State tackling housing and traffic woes

The state government will not run away from problems faced by the people such as the issues of affordable housing, traffic congestion and civil services, Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng said.

He said the state had allocated RM500mil to ensure affordable homes were made available to Penangites.

“To deal with traffic congestion, we have open tenders on a proposal to construct three bypass highways and a sea tunnel costing around RM8bil,” he said in his speech at the DAP Chinese New Year open house at Penang Chinese Town Hall on Jalan Mesjid Kapitan Keling yesterday.

On Nov 15, it was reported that the proposed traffic alleviation projects are a 6.5km sea tunnel connecting Gurney Drive to the northern side of Butterworth, a 4.2km road from Gurney Drive to the Tun Dr Lim Chong Eu Expressway bypassing the city centre, a 4.6km road linking Bandar Baru Air Itam to the same expressway and a 12km dual carriage road from Tanjung Bungah to Teluk Bahang to pair with the existing coastal road. - By The Star


January 31, 2012 at 2:04 AMpgkia88

If you care about traffic, just allow your officer to perform their duty without your councilor or yourself to intervene. Illegal stalls, and illegal parking has became more rampant under your administration. We can see kopitiam doing their illegal extension to their original structure, illegal stalls set up in public beaches and children's playground. I can go on and on, and give various example, and even call to complain, but in the end no action taken. So I guess, LGE either you buck up or we boot you out like KTK.

January 31, 2012 at 11:26 AMcondomana

Hi pgkia88,

If you vote LGE out like KTK, then who are you going to vote next? Vote for "Mr Pendatang" ah?...:D

January 31, 2012 at 3:08 PMMaverick

Some people just like to look at the small corner and mumbling why the rubbish is not being noticed and clear if off at once.

As a penangite, I see there are so much activities and effort to improve Penang and believed most of the local people are very happy to see the improvement and result in the last 4 years.
Truly there is no perfect government in this world, that's why people need to keep an eye and constantly feedback to the state government is very necessary for continouosly improvement.

You can see many Taiwanese are not happy with the current President but they did not choose to vote him out as they know that even though he may not meet all the requirements but at least, he was doing fair good and quite "clean" (as long as majority believe u are clean, then u are clean).

Likewise, do u think anybody else can do a better job than LGE?

February 1, 2012 at 2:06 AMpgkia88

Hi Condomana,

I will still vote for Pakatan, because i believe in the Pakatan's manifesto. But what about others who voted for Pakatan in hope of a better goverment, but turns out they get the same sh!t? In my neighbourhood, we have frequent Rukun Tettanga meeting, and "off" the meeting, there will be some chatting regarding politics and everyday's life. And I am very certain that the tide is against Pakatan now, as it is previously against BN goverment. The common complain is like what i mention above. The constant intervention by exco member on MPPP officer to carry out their job is also one of the major concern.

Dear Maverick,
To you it might be small matters. But to some it might be big deal. For example, car parks illegally in neighbourhood, because some people would like to go for their lunch of dinner and blocking the road. When the residence around that area complain to the police and MPPP, they took action by issuing summonses to those who park their car illegally. But what happen next is the MP for that area intervene, and from there onwards, no matter how many times the residence complain, no action is taken. Imagine having to struggle your way back home everyday, because some idiot decided not to walk a distance for their food, but rather just stop their car wherever it pleases them? Yes, small issue to you, but what happens during emergency?

Also, do you know that there is a lot of time when MPPP officer tries to take action against illegal stalls, but was stop at the last moment from doing so by LGE? So, do we want Penang to become a lawless state?

And NO, i do not wish BN to govern the state. What i wish is for a change in CM, perhaps a CM that dare to take action because it is a right thing to do, rather than because it looks good on a newspaper. A CM that will do his job without fear or favor and irregardless of race. Don't ignore the complain simply because you want to look good in the eyes of the Malay voters. You are merely making the rest of the voters pissed off. We are merely asking you to allow the officer to perform their duty, is that too much to ask?