Article by Freemen
How you can buy properties with little or NO MONEY DOWN
It is possible to buy a property for FREE in Penang.
With the escalating property price in Malaysia, it seems almost impossible to buy a property these days. And then I came across a property seminar which can show me how to buy properties for FREE. Of course I was doubtful. How is it possible that I can buy properties for free and at the same time get to keep some money? Nevertheless I was at the seminar and had an “AHA!” moment. The trainer showed me how to calculate my financial freedom number (this number is unique to individuals). Using this number, I am able to design my property portfolio.
What next? How do I go about getting my property for free?
To know more please visit to register.
As we were the first batch from Penang who went through this seminar, there was no data for us to refer to. To say we were skeptical about buying a property for free was an understatement. However, 4 weeks after attending the seminar, one of us did buy one property for FREE and made RM9,000 in the process! That got us all excited and you can imagine our enthusiasm in getting our FREE property. We followed the formula exactly – all 21 steps in total. Most importantly, we bought properties using the fundamentals to property investing. We use the rental market as reference. Since we are buying property for investing, we will need to either rent it out or sell. Selling prices are closely related to the rental prices as well, therefore, we always need to ask ourself “Who is going to rent our property and at what price?” We also find out what the rental rates are like. With the exception of houses, a good benchmark for all residential investment grade properties is about 6% (or more) rental returns.
I share this formula here with you. It’s easy to use and to calculate. In fact many property investors benchmark their property worthiness based on this formula:

If a property cannot achieve such returns, i.e. the selling price is too high as compared to prevailing rental rates; it is definitely not a good idea to buy.

With this formula in mind, one after another of us got our properties, and for FREE! In the process, we’ve found a TEAM of trusted members and joint venture partners. Most importantly we showed that it is possible to buy a property for FREE in the Penang market AND make money too. There were many naysayers who say it CANNOT be done in Penang but we are testament that No Money Down is possible in Penang.
Our success rate now for the 2nd batch of participants at the No Money Down seminar stands at 82% i.e. or every 10 people that attended the property seminar, 8 will buy a property for free. The 1st and 2nd batch participants are now working together to negotiate deals with developers and we are in the process of establishing a Real Estate Tycoon Club (RTC) in Penang.
My dear friend and Property Coach will be in Penang this coming Saturday, 18th Feb to share with you about the current property market. To know more about the property sentiments as well as how we buy our properties for free, come on over to Vistana Hotel at 7pm.
Freemen is an organization which has been training investors since 2008 to benefit from any market. We’ve made 200 individuals more than RM3Million in profit, investing in over RM30Million worth of properties, ALL with no money down! Property Coach from FREEMEN will be in Penang on 18th Feb in Vistana Hotel at 7pm onwards. Book early as we will be expecting a full house.
*SPECIAL OFFER: 1st 10 people to register in for this event will get a FREE book from Ho Chin Soon.
So hurry, learn from the guru and take action now to register here as seats are limited