decide themself.

No more +ve comments to post ? BG , Fire ,Anand ,.... .So try to stop others posting -ve comments .

December 11, 2009 at 1:38 PMpeter

to GI joe,bang

i no ask admin to delete all the bang comment,i ask to highlight the facts like suicide, strata title to let whole world know..then the rest all the argueing comment may delete it...So i want protect what ko?? I let whole world know it is a suicide site already... Then they want buy or not depend on the buyer liao...I just no want so much BO STANDARD eh kap siao here around only...
I jumping from 20 level for lelong?? haha... i already tell early i am the sub sale IR owner, and plan to move in soon...I like IR so i buy it...worth or not is depend how i think it..After 3 years, i think IR is cheap if compare to the price i buy now..

So u two may stop here, dont lower your standard to kap siao here again

Finally i post the fact again to let whole world know again:

1) suicide case
2)strata title issue

December 11, 2009 at 2:02 PMUnknown

Fire , now you said ' i no ask admin to delete all the bang comment ....'

But look at your previous comment ' Admin. kindly delete all the comment of bang ,....'

What you want actually ? I guess the admin. aslo confuse .

Another desparate owner . Talk like so confident with their choice , but from the way he wrote comment , you can sense how worry are them .

December 11, 2009 at 5:00 PMUU

If your intention is to bring awareness to the future buyers, I will raise my hands plus my feet to agree with u...

But after I browsed through this blog, sounds like u just "goreng and goreng" KEEP GORENG THE SAME POINT...sampai I can smell the "cao hui dar" already.

Enough la...if the price wanted to drop, its already drop la...In fact I started to see the demand for this project already.

December 11, 2009 at 5:10 PMUU

pls help to "hamtam" SPI, make the price drop. You are really good in this lah. Because I am kind a interested to buy there and I saw u are interested there too....

December 11, 2009 at 5:30 PManand

Lets stop arguing with bang and the geng. As long we reply to their post, they will never end on mentioning abour the suicide and strata title issues. I'm wondering whether in all Penang apartments/condos, only IR facing these problems (when actually it's not an issue at all)?? Until bang and geng keep on attacking IR. They mentioned that they have no interest in IR and I wish they won't in future too, yet, have the time to keep on posting the same issue. For the interest of other people :). Come on!!!
Anyway, I like your idea on asking Fire to advertise in newspaper or TV, it will be more global and better coverage. At least they emntioned IT is "high end condo" in STAR.
Anyway, I don't want to keep on going and become like bang and geng.
After much consideration, I'm purchasing an IR unit and signing S&P soon. Both my wife and me with engineering and finance background and I hope we had done a good choice, of course not merely based on luck, but with much facts and consultation.

December 11, 2009 at 5:30 PMUnknown


You really only live in your own small world and keep on turning around. Nobody is stopping you to post any fact, either good or bad. Fire also asked admin to keep the fact your posted in a very next sentence. My english is very poor but you are nothing better. Show off your landed property only tell me you are rich but poor in personality.

Reading your post, what make you lousy is not the fact you post, but the way you do it.

Again, you are telling how worry the oweners are, just based on your assumption. You may visit the condo and count on the total units are in progress for the renovation. The owrners maybe worry, but is the possibility not able to move in by x'mas or CNY. Just my level, 6 out of 10 units are in renovation.

December 11, 2009 at 5:36 PMUnknown

GI Joe,

Your comments even more pointless than Bang, at least Bang speculate something based on 1 or 2 facts. But you, just speak empty.

December 11, 2009 at 5:47 PMUnknown

Hi, anand,

I know if I continue to respond to them, they will keep on goreng. But for me, I don't mind they goreng the news. I willing to let the world know about the "facts". Also, the more post they put in, the highest interest they are in IR. They can deny it but their action speak for themselve.

Also, the post they put in only show how poor they are in personality or mentality. So, the more they post, other readers will feel what they said will not carry any weight but only kap siau.

December 11, 2009 at 6:01 PMsvbjpg

Hi Bang & GI Joe,

I'm looking for a condo/landed-property to buy.

I see a good point of you 2 -- usually a person who is able to always see the bad side of a project, when he/she says certain project is good, most likely it's a property worth to buy.

Mind to share your 2 cents here on any island property that I should consider?

Thanks alot.

December 11, 2009 at 7:50 PMUnknown

SV ,I do all for my own interest/benefits ,no thanks please.Try buy new launch project , avoid buy sub sale , and don't believe anybody here.

UU , I goreng on property I feel got chance to grab at lower price.Unluckily some unwanted incident happen in IR + the strara title issue. so I goreng here , some more you know so many owner trying to stop peoples post -ve comments but then now they deny , I am bad guy , like to see peoples 'kan cheong' , so goreng and goreng , 1 of my entertainment , ha ha .
SPI price now almost 'die' , will stay there for sometime I believe , some sure will sell at lower price later .

Is true that I am interested in IR but only if the price 300K - 350K . Not the speculated sky high price of 400K , 500K .

I am clear with what I am doing ,I goreng on the bad news , just like you all try to goreng the price . You can goreng , I cannot goreng ?

I never ask you all stop goreng the price , so don't ask me to stop goreng the 2 bad news / fact .

I clear and speak out loudly my stand . Not like fire , ask admin to delete (black and white stated in his comments) then try to deny . You know what are you doing or not ? Really no standard.

By the way , anybody can provide proof data showing a transcation with sky high price ? If yes, I stop goreng immediately.

December 11, 2009 at 10:38 PMpeter

to bang,

Black and white in my comment to show that i ask admin to DELETE all the comment of bang and includes ME of all arguing comment...but the fact just HIGHLIGHT as big to let whole world know....So what no standard....我没有叫管理把全部的-ve意见删掉,而是只删掉bang和我fire的一切吵架贴而已。。其他的事实保留住。。。因为怕了你bang看不懂我的英文,所以我写华语给你看。。谢谢

And i just curious how the IR investor goreng the prices as u mention bang?? They say out they want sell 400k as well, so the potential buyer want mah buy , no want mah no buy nia lo...
I buy the sub sale IR for Rm390K...This is the sky high price that u means? U want the proof?? U want me post SnP here??? My SnP sign at end of NOVEMBER after the suicide case...
I just want stop the arguing, then the fact just keep it at forum to let potential buyer consider by their own...

December 12, 2009 at 8:03 AMUnknown


From the recent post, no one speculating the price except you and your gang. You just can't accept that the transection price of 1200sf is at a higher price than you want at the moment. Call up any agent to check the price, since you don't believe our post here. Ah, just remember that someone asking for only 360K, very close to you price range, but the unit is same level with community hall.

Also, you still interest in IR after the inccident and the strata title issue, just try to grad a unit by hoping the price falls. To me, this showed that you also can accept the inccident and the strata title issue, if the price is right for you. So, the only actual issue here is the price. And what is the right price, is not set by you or me. Again check with the property agent on the recent transection price.

December 13, 2009 at 10:32 PMUnknown

fire, control your emotion please , nobody want to argue with you , look back all your comments since November ,you come out like a hero whenever there is a -ve comments , but now you say you want to stop argue by asking Admin to delete all my comments ? Who want to argue with you ?
So wait for what?Post your S&P like what you suggest . Take note here ,nobody force you to do that. Thinks carefully ,don't repeat the same mistake , after post , ask admin to delete.No standard!
so with BG , both of you and Anand trying so hard to protect IR , your investment , that is OK , if I am you I will do the same.

BG , you are right , the problem is price , whether IR with the 2 major issue , first strata title issue and second the murder or suicide case near the main entrance , worth for 400-500K . I am interested only if <350K. 360K , sorry.

See , I repeat again the -ve comments , even somebody said 'cau wei ta' (repeat too many time' . I repeat for those necomer to this blog, understand ?

Anyway , I feel no meaning to answer anymore all your comments. I am clear with what I want to do, I will visit IR blog every week and post the same bad news , for my own benefits and also to alert all the new comer to this blog.

See you after 1 week.

December 14, 2009 at 10:14 AMUnknown

Hi, Bang,

Your motive is clear and I will monitor how many weeks you need to achieve your targeted price. Until then, I will keep on laughing at you for your childish act and failure.

Since long time ago, your comments already no meaning. Now only your reliaze. At least you go a step further, and grow up a bit liao.

You are nasty here, but hope you are doing differently and well in your real life.

This is a home to me, not investment. However, I also do investment on property but never act like you. Just want to tell you that you no need to so urgly to earn money from property investment. You can actually earn the money and respect together.

December 14, 2009 at 3:56 PMK-ER6F

Hi All

Just a advice to some potential buyer.

Actually a few project done what like I-Regency which is the S&P built up spaces is different with the finishing built due to the finishing built is more bigger by user the extra parcel due to developer want to save accessment fees to city council.

Some of those project do get strata title bcoz the developer only extend a little bit but there was a lot of project not able to get strata title because extend too much and not following the policy and end up..... want to know more ??

ok, after 5 - 7 year if the starata title still unable to get, then the buyer is totally not able to get loan from bank and need to buy by CASH !!!
and might be not able to tranferable property.Please refer to your PERSONAL Lawyer.

For those who plan to stay in here for whole life then it will be ok coz 1.5k sqft and will be comfortable.

For those who might sell after 10 year or anything la .. THINK PROPERLY as RM500k is not small amount.


December 14, 2009 at 5:42 PManand

I/we appreciate your comment. Anyway, lets talk fact here. When you mention on "some of those projects" do get strata title though the discrepancies on built area, pls specify which projects you're refering too. On "extend little bit", how much is little bit, 200sqr feet?
Too many posts without facts, lets get straight here. Do not guess when we don't have facts or real time experience as this will confuse the buyers and owners. I'm not pointing on you, but, very much interested with your comment. Maybe this info will be useful to us.

December 14, 2009 at 10:08 PMK-ER6F


annand , it always depend on the building structure...
the S&P building structure is approve but the finishing building structure is approve or not, no body know because it doesn't show to anybody yet so it was 50:50. ONLY the developer know.. hehe :P

After 3 year, the developer also won't be responsible for anything also because the developer already take all the money from bank.

Do u think u can sue the developer ??
no you can't because u sign another agreement which said that u also agree on this extension

correct me on the above if i'm wrong, thanx


December 21, 2009 at 10:59 PMUnknown

anand , don't waste your time asking this and that , because at the end you all will still prefer to ignore the fact about your strata title issue.Nobody post without fact , is you all don't want to face the fact.

To all potential buyers , please consider the below 2 FACT before you decide :
1) the different between actual size and the size stated in S&P will affect the strata title approval.
2) there is a 'murder or suicide' case happen about 1 month ago , near to the main entrance.

December 22, 2009 at 6:09 AMJoseph

For your information, the developer is using illegal way to extend the unit upon obtaining OC. This is not the practiced by state government. The reason is with that size of land, the state authority will only allow to build a standard size of apartment and total units and its height. The developer has to follow the standard requirement on Safety issue. But sad to say that the developer tend to tell the purchaser that it is for the sake of low assessment rate if the S&P signed in two documents. First of all, do you think the developer wanted to do so against the house rules and regulations? Think wisely. I understand that MPPP who determines the assessment rate is under different department with OC department. No investigation is done. The developer is taking the advantage to do such thing.

This is because with the same size of land, the developer may use it to increase the unit size and to sell with a higher price.

Frankly speaking, the demand price is speculated extremely high. I believe it will drop soon. Regards

December 22, 2009 at 6:17 AMJoseph

In fact, you all can go to MPPP at Komtar to confirm about the strata Title issue to justify what I have said above.

December 24, 2009 at 7:10 AMUnknown

Hi, Loo and Joseph,

It is true that the strata title is a problem here. I aware of this during making the purchase. And curently there are so much alteration done by the owners on their unit. I also have doubt on how to get strata title with this. However, I heart the inspection for the strata title done before most of the renovation started. I don't know how the developer get through the extended space issue, but let's see what happend in 6 ~ 12 months down the road. If you all can't wait, I will try to ask the management on this and see what is their respond. Also, whether the price will drop or not, let's see than. This is the assessment the potential purchaser need to do. You can wait for the price drop, and at the other hand, the day may never come.

December 24, 2009 at 7:20 AMUnknown

To speculator Bang,

Anand was trying to deal with the input, to validate whether it is a fact. We are all interested in it with more valid input here. You are the one who jump into the conclusion that the input is a fact and ask people don't ask further. Who is speaking blindly here?

Act more like an adult and provide better input like Loo and Joseph. At least for me, I welcome the input from them.

December 24, 2009 at 10:29 AMUnknown

BG , wait for what ? immediately go pls ask your management about this strata title issue and see what is their reponde.

The FACT is government should not approve if the size in S&P different with the actual , this is FACT.

Go ask any lawyer , MPPP, ....

And remember to update your management reponse here .
But I guess the answer is 'no problem', wait and see .

Then you all wait , wait ,wait , .... 3 months , 6 months , 1 year , 2 year , 3 year ,....
End up cry for help from government,.......

December 24, 2009 at 12:01 PMK-ER6F


normally developer need 1 or 2 years to get the strata title then only will send notice to buyer to transfer the property, some ppl said said "chop garant", Then buyer need to find lawyer to transfer the strata title within 1 year else fined .... where got 3 months , 6 months , 1 years ??
smore u need to paid legal fees by your own once the strata title is obtain. ( i think around few thousand )

This strata title only will effect owners after 2 or 3 years if the strata title not approve by government.

Hopefully the potential buyer will take note of this risk when they buying.

what is the effect if strata title not approved ??
- u doesn't own that home
(not able to transfer property)
- potential buyer not able to get loan to buy
the unit.
- no final proof of your house built-up area.
(u know u can claim money if the built-up
area is less than the S&P agreement)
- not able to form Management Corporation.

but anyway la, as i said 50%-50% to get the strata title and not like other developer 100% will get the strata title bcoz they doing it legally. That y those developer is famous and reliable.

December 24, 2009 at 12:38 PMUnknown

Hi, Loo,

No sure about the time frame but for recent new projects, the strata title should be within 6~12 months. If need longer than that, something fishy.

Btw, the subsale before the strata title is not included in this category? Also, I bought a 10 years condo last time which is still no state title, and I still able get loan and also sell it later on. Do you think this is similar?

December 24, 2009 at 12:48 PMUnknown

Hi, Speculator Bang,

Asking is not necessary listen to the word out of the mount. Can also looking at their respone and sometime it can tell whether the words can be trusted.

If you can't wait, buy a unit lo. Or get lost lo. I thought you are also waiting...... for the price drop. But maybe you need to wait until the strata title issued, or rejected, only decide.

A lot of things, by right cannot, but can be by left. Aircraft engine also can be stolen, what else cannot happend? The world is full of miracle and more than what you can imagine. Don't just look straight.

December 24, 2009 at 1:33 PMK-ER6F


10 year before and now ..
ur body got bigger or not ?? hair loss ??
if yes ,, then the law also change wat, KNS =="
y don't u take 50 years before .. more better

6-12 month developer get the strata title ??
there is no limit timeframe for this, k ...

BG, Go CONSULT with your legal adviser before do any posting.

December 24, 2009 at 1:47 PMUnknown

Merry christmas , BG .
No need so 'hot', make peoples thinks like you invested 5 unit in IR .
Eat lunch already ? I just eat 'kenyang kenyang' , still got some time to 'kap siau' here .

Not bad ah , you know how to 'see his face , know his thinking' , but they are saleman , they know how to 'hide'. If so easy to let you guys read their mind , IR sale can success ?

I am sure you asked already , so what you 'read' from their face ?

Is this what they told you?

There are 2 way to do thing , one is legal , one is illegal.
You prefer illegal way , correct me if I am wrong .

Anyway , Loo had given very good comments on what happen if strata title not approve.Good job men .

PArtly because of that ,I decided to keep my budget for the landed property coming soon , some where opposite IR. You Know ? Why take EXTRA RISK , there are so many project coming out .

But I am sorry ,still I will visit IR blog , post the same infor. to alert those new comer .WHat to do I am bad guy , trying to do some good things now for the new comers.

Merry Christmas
Happy New Year

I will off for 1 week , see you next week BG

December 24, 2009 at 5:44 PMUnknown

Hi, Loo,

The sky is still blue and the sun is still shine. Just say different but din tell the different, what's the point? I serious consult your opinion and you took off my last respect to you.

Of course there are not time limit for the strata title. You should read my statement again.

Why should I ask my legal consultant? I just want to know how much your all know, as you all claimed to know a lot, and trying to consult all the potential buyers?

Talk to you again after IR obtained strata title.

December 24, 2009 at 6:01 PMUnknown

Hi, Speculator Bang,

You like to act like you know a lot, but could not differentiate between a management and a sales... You not event know my profession, how you know I can't read people mind?

When I ask, what answer I get, I have no interest to reveal it now. But I can say none of your statement (guess) correct.

I think all the resident are more than happy not to have you in IR. Good news to us. Hope you enjoy investing in landed property. This is the piece that I will not touch after 2009 if I am doing investment. You can think throught the x'mas why I say so, but don't expect me to give you answer.

Up to you when you want to visit IR blog, and what man you want to be. No need to tell us. One things is, you are assuming you doing good things for new comer. But it could be a bad things, if all the things turned around.

I will not wish you merry x'mas pretending friendly to you. I think there is a clear line between you and me.

December 24, 2009 at 6:08 PMK-ER6F


for those house that not able to get strata title.. (this is the risk if u wan to buy I-Regency)

Now of course u can get the loan but after 2 - 3 years when still not able to get strata title.

THEN Bank won't provide any loan coz the property is not transferable !!!!

THIS PROJECT IS extending the accessories parcel and the structural framework might not be that strong or safety coz eventually the structural framework is for beginning layout !!!

THIS is wat i dont wan to mention before but now don't like BG d, so pomp out ...
if the city council feel the structural framework is not able to support so much extending then it's over.

You try ask ur developer released the 2nd agreement which is after extending building layout and specs, then u bring it to city council.


December 24, 2009 at 8:42 PMK-ER6F

For those Potential buyer

If you're looking for a house, then buy only those already obtain strata title to avoid inconvenience problem in the future.

Wait until the project get the strata title.
This is the best advice.


December 26, 2009 at 3:18 AMUnknown


How many square feet did you get for your RM390.0k & how many car park?

December 26, 2009 at 2:44 PMJoseph

1200sq for RM390k is too expensive. Furthermore, that is not a strategic location. Think wisely before invest. I can easily get the same unit size with the same price as mentioned in Gurney area with seaview some more.

December 26, 2009 at 3:08 PMUnknown

Well, to me RM390k is a fair price, unless it comes only with 1 carpark. I have a few deals transacted at 395k~400k on Ideal Regency 1200sq units. Most of the buyers look for IR because of its strategic location. Location strategic or not is depends on buyers' need and not depends on view. If you ask an engineer who works in FTZ to stay in Gurney, and travel to and fro everyday to work, he/she will tell you 'loo siao ar'(you crazy ar). :)

December 26, 2009 at 5:12 PMUnknown

Wow! What a breaking news. But no surprise to me. The input I thought a valuable one earlier, again end up the same story. When I probe further to find out more, finally is just can't answer my questions.

I also know a little only. If that gu can't help to tell more, maybe some property agent drop by here can tell me is there any transection on the old condo without strata title in the market? Maybe I am out liao and don't know about such change.

I also felt 400K for 1200 sf is expensive, but can't help unless someone tell me specifically any condo cheaper. I can't recall which condo in Gurney is cheaper, maybe got 1 or 2. Someone know the name?

December 27, 2009 at 12:07 AMK-ER6F


Now still new house, of course the bank will loan buyer the money to buy ur unit ..

try to sell a house which OC obtained for 5 years but still no strata title. THEN that time u will pray hard to have a buyer who have 500k CASH to buy from u. hahahahahaha


December 28, 2009 at 10:24 AMPenangGia

1. I don't think strata title can be raised as an issue here. As stated in the S&P, the developer is allowed to deliver a bigger area to the purchase with nominate fee. The strata would capture the final area, instead of the proposed area in the original plan. If I remember correct, the developer has collected ~RM1000 from purchasers for the conversion purpose. Someone can help to check with their legal friends, to see if this is the cases.

2. The “murder or suicide” case should be OK as well. Similar case does happen in Villa Emas and some other condominium. Their price still gets increase tremendously from time to time.

December 29, 2009 at 12:54 PMpeter

to kelvin,

i buy 1200sf, pool view, rm395k,2 car park... now waiting all the documentation done, then i may renovated and move in dee....

December 29, 2009 at 1:31 PMUnknown

Hi Fire, I bought the IR unit too. Actually i'm also waiting for documentation done, renovation & then move in. May I know when you plan to move in?

December 29, 2009 at 8:50 PMpeter

to jess,

u may go to the IR forum http://xnetcc.net/, we may chat there...u just leave a message there....

January 4, 2010 at 10:14 AMUnknown

Hi DEsparated Investor , BG

Look at your comment , you loose control of your emotion whenever there is a -ve comments , deny all the -ve comments because you already bought an unit .

BIG THANKS to Loo for bringing out a doubt : the developer extended the accessoried parcel , but the structure framework was not design to support this aditional load . For example if the original design is a balcony but you extended your unit and build a room at the balcony , the framework are not design for the load of the room.

Ofcourse investor like BG will again denyyyyy , 'AH noooo problem , the framework are strooooong enough' .

But if evrything no problem , why the government set all the rule ? Why need engineer to design ? Why need plan ?

SO pls go ask around if you are potential buyer ,ask about strata title and the 'murder or suicide' case.Ask about Ideal record......

January 6, 2010 at 9:51 AMLaBBiT

will the Strata Title be a problem to get from the DAP gov? i am on the verge to buy 1 unit for own stay but still considering becos of this strata title cos the actual size and the size on SnP differ ALOT!

January 6, 2010 at 11:15 AMUnknown

If you know the developer are not following the rule but still choose to try your luck , then don't blame the government for not approving the strata title later.

May be you can wait until election time , then cry for help from government.

The choice is on your hand , be a smart buyers.
Please don't indirectly help to create more and more greedy and unresponsible developer , like BG, Anand , .....

January 6, 2010 at 1:23 PMLaBBiT

well...if u check out the current projects...and the recently complete ones...alot of them also use this method to kind of "cheat" the gov

i like IR...it's very nice but i dun wanna stay there forever bcos kennot get this strata title...hehehe

January 6, 2010 at 7:42 PMUnknown

Hi, Bang,

Again, you are making speculations.

It is already very clear on the my ealier statements that I noted on the strata title issue. I was not objecting the negative comments but was strongly look down on your personality as your post always attacking people and speculating, not giving constraction comments. So, it is your speculation that "I deny the fact". Asking more questions on the facts posted are for verification and rectification. It is a normal practise and I really surprise that you don't know this. So, you are kind of person that accept the fact (especially the -ve facts) blindly without asking any question.

2nd, what is your position to question on IR owners who speak out for the -ve comments? This is IR blog and owners for sure have reasonable right to question on the -ve post. On the other hand, what is your stand to support the -ve comments blindly? You have no groud to stand on. Again, you are speculating that the owners were lost control on the emotion on the -ve comments. Maybe you are the one who were jumping when reading the owenrs comments.

Again, the structure frame work cannot support the additional load, how sure you are? If you re not sure, you are specualting again. There was an application from developer on the change of master plan during the convertion. The application can be found on the related gov webpage. Please found out if you want to continue manupulating the issue.

Agree that the developer is greedy and not good in reputation. However, you are nothing better as trying dirty trick to speculating the property price for your own profit and benefit. This is part on the reasons I look down on you.

Sorry that I have attcking you on my every post becuase you are not worth any respect from me. Again, I am attacking you, not the fact.

It is ok for potential buyers to stay away from this property if you think it is too risky. Look around for a better one. I have no problem with that. It is a open market. Only those people with dirty motive trying to influent people with 10% facts and 90% speculation.

January 7, 2010 at 12:22 PMUnknown

desperated BG , let the reader dicide whether i am speculating the below issue or not :

strata title issue , actual size and S&P size not the same. in other word , the actual bulding not the same as what had been design , or the plan. this is FACT agreed by you .
so we discuss more on this , what will happen if the bulding was bulit not following the plan design by engineer. a lot may happen if you are not so lucky ,may be not now but after 5 ,10 ... years , what is that ? the worst case is collapse.
That is why government set the rule and reject strata title .

This is call analysing , discussion , not speculating , you can't take it(the FACT) , you try to 'run away' from the FACT , that is why you said speculating.

Do you thinks I am also 'not so smart' like you , will buy IR in future ? Do you thinks I should take all the RISK and waiting for IR price to drop ? I can wait but I will not let my MONEY to wait , So many opportunity out there.

I am visitng IR blog just because of YOU.
Beside that , telling potential buyers the FACT they have to consider . Do something good for the potential buyers and make you loose control of your emotion is my main purpose now. I am sooooo sorry, enjoy your new house now , who know what will happen the next second ????

January 8, 2010 at 1:07 PMLaBBiT

This condo is under commercial lot?

meaning the electric n water rates are higher?

to my knowledge is no rite? hrmmmm

January 8, 2010 at 9:46 PMUnknown

Hi, Bang,

What a funny guy you are. No need to jump up and down, let me explain.

You are the one trying to influnce the readers but ask me to let the readers to decide themselve.

You always doing the 90% speculation, but once I point at you, you go back to the 10% fact to defence yourself, and ignore the 90% speculative stateent you made.

You accepted what someone mentoned about the strata title, without asking a single question, and you called this discussion and analysis? Funny! I call this a blind support.

I am not familier with the construction procedure, but at least I know that before the project approval, there are engineering drawing to ensure the building structure is firm.

Also, a basic understanding that after the building is built, priviously we say OC and now we say CF.
OC = Certificate of Occupancy
CF = Certificate of Fitness
Both are official document issued by the Local Authority to acknowledge that a certain building is safe and can be occupied.

Strata title is only a process to split the master title into individual title for each unit.

Where got gov give approval for the project, issue OC/ CF but stop issuing strata title due to building not safe?

So, aren't you speculating?

Also, extension of every units in IR, did not change the main structure of the building. It is just hack down a original partition wall, and build new partition wall to capture more space. The total space of a level is still the same. Just the corridor become smaller. Hope you know that the partition wall is not used to support a building.

And also, there was a master plan change approval before the construction started. Why you ignore this statement? Why you comment selectively? Is this a discussion or analysis?

Of course you are not interest in IR now, but you can't deny that you yourself admitted earlier that you are waiting for the price drop. This is your initial motive, although already change now, but you still holding a devil motive.

I visiting this blog with a simple reason - I am one of the owners. And you visiting this blog due ME, this noly show how low your EQ and mentality is.

Really waste my effort as you learn nothing after I wrote so much.

January 8, 2010 at 9:53 PMUnknown

Hi, LaBBiT,

My electrical bill stated RM0.218/kW

January 8, 2010 at 10:24 PMUnknown

Sunny Villa, i used to rent one unit there... that time, dirt cheap the sub-sale price after >7 years still no strata title. I remember many owners undercut each other to free up themselves. Feel like the whole property undergoing massive foreclosing. After a decade, they obtain strata title finally... if IR risk of delay to obtain strata title ON TIME (remember, it is about on time), sure this may not the best choice for investor. For own stay maybe ok... but again, why someone choose to stay at a property (buy at high price) that investor stay away? Low speculation, low appreciate (akind value stock... slow and steady).

Investment, not an emotional game.

January 9, 2010 at 5:30 PMLaBBiT

RM0.218 = wat?
residential right?

January 9, 2010 at 10:00 PMK-ER6F

HI all

then can anyone tell y some project not able to obtain strata title although they able to obtain
OC = Certificate of Occupancy
CF = Certificate of Fitness


January 10, 2010 at 6:22 PMUnknown

desperated BG ,
to me u are just a desperated owner of ir , regret not think twice and twice before decide. now no choice but force yourself to to tell everybody u make a right choice
want to talk about eq , look at all your prvious comments , u jump up like crazy everytime there is a -ve comments from anyone , not only me.

what can i learn from u ? u not even brave eough to face the FACTS that u are not so smart by choosing ir . really no standard , not even know who yourself are .

a good question from loo , answer it with FACTS pls , don't just blaming people speculating on the strata title issue .

in fact u r really no standard , not smart enough , learn something from your 'team member' like anand , ....

do u aware that u r actually giving me and others chance to further discuss , analysing the strata title issue ,anyway is good thing for the potential buyer , so no harm for me to continue 'wasting' my time 'discuss' with u .
i am old aunty , eat kenyang kenyang not thing to do .
remember to amswer question from Loo ah . don't run away pls.

January 11, 2010 at 9:35 AMUnknown

Long time never sing, time to sing duet, hehe

To me BG is not only desperated but also lost as look like his dream ticket of hitting million dollar jackpot is going down to drain with the strata title issue.

I also interested to know if OF,CF approved ealier, and everything so perfect, y still need strata title to govern the building ? BG explain ? before you ready to put up lelong tag for your building huh huh ?

p/s : what happend to the murder case happend on i-regency ? any follow up on the murderer ?

January 11, 2010 at 11:13 AMUnknown

Interesting, if less ppl stay, mean less density, seem to me is better for those continue stay there; those investors still need to continue pay the maintenance fee while waiting subsell, but those really stay there will be enjoin the benefits.

Few decades later, those who write in this blog now (including myself), will be old folks for waiting the time come, leave nothing and gone… what’s the point for argue like this now?

Being good or bad for new potential owners/investors (those bring the +/- comment)? 按着良心吧! 善恶到头终有报,只争来早与来迟!

January 11, 2010 at 4:39 PManand

You mentioned that I'm same team with BG. That's is speculation. I'm not a member of any team in this blog. This's a fact. I hope, you understand the diffrent between speculation and fact now.

You mentioned on some projects not able to obtain the strata title though they receive OC, CF or whatever. This a speculation. Where are the facts? Which projects? Well, meaningless to ask BG to find-out why these projects (first of all which projects out of thousands of projects in Penang) not given strata title. It suppose to be you, to provide the facts since you so interested on strata issues.

GI Joe,
You may approach local police station to get details of the death (bare in mind that it was not a murder or suicide until proven).
I salute your civic mindset on following-up this matter. I hope, as a responsible citizen, you do the same on other issues in Penang that need close follow-up too :).

Kudos guys....Wishing all of you the best of 2010.

January 12, 2010 at 4:33 PMUnknown

Hi, Loo,

Can't believe that you don't understand what is OC and what is strata title, worst, after I had explained. You claimed on x'mas eve that the structure is not strong enough. I ma reply that OC already got, why not strong. Somemore, Bang linked this to strata title, speculate that the building might collapse. So, I ma question on what to do with strata title lo. If you still can't understand, leave it as it is, as it is doesn't matter.

Just, your reputation drop from initially expect, to currently an entry level. So, should ignore your future post la.

January 12, 2010 at 4:35 PMUnknown

RM0.218/KW, is a residential rate. Free for Nov and Dec as below RM20.

January 12, 2010 at 5:00 PMK-ER6F

ur OC still is still based on ur previous layout before conversion of the extra parcel
==" please correct me

January 12, 2010 at 5:00 PMUnknown

Bang, your turn.

Not so interested to reply other but I give special treatment to you.

I read through you latest post, but really can find a point there. Really a blank comment. Only to express your emotion.

Maybe I combine yours with GI Joe, some total up make some weight.

1. First, I never deny that strata title for IR is still a question. But I also try to make you clear that strata title is nothing to do with safety. That is accessed during OC/ CF.
2. We still need strata title so that you can have your own title for your unit. Otherwise, all units will share a same mastertitle. Only than, we can manage the condo by our own.
3. Some condo can't get the strata title because the oweners did too much of renovation and the management was not controling this. But I am not sure if there is other way out for this kind of cases.
4. I am just seeing people giving input on condo I have 1, and it is pretty normal for me to ask more for verification. In the process, non-genuie speculator will react like you.
5. As I have made my stand earlier, I don't mind to continue keep this few -ve points under "discussion", as long as able to find out the truth. But I think you are a bit out of bullets already.

That's for now. A bit boring already cause not new point posted

Sunny Villa is an interesting one, maybe Catherine can share more details. Anyway, My friend just sold it at RM300K.

January 12, 2010 at 6:39 PMUnknown


You are right but this doesn't concern any safety issue. Extension is only rebuilt the partition wall. No change in the main structure. The main structure supporting the partition wall, not the other way.

Agree if you say this is concerning on the strata title. This is still remain a question form me.

January 13, 2010 at 11:34 AMUnknown

soory ah BG , keep you waiting , i m not so excited like you , day and night stay in IR blog only , no others investemnet meh ? only IR ?

I am actually not interested to read your comments , like a sale man keep on telling peoples no problem , small problem, small problem , we can solve it . But once you bought , you bear for all ...

I do not see your Weight leh , to me you are desperated buyer , smart investor will not choose project like this. If yes also already sold it diam diam , go for next investment .

What happen ah ? Not even 1 single shop open ? almost 6 months already OC obtain .

May be this is something new for us to discuss ? BG , u know WHY ?
OK ah if in front of our house , there are 2 row of shoplot left abandone ?

If nothing wrong to do all the extension , then why the government set the rules , reject some of the strata title ? The government also like me old aunty eat kenyang kenyang nothing to do ? 'Siok siok' reject this and that ?

January 13, 2010 at 2:33 PManand

Aiyo "aunty" Bang,
You got to eat kenyang kenyang everyday, why making so much noise or shall I say nuisances. Be happy that you can eat kenyang kenyang, other no food to eat. Be considerable, do some charity lah..donate food, or go and sleep, perut already kenyang, what else you need :)
What the shop go to do with IR. Again, you posting without even making sense. The only similiarity between these 2 projects is same devoloper/contractor. Infact, the shops got OC first before the IR. I don't understand why you're making so much fuss whether the shops are open or not. I guess, the owners are not so concern as you. Why ah? because you're perut kenyang? or because you're old aunty whom can't keep mouth shut..have to say or post something without facts. Anyway, one of the shop is opening soon, it's a beauty saloon. Maybe you need to visit this shop.
Even Ivory Plaza's shops (in gnd floor) were empty for years. Pls check the 1st floor, 90% still empty. Are you saying Ivory Plaza is a failure? Come on!!! Pls check the condo price now compare to when they launch, then you will know whether this project is a failure or not. Pls aunty, enough of all your crabs...
Sorry for posting in such manner, I just can't tahan with all the nonsenses.

January 13, 2010 at 3:41 PMNEC Andy

Helo. Recently one of my friend who is planning to come back to Penang after been in JB for 5 years, and she ask me any good project? To tell the true, I am also looking for a condo in Penang and I Regency and All Seasons Park are in my list. Just wan to ask what do you all think of All Seasons Park? Good for own stay? IR? Thanks.

January 14, 2010 at 11:47 AMUnknown


Not suppose to tell you but for special treatment, I can let you know that most of my investments have been converted into cash. My current renovation in IR is free. And I don't need to sell IR to start of another investment. This is the max I can tell you.

You have no interest to read my post, but you keep on visit IR blog to read my posts. Haha! What a funny statement you made. Really out of bullet already. So want to discuss about Palazzia?

From other blog comment, Palazzia design is trendy and special (not my comment). I like it as well. I bought IR partly because of Palazzia, and considering to get a unit if possible, so I can walk to work everyday. It is true that no shop open yet at Palazzia, but bare in mind that at the same time, D'Piazza mall at the town center, get the OC at almost the same time, also only a few shops opened. Not to mentioned Penang Time Square. Those are at prime area. So, is this a project problem, or a global economy issue, judge yourself. But don't act like you don't know that 2009 is a recession year.

And.... please learn that this is not the way to use the word "abandon". The project is comepleted with OC and just waiting for the tenants.

January 14, 2010 at 11:59 AMUnknown

Hi, NEC Andy,

I can't say much on IR, otherwise someone will call me a salesmen. Please read through all the 730+ posts and don't missed out the -ve point by Bang and his gangs. Then call up an agent for more info, or go into the condo to have the real feel.

January 14, 2010 at 1:19 PMUnknown

Hello Anand , good to see you here again , but please lah , why say sorry , nothing wrong with your comments wat .Wanna act like you are nice guy, always talk nicely except this time ? Funny guy leh , who care !

Thanks ah BG , I just learn something from you.
You sold all your others investment , left the one cannot sell , IR , for your own stay. Good idea , now I can say you are smart investor.
Youu see , now I call BG , no more desperated BG , because you are not desperated , you still have the last choice , sold your current house and stay in IR.
Anyway this is just what I GUESS , may be this is your first and only house.

Oh ! wanna become my Englishhh teacherrr ?I mean abandon by the owner due to....sorry ah , wanna go makan , next time tell ....

January 14, 2010 at 2:20 PMUnknown


Finally you learn a thing, but sayang nothing is correct.

Currently, I have 3 properties including a small estate. 6 months later, maybe left 2, but maybe add another. I am part time investor but my existing house = IR. Blur? No need to guess la..... The more you guess, the more mistake you made. I don't plan to sell IR from a very beginning and until at least next 10 years. But I do have plan to change my IC to IR address.

How can I become a teacher to an aunty? Just want to point out that you use the word "abandon" is misleading the readers.

Forget 1 thing earlier. It is true that I alwasy stay in IR blog. In fact, I already stay in IR. In my office, I am monitoring KLSE online, so I can visit this blog on and off. At home, I also monitoring Europe and US market online, so, I also can visit this blog frequently. Just, something the post were too blank and I malas to reply.

January 14, 2010 at 3:43 PMUnknown

kenyang kenyang , wanna kap siau some more.

got self introduction some more ... ha ha ha , where is your self confident gone ?

Yalah , no choice what , how to sell IR now , wait for >10 years is the only choice , then see whether by that time can get approval for strata title or not.

While waiting for buyer , treat it as your dreammmm house , enjoy ya.

Hold your money invest in a condo for >10 years ? I think you are the only investor will do that , either you have no choice or STUbIt

Normally smart investor will try to buy before launch , sell just after OC.
May be IR special case ya, got so many -ve comments.

Still I feel like a sellmen hard selling his ............. malas mau cakap

January 14, 2010 at 5:17 PMUnknown

Haha, Bang,

I knew you will say this but I purposely introduce my properties to you and let you comment. The introduction made upon your request, where you keep on speculating on how many house I have and bla bla bla. Then, you comment me no confidant. Really doubt you able to link up your own comments together. I think you a bit confusing yourself.

This is the condo I planed to move in 2 years ago, and it is not an investment for money. I started my renovation right after the OC without think twice. Where got people sell all the property one? You don't keep one for your own stay? If you keep one, means cannot sell? Then, why you keep PP? Your thinking really look like alien to me.

Somemore, with the flexi housing loan, you don't need to lock down your money on 1 property. I can introduce a banker to you if you don't understand this.

Another observation: You really a copy cat ya. Whenever I use a new ideal, or new term and new point, I can find it in your very next post...... example "malas". You not only run out of bullets, but also words.

You said smart investor will sell the condo right after OC ya. Then why you sold off VG?

All your comments 打死结 one. Not supporting each other. The more you post, the more you make yourself like a fool....

January 15, 2010 at 1:08 AMpeter


No need waste so much water liur talk to bang lah.... He kap siao so much at here for the purpose to made the IR price drop, but seen like now IR market price are sky high too,now 1200sf need 400k also..No drop pun after suicide case or other issue,and demand so strong too,many ppl looking for IR now ( my friend is property agent so i know)...Conclusion, he eh kap siao is useless...IR price also sky high now..

So bang 你吹啊 IR price sky high ko..hahaha...bang u may ask ppl don buy IR, but seen like the potential buyer want buy IR oh, so what can u do?? continuos 吹here? u are welcome...hahaha

January 15, 2010 at 1:59 PMUnknown

Fire ???
Oh , now I remember , the one disappear for months after I request him to upload his SPA as what he suggested. MALAS not jawab betul this no standard , some more "NO HOOD'(no egg) guy.

See his comment, full of emotion , no change leh after hiding for months.

To potential buyers ,
look back the previous comments , count on how many advertised for sale , how many for rent and how many interested to buy , then judge yourself .

Some time , some desperated owners will log in as different name , pretend he want to buy a unit.
Or some will ask for sky high price to give an impression that the sale are so good , the price so high and high .
But when asked to prove , DISAPPEAR for months.

To BG , old Aunty teach you something ya , sorry lah to other readers not related to property

time to eat again, BG , tak larat betul nak jawab semua ... some more need to teach ....

January 18, 2010 at 10:58 AMLaBBiT

BG...can I have your email or msn? i am going to get 1 unit there...i need some advice on u :)

hope u dun mind...aligato kam sia xie xie ni

January 18, 2010 at 3:01 PMUnknown

Haha, Bang, your post is like talking about yourself....

1. Login different name: This is the tactic you use, revealed by site admin earlier. Just go to check the current transaction price la. Want me to introduce a sales agent to you?

2. Lost confidant: You are the one who always telling people a smart investor should be like this and like that. Somemore, if you no interest to know, don't ask la. I already declair earlier that this is a special treatment to you only.

Also, some og the owner emotional cause you are offending people. But just don't understand why you also so emotinal. In fact, I feel like you are the most emotional people in this blog.... until must come back to check the post here daily although have no interest in IR.

You should be ashame of youself bang.

January 18, 2010 at 3:11 PMUnknown

Hi, Fire,

You are right. Ths aunty "Bang" is really kap siau only. Initially I also thought she knew a lot of things and try to get more info. Later find out this aunty just shoot blankly, so try to play play with her. Now, not even have a good bullets and words to do any blank shoot. I think her posts are actually (can't find a suitable words, but my wife will have better points when she want to argue with me, maybe should compare with my daugther...) can be ignore. The funnist things is, her comments can be back fire one and some talking about herself..... :D

Try to have fun only la. But if you think I was posting too much, maybe I should reduce and event stop right now. Se how la.

Anyway, nice to be a neighbor with you.

January 18, 2010 at 3:21 PMUnknown

Hi, LaBBiT,

You really want IR meh? Got ghost one wor..... the ghost always kap siau in IR blog for no purpose. And the ghost already an aunty. Just kitting ya.

Actually, you can visit IR resident blog for more info. There are already 2300+ posts from the residents.

Otherwise, give me your email. I don't want to post my email here, later the ghost come in boomba my email and don't want to go. Hehe!

January 19, 2010 at 12:56 AMLaBBiT

yes BG...i love ghost place LOL... MORE ONG<--- in hokkien :P

just ignore the other "ghost" who ka ka cau cau here la...no point arguing with this kind of "ghost"...save the energy...mebbe after i get the unit will invite u to my hse warming :)

yep...my email is supadupa@time.net.my

I have a few questions pertaining this IR need to clarify b4 pay the deposit...love to be living in this condo...can't wait to be one of your neighbor :)

January 19, 2010 at 11:26 AMUnknown

You see another speculation by desperated owners. Among themself , posting comments to creat an image like there are so many peoples intersted in IR .

The real GHOST is : WORRY on cheating on the actual size , not following the building plan submited to goverment . What may happen if you not follow the building plan design by engineer ? The worst is collaps. So many 'collaps' case in M'sia , tak hairanlah kalau satu lagi .....

To BG , Fire , LAbbit , Anand , they feel no problem with 'cheating' the government on the actual SIZE, not following the building plan design by engineer , approved by government.
To them the government REJECT starta title 'SIOK SIOK' only , set all the rule 'SIOK SIOK' also.

But actually they have no choice , they already bought , like if you are already in the sea , what choice you have other than swim swim swim ?

Logic ah ? a potential buyer come to internet bog to find out some infor from another blogger before decide ? Unless he is STVBIT. I guess is another desperated owner trying to 'cheat' again.Not enough meh , cheating the government on the actual SIZE.

BG , the desperaed owner who talking so much on what properties he own , what share market he monitoring , now forgot what he have said .

Really no standard , 'Bo hood'(egg) , not even brave to said WHO AM I .Peoples critic a bit , change , now pretend I never said that . Same group people like so call Fire (but infact 'Bo Hood') , where is you SPA ? ruaway agan ? Don't forget you are the one suggest to public your SPA. Or you never said that ? see above your comments.

January 19, 2010 at 1:50 PManand

I guess you still don't understand the differences between speculations vs facts. Anyway, since you're an old aunty, whom always like to eat kenyang kenyang, it'e meaningless to waste my/our/your time to explain further on the differences.
Yes, I bought an unit months ago. I bought the unit with justification based on facts, not from blogs. I bought the unit after the death incident and knowing the strata title issue. In life, risk need to be taken, but it must be justifiable risk. I personally talk to developer regarding strata title and of course, they might said/given excuses which any rationally people will not buy-it, but at the end, either you purchase the unit with justifiable risk or don't purchase at all, and other might just grab the unit in split seconds when you let go it. So, pls don't think sub sale purchasers or stupid by just based on blogs or sweet talks by developer or owners. We have senses too. Anyway, to cut it short, more and more people buying IR units now, and infact, it selling like hot cakes now. One of my fren just bought an unit higher by RM5K than my unit (lower floor than mine). Well, believe it or not or you might just say another gimmick is your problem. Neither you or me in loosing end.
Don't hatred me/us by my/our posts as we don't want to be curse by an old aunty :)

January 19, 2010 at 3:28 PMUnknown


If a building is not safe, no OC will be obtained. For OC, gov will check the structure strength. Strata title is only a documentation to split the master tiltle to strata title (I start to doubt whether you understand what is strata title). You may be not good enough to understand this, so I forgive you.

Ya... we are in the sea, enjoying on a cruise. You are the one come over, yelling and ask people to swim swim swim..... ????

Who told me earlier that she stay in landed property, and already sold off Vista Gambier, and still holding Palm Palladium? It is the old aunty Bang who talk more about her property and tried to show off earlier. Now she complain on me for doing so upon her request.

Who forgot what she have said? It is the old aunty Bang.

Who is despreted and full of emotion? The old aunty Bang.

Who login with different name? The old aunty Bang. This one I am very sure as the site admin have checked her IP.

Haha... it is funny to see a person critic on herself. So pity that she don't like herself and come here to imagine all people are like her and shoot them.

I think it is enough from me la..... feeling more and more like talking to a people from 疯人院.

Anyway, Bang, I forgive you for all you have did, as CNY is coming, and we all want to live in peace. All the facts you want to post, already here and can be find easily. The question on price, just get a property agent to ge the answer.

If you still want to continue, see how la. I will respone if I am free. Also only you made a valid and good point.

January 19, 2010 at 4:51 PMUnknown

like a small kid , when argue until no more bullet , then say 'i don't want to play with you'
run away

desperated BG , how is your cruise ? sure ok right . the only thing not OK is the GHOST , the WORRY on the 'cheating' of actual size , the building that not follow the plan ,...

Forgot to tell you , all the 'collaps' building got their OC also , still runtuh juga

There always an alternative way call 'iilegal way'to obtain this and that .

ENjoy your cruise , who know what going to happen next ...

To be continue .....

January 28, 2010 at 11:43 AMUnknown

bg , fire anand ,...



bg , fire , anand ,


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