Buyers want explanation from developer

The video clip below showing a group of buyer wants explanation from the developer for a delayed project. The video clip has been shared on youtube on May 24, 2011

Updates: The video has been removed by the user who posted the video in youtube (2nd June 2011)


June 1, 2011 at 1:48 PMmark

I wonder is this in Penang? And also wat property they're referring to.....

June 1, 2011 at 1:59 PMJoseph

If not mistaken is CEO project.

June 1, 2011 at 2:01 PMmark


June 1, 2011 at 3:14 PMbeehui

Then what happen to One Residence??? Same developer rite?

June 1, 2011 at 3:14 PMyh

so many of them are yielding, shouting, raising volume against a lady... how u expect her to answer 1 by 1 after being treated like tis? the worst part is tat an indian guy mentioned i work in servise sector n look at how he talk... service sertor or argue department? not to forget tat chinese guy act like gangster...

June 1, 2011 at 3:15 PMSK

Ideal GM...

June 1, 2011 at 3:53 PMlightning

I think they should not do this to the ladies manager. it is not up to her to make decision.
pity her.

but this ideal group famous to collect RM20,000 to RM40,000 money up front for booking before signing S&P.

if the buyer is frustrated, they should ask for a refund if S&P cannot be signed.

June 1, 2011 at 3:53 PMkucing

Ideal group, yes the same directors / family from the previous Fu Huat Group ...
They just keep changing names from one to another. (Fu Huat -> rich focus -> Ideal ... as I know )
Go and ask those bought Fu Huat / Rich Focus Group's projects 10 years ago and check with old bankers, you will hear lots of "story" from them !

lesson learnt :-

Always buy properties from reputable developers and not XXX developers !
... that will save you the trouble and anxiety to go there and bark at them and be called a "dog" in return !!

June 1, 2011 at 4:01 PMjack1981

CEO in penang? wow!

June 1, 2011 at 4:42 PMcondomana

I think it's not right to put the lady's photo up like that. Who ever put this up, if you're a real man (obviously he's not lah, judging by the way he's hiding behind the camera), you should put the director's photo up, not the employee's.

I do not know what the purpose is for the whole thing. If I were that lady, I would have called the police in to maintain order.

*sigh*. Very kurang ajar. Their fathers never give proper training for manners.

June 1, 2011 at 4:50 PMcondomana

Dear kucing,

Sometimes it is very difficult to judge lah, people say the Goh Bros very bad (poor workmanship ...etc), but I have to admit most of their customers made big bucks over the years. Take a drive up tanjung bunga, the Cove seems to be one project with highest occupancy rate, easily > 60%), in spite of well, the very shoddy workmanship..:D

June 1, 2011 at 4:52 PMkucing

The real "kurang ajar" is the developer !

They "put" the lady GM there to take all the bullet !

Condomana, be hesitant to "kesian" this lady ok ? Her annual pay plus all the hidden perk (booking good located units at a discount or under counter monies from crazy buyers) can scare the shit out of you !!

I know one lady manageress who used to work in a big developer company, she just need one big property bull run (like this one) for her to retire from work !!
That is true !!

June 1, 2011 at 5:03 PMkucing

Dear Condomana,

Talks about this Goh Brothers ... huh, yes ! Normally those hit and run speculators are running away with money, but those really buy to stay ... you know what happen ? most of them ending up paying lawyers to sue them !

Friends from Gurney Beach Resorts, The Cove, or even his office projects in Menara BHL, Gurney Tower, Menara Northam .. most gang up to take class action against his various development companies to court !!
Issues being :- defect here, defect there, this one missing, that one missing, promise you tiles but give you carpet, promise you 5 lifts but give you 3 etc or even sinking funds also missing misteriously !
I am telling all the truth, don't believe ? Go and ask around those owners !!

June 1, 2011 at 5:10 PMcondomana

Dear kucing,

So what you're saying is if someone earns a high salary + good perks, that person deserved to be shouted at and unreasonably treated with no dignity? What about her assistant? She got the same treatment too when she tried to explain something to that Indian guy. Assistant also earn big bucks? Or maybe that's the reason she gets shouted at less, coz smaller pay cheque...:D By the way, anyone knows her name? I mean the GM.

June 1, 2011 at 5:10 PMameer

May i know whats the problem they are arguing about? Care to share?

June 1, 2011 at 5:22 PMkucing

Condom-ada, (kidding :)

If you choose to work with wolf, you must expect to be treated like a wolf ! (People will cry and wallop you !)

As the real boss hide to nowhere, what can all the victim do ? If Condom-ada is also one of the victim, what would you do ? Date the lady out for dinner ? (judging by your gentleman approach )

June 1, 2011 at 5:36 PMameer

I would like to say a big thank you to the guy who recorded and posted this video...let this be a lesson to learn to all !

June 1, 2011 at 5:45 PMcondomana

Dear ameer,

Care to share with us the lesson that you learnt from this clip?

June 1, 2011 at 6:07 PMPenang Fan

Most Indian customers are much more difficult to handle than others. When they are educated and have some money they can be very bossy. This is one good example. I think the lady manager has kept her cool and this video only shows the negative part of the client more then the developer. I think we should be fair and not take sides. This scene was taken secretly without the manager consent. She can easily sue for this if she wanted to.

June 1, 2011 at 6:27 PMLeong

Sue based on what? Invasion of privacy? If can then Paris Hilton would had made millions instead of mixing with some lousy penang millionaire
Also dont need to mentioned about race here.
Did you watch the clip without audio? You can clearly hear them saying that the management gave them the go around before they came in group and confront the company. Unfortunately the buck stop at the GM at that point.
I wonder if you would put up the holier than thou attitude if your money is stuck for 5 years. Same as their project.

June 1, 2011 at 6:32 PMLittleDragon@Ranong

Ya, what is the whole issue about?

June 1, 2011 at 9:10 PMching han

this lady she dunno how to run the company la ... come one la guys u see what she have nice car and branded bag ... i believe she make a lot of money from this project. maybe she is one of them .. any way my point is, if customer on fire, pls do not raise the fire grow bigger again. find the way to cool them down 1st and dicuss. and as a pro person or so call GM, should not said those rude word such as dog or etc.

you all must know y customer angree, all this money is thier hard earn money. try to think as customer, if u paid off everything already, and the developer keep ask u wait and wait and wait and wait ... (wah like that better tell us wait long long la) see what will u feel....?thanks for the video man....btw u guys can raise thise issue to MR Lim

June 1, 2011 at 9:59 PMameer

Dear Condom ana......the lesson learnt is the customers are always right.

June 2, 2011 at 1:47 AMJJ

The Ideal group (so called they claim themselves to be) a damn polluted bad name company in property line.
The issue here is not about whether putting a lady GM, a Chinese GM or whether the buyers are Indians (pls don b racist)..The true problem is this developer is already notoriously well-known in the market of luring the buyers into buying their properties by giving attractive discounts (not many buyers would really go & make a thorough survey), then they will delay the projects by giving out all sorts of ridiculous excuses..repeatedly..Simply do a research with the bankers if you have some close friends in the banking line, alternatively, ask around construction line friends, would review how bad
this developer is.
Afterall, I am one of the victim 5-6 years ago at the iDeal Regency condo project.

June 2, 2011 at 2:44 AMpgkia88

The GM should sue the guy for attempted molest and possible kidnapping for being so hostile and refusing to allow her to leave. I can see that all is a bunch of monkeys investor who finally got the heat when their investment went bad. blame it on yourself for being greed, loser! Also, the video camera prove himself to be a pussy, hiding behind a camera and talk big without showing his face!

June 2, 2011 at 2:46 AMpgkia88

Trust me, if they put a malay guy up there as a GM, these bunch of hooligans will be like kitten. They will say something like," ampun tuan, boleh saya tanya agak bila boleh dapat OC, tuan"? " Tolong lar kita sikit tuan, kita tamak dan kena terbakar sekarang ni". I actually laugh my ass out looking at this bunch of idiots...LOL. serve them right! 800k? So what!

June 2, 2011 at 8:36 AMVoice

CEO is under commercial unit, and it gives much beter return if you hit it right. However, this is not "protected" under the housing development act, hence it is NOT the standard SPA.

If we think that too many investors in our housing projects in Penang, I think 95% of the buyers (if not more) for CEO are investors. How many of them are buying the unit for their "own use"? They're mostly buying for rental yield.

These investors should read their SPA carefully to see their right, and I won't be surprised that they may not be able to do anything. This is business, everybody will put the SPA to their benefit since it's not a standard SPA for commercial unit. The Goh Brothers did the same as well!!

Don't jump, because this is a lesson to learn. Blame ourselves on our own greed.

Poor GM, there goes her career.
What will she get if CEO gets appreciated 2 folds? Will these investors share the fruits?

Give her a break.

June 2, 2011 at 10:02 AMCottage Design

Ideal GM is So Calm & Pretty. :)
If I were to deal with all these gangster I also feel wanna cry. Yet she is so CoOoool..
Welldone Ms.GM. :)

June 2, 2011 at 1:12 PMJoseph

I think I will also make noise at the office there if such thing happened to me. Luckily I pull out my purchased. To me, I find that the lady GM is not fit to handle this case.The iDeal Regency also one of the failure project. Many shops there are still empty. I heard its price is dropping now.Invest wisely...must choose the reputable developer.

June 2, 2011 at 5:10 PMPublic talk

Base on the above comments, i can said the developer try protect the management. How can the developer GM can behave like this to their customers. During buy new property did did you think she can said like this?
IDEAL PROPERTY spoil their own name.

June 2, 2011 at 5:15 PMPublic talk

Look like the IDEAL PROPERTY " set up" their own people to protect their own management staff ( GM) and the company as well.

June 2, 2011 at 5:45 PMCottage Design

Huh? Property price drop? In Penang you mean! ? ? ? GOt ah? Joseph! ? I want.
Alright CEO drop please price......
I am waiting.
Must be below your purchase price 5 years ago yeah?

June 2, 2011 at 5:48 PMcondomana

Hi Public talk,

Assuming you are her boss, would you fire her for this episode of PR screw up, or keep her? (Another assumption is she's not the bosses wife)

June 2, 2011 at 6:27 PMJoseph

Hi Condomana,

Of course the boss will not fire her as the boss may be hiding somewhere dare not come out to face this situation. Come on, i think most of penang people also know the way this company running its business.Another on going project will also face the same thing as the developer will delay in stamping the S&P.....

Invest wisely....

June 2, 2011 at 7:17 PMPublic talk

Hi condomana
If i her boss wont fire her and this not matter fire or not fire. I said should not talk this to costomer like this. If you are the buyer are you accept the seller use nasty words to you infront of few people and further more base on the video clip the buyer asking for delay payment, if you are in their possion are you just keep quiet and wont fight for the rights.

June 2, 2011 at 7:50 PMchristine

Dear supporter of the GM,

U all really don know how frustrated of us (purchasers). Fr beginning how the lady GM acted & talked to us...? She likes to play "Taiqi", especially play "BALLS". She cannot face problems, I never see a business woman so Lousy! When asked her something she always tell us "she cannot make decision". It's enough !! When she face problems she will like to escape. How she can be a GM there?

Hv u seen when the time we all there in the office? She is hiding in her own room. We asked her what is the next step the company should do? We paid all but cannot get what we want. Only gave us the unit's key but cannot do anything. We cannot do business, somemore hv to pay bank interest, who will give us pocket $$ ? I think u all never buy a property so don know how's the feeling.

U thought we r so free to go there argue wth her? Lower our standard to talk to her ! Go there see her play Taiqi?? SHame of her & so sorry to her family >> she is really RUDE & THICK SKIN. I m wondering how she scolded her customer "DOG" & she don mind ppl call her >"BITCH" "PROSTITUDE".... SHAME SHAME SHAME !!

June 3, 2011 at 1:18 AMpgkia88

Christine, from the way you write i can tell that you are those auntie auntie that hang around in market, and try to earn a quick buck by speculating the property market.
Anyway, let me put you in this senario. If you put your money in a bank, and the bank went bankrupt or whatever, is there any use for you to go beat or quarrel with the bank branch manager? Just like in this case, the lady GM is just another employee. If Ideal cannot complete their project on time, why dont you sue the company? Or you guys realise that you can't win the court case, because you simply sign an agreement which you do not bother or do not undetrstand?
Anyway, the video is only few minutes long, and i am sure in the beginning some of these hooligans are hostile towards her, thats why she choose to walk out from the meeting, which is the right things to do. But she was block by an idiot who tries to be hero, and can't speak proper english, but demanded the GM to speak english! LOL.
I seriously pray that these project cannot be completed, and let these hooligans filled with debts!

June 3, 2011 at 1:21 AMpgkia88

Public Talk, do you use Google Translate when you post your comment? LMAO

June 3, 2011 at 9:21 AMsad

Apparently someone chicken out by removing the video in YouTube. Anyone still have the copy? Not to victimize anyone, I find that this video is valuable in term of educating all parties.

If you were the one who is the victim, and suddenly chicken out, I think you are not worth to be supported.

This video serve the purpose on educating all parties..

1. Customer service industries... Please learn from this video how to handle a customer. Don't make the same mistake.

2. Buyer/investor.. Please learn and do homework before investing or buying. Check details and the portfolio/track record etc...

June 3, 2011 at 10:15 AMsimpleman

first of all, let me make things very clear. I am one of the buyers. i can sense that there may be people from ideal who are trying to make things "right" & look good on them here on this thread.

1. do not assume we are investors. some of us want the office lots for our own soho businesses. for those who cant debate properly, please shut your ass up.

2. do not assume we never read the spa. i own quite a number of properties and i understand commercial office units are not covered under the residential housing act (schedule h or whatever) and i do understand it is not their obligation to follow anyways. but professional developers do. i have properties in kl on commercial titles but developers are good enough to follow the housing act to protect the buyer's interest.

3. please do not ever be racist. indians or chinese or malays, as consumers we just want our rights. and dont assume you know about the whole situation that we didnt sue them because we would lose. some of us have issued lawyer letters but they chose not to respond. we are not dealing with liquidated damages alone, this developer sold a unit of size 460sqf to me but could not honor it because of bomba incompliance, and insisted on just handing over a unit of less than 270sqf with a small compensation of either 20k or selling the unit back to the developer at cost price (3-4 years ago). so people who defend the gm or the developer, hear this loud.

4. get to know that we do not want this confrontation to happen. ideal denied all entries to the buyers when we went to them 1-on-1. i was denied an audience even with the gm herself, let alone the directors. their sales personnel looked at us like beggars and conversed in a very rude manner when we went 1-on-1. so stop being the smart alec that we did not use all avenue to try to negotiate in good terms with them. we were simply denied an audience 1-on-1 and in a group, we were still given the attitude by this gm from the beginning.

5. i do not want to comment on the people who talked in this clip. i remained silent and objective most of the time and i only approached the gm towards the end of our meeting. some of the buyers might be rude and have had their blood boiling in their veins, but get to understand where they are coming from before you comment and show your stupidity. in any service line, you do not give attitude to any of your customers. if you dont agree to this, you might as well be one who fails your role in the service industry to begin with so you are not fit to give comments here. the gm in my opinion, from the beginning throughout our meeting, gave us the feeling that she was just trying not to meet us or run away on problems. she was arrogant and ignorant, again treating us like beggars. and as a senior management staff, my opinion is that she is not fit in whatever way, be it representing the company or otherwise. Agreed, i cannot concur with some of our folks who spoke in an unwarranted manner, but the gm shall never engage her customers that way, including calling people names. thats plain pathetic period.

6. all developers will build the spa to favor themselves. thats all the more reason we went in as a group to demand an answer which we did not get even on the day when this clip was taken. we got tired trying to reach out to them since last year so we chose to act in a group.

7. after this incident, their treatment to us improved in our several follow-up meetings. thats the power of consumer rights. dont talk and act like the gomen of the day that the countrys money is their own and we have to beg for it. we pay, you serve period (professionally).

i hope i have made myself clear enough and have helped the owners here out a bit by clarifying.

June 3, 2011 at 1:12 PMcondomana

Dear simpleman,

You made your point. Fair enough. Keep us all updated on the progress. Very good case study.

June 3, 2011 at 1:39 PMCottage Design


Good Explaination. I accept it.
Can't any law protect the buyer?
Can't we do anythingto the developer?
Can list out the owner of the company?

They dare to do this thing. Please put their name so we know who are those guys who do this.

June 3, 2011 at 3:43 PMmichael

By all fairness, we should listen to both side of the story before we can give any judgement. Customer is not always right in a certain extend. Has anyone here in the service industry get threaten by customers before? This video is only show part of the whole episode.

June 3, 2011 at 4:13 PMFREETHINKER

Open letter to IDEAL (& timely reminder to all other developers).

Let this issue be a “chapter” of the whole story book. You still have few chapters to go. Let’s make it a good one.
It is not too late to make amend for CEO and also the rest of the current projects.

There is chance to make it a turning point. “Buang yang Keruh ambil yang jernih”

There is of course many ways any developer to take advantage on the buyers through the SPA. But let it be more ethical and humane. Don’t continue hide behind the laws. If we would to seriously read and understand it, I think most of us won’t buy any new property. Then of course we will lose every opportunity. We have to “gamble” it.

It will be very severe to your company if you would go through another round (if ever another problem form your other new projects) of such Face Off as buyers nowadays know their rights and dare to challenge. The cyberspace such as this blog is good enough to give some dent (or damage to your rising reputations from new launches recently).

We are in NEW DIGITAL era and if the fall of few governments have proven that, so what is the big deal about company. The spreads can be seriously extremely fast...unlike the 80’s and 90’s where developers hold the edge and there is lack of information.

If the president can be tracked down and bring to court and thus I think directors too can liable. The world is so interconnected and INTERPOL can also help for commercial crime. So company directors will be more responsible.

Surely companies have to make money but please deliver the goods in proper way too.

I believed even your land owner and JV partner will rethink future collaborations.

Let’s do a win-win. Confrontational and “you hit me, I hit you” style won’t work.

Don’t cut corners anymore.
Don’t try to use inferior materials and sub-con to many cheapest contractors.

It’s not too late to repent.

Let’s prove that IDEAL is not just a good developer for great & contemporary design but also for its CAT (Credibility, Accountability and Transparency).

Let’s start all over and reset to a fresh new start. Don’t always use SPA and laws to intimidate buyers.

By end of the year your Sg Ara 1R project will be another yardstick to measure your performance, KPI & Quality. Let’s give a good surprise and silence the critics.

June 3, 2011 at 6:22 PMpenang

A Contract is a Contract. There is no other ways to settle dispute but to refer to the Contract as it is the case of a willing buyer and a willing seller. If both parties agreed to all the terms and conditions, why argue and cause so much pain to individual. No sane person especially those frontliner will attack a person for no apparent reason. Frankly most of the property sales person who this RUDE GUY or BRAIN DAMAGED person. He just simply shoot bullets even when handle properly. He favorite phrase is YOU ARE IDIOT & STUPID. The clip shown is only part of it and never from the very begining when the lady is in the meeting room with clients and were rudely called to come out of the room. She has tried to explain that they are waiting for the top management to instruct but these ppl just keep pushing and scolding her. There are others ppl there seeing the real scene when it happens.... These ppl are silly if they think the staff is responsible for their loss - they should target the company as eventually any compensation should come from the company not the staff.

June 3, 2011 at 11:56 PMpgkia88

Ikin, you are gutless. Why do you removed the video? Is it, because you know that the general public sided with the poor GM rather than the hooligans buyers?

By the way, you try to imply that those who comment against this group of hooligans including yourself belongs to Ideal, and you are an idiot for saying that.

I have repeatedly mention that, why dont you just sue the developers if you think they void the contract? Whats the use of making noise and act like monkey to the employee? We the readers here couldnt care if you sue Ideal or Ideal went bankrupt. We only comment on the action of you hooligans who arrest the poor women against her own will.

Miss Ideal GM, please consider filing for police reports, as i think you have the right to do so. This people verbally threaten you, and one of the monkeys even physically block your way out. And you can sue them for attempted kidnapping!

June 3, 2011 at 11:59 PMpgkia88

Freethinker, by far i think you are the only educated buyers on this property i can see from this website. I urge you just to sue the developer if you think your rights as a buyer, or the agreement you sign with the developer have been breach.
Anyway, it still dont justify how some monkeys behave in the videos. :)

June 4, 2011 at 1:58 AMFREETHINKER

Fyi i am not a buyer here.

I m stating the truth that many developers are hiding themselves behind the SPA. Some of them have gone too too far.

I also dont agree with confrontation sytle. We are Malaysian.

June 4, 2011 at 11:54 AMJoseph

Get the assistance from the Local Authority or YB Lim to settle this issue.This happened to the shoplots beside Vistana Hotel too and finally able to settle by the YB.
No point argue with the employees as they also been pressed by the management too.

June 4, 2011 at 12:34 PMpenang

What usually happens when there is a dispute:

1. The buyers would demand compensation either verbally or in writing, usually based on their own assumption.

2. The Developer usually buys time and delay as if they do not have to compensate as per the SPA, they dont pay. If they have to pay, they will try to delay as it does not benefits them. If they hv to, why not pay later, why pay now? This is whereas the frontliner is main VICTIM OF CIRCUMSTANCES i.e. staff following management instruction and yet have to face those hooligans abuses and threat.

3. The frustrated buyers will then start to groups more buyers thinking that they can presure the developer and which is actually happening to Ideal. Those who knows their right will usually follow up with legal proceedings and usually gets settlement in court or at least in an amicable manner.The smartest one would wait longer to let the court ruled the judgement and then have little difficulties in getting his/her entitlement as there is already a precedence.

4. The staff of the developers usually ends up taking harsh remarks from hooligans buyers, some to the extend of being shown WEAPON and etc, buyers even hurdles bad remarks on individual as though the staff is the one taking their money. Against all parties are only VICTIM OF CIRCUMSTANCES. i.e. the Developer never want to deliver late, the staff never wants to offend the customers, the customers does not want to lose money in their investment.

Sad that there are still ppl not matured to handle the situation well and acted to cause pain on others because of own bad decision i.e. to buy, signed the contract and landed themselves in bad investment.

If one has a chance to read the SPA, one would wonder why these ppl if they are smart can signed such agreement giving rights to the Developer to do what is deemed proper even to the extend of not getting any compensation should one part of the property is not delivered. Agreed with FREETHINKER that some have gone too far but again it is the case of A Desperate Buyers and a Crook Developer.

Right way of settlement is either via the LAW as the SPA is signed. This method of settlement is fair and would not unnecessary pain to individuals.

June 8, 2011 at 12:36 AMGreg

unable to view the video, anyone can repost the link? Tk.